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CREO - First Impression?

moriarty....agree with you totally on the Modify tool. In the beginning, I only used it to scale the sketch while locking dimensions. But it comes in handy to test whether your sketch is properly dimensioned and constrained or not....especially by spinning the wheel and seeing real time how the sketch behaves.
dr_gallup said:
I wouldn't touch CREO with a ten foot pole for the next 2 years.

have you not been paying attention to mindripper. PTC does not innovate, it just uses gimmicks. So there cant be much different in Creo...go ahead and drop that pole.
moriarty said:
MarkEngr, you can set your default handle increments with


Modify... is also really helpful - once thought it was a
toy but its fantastic for sorting out misbehaving

And don't forget about the options dialog. For the current discussion of incrementing dimensions, there may be times when you need to change other settings such as snap to grid and the grid origin if the the point you want to increment from doesn't lie on the grid intersection.

And I guess we all know the argument that comes next.
Edited by: kdem
PTC can be very innovative: buying CoCreate was quite innovative. PTC was very innovative when they were developing Pro/E. Unfortunately they haven't done much development work on Pro/E for a number of years now (that I am aware of): I am hopeful this will change with Creo. And I hope dr_gallup is wrong: it would be nice if the next version of Pro/Eis significantly improved AND STABLE right out of the box. In any case, my employer surely will not be adopting it for at least a couple of years: things move very slowly here. We will probably be upgrading to WF4 later this year.

Meanwhile, all of my new projects are in SolidWorks. These projects are updating the designs of products made by companies we acquired, where SolidWorks was used for the original design work. So it looks like I will be phasing out Pro/E in any case, due to forces at a higher level.
PTC or Creo Element is the same from 5 years.
Is almost dead.
I feel a deep regret.
I really believe in his resurecrection.
My enormous regret?i will be oblige to work with Inventor.
But what i can do?
I oblige myself to upgrade

Best regards
PTC appear to have done a fairly bad job of the launch. I could understand them not releasing much before the official launch, but would have thought they would have flooded product demo videos and all the rest.

From what I've seen it looks good, but PTC marketing needs a bit of work. First we have the orange-suited-farce in October, and then more videos of Pro/E staff than the actual software.

It seems interesting the Creo Parametric is cheaper than Creo Direct. Am I right in saying Creo Direct is new software, not just CoCreate updated? If that is the case, I suspect Creo Direct will become PTC's primary offering.

yea, its a new cad app,built from the ground up, as they say. (using granite kernel i guess).
its ironic that the direct modeler is so expensive, spaceclaim is alot cheaper and is more capable i believe. another irony is their creo blog. you can read the same thing, probably a hundred times in different posts. nothing valuable there.

Edited by: solidworm
Did they really fix anything in Creo 1? Even their CEO admitted they dropped the ball that last few years at
PTC(understatement)in his speech and let their
competition get ahead. I wonder if this is another menu
of the year change? PTC is so far behind Solid Works in
stability and software automation can they ever catch up
and still keep that unix based kernel? Maybe I should ask
are they still unix based kernel running xtop windows
manager? I posted a video of over 10 minute searches in
Wildfire 5 and would like to see if that is fixed? What
good is a search engine that only works on parts in
session especially if you are trying to find a part in a
10,000 part assembly you cannot load in memory? Are they
still using that worthless "graphic rep" for working in
large assemblies? Other packages seem to have mastered
this technique even Cocreate worked well using
lightweight graphics? All I hear on posts is "it looks
promising" or "neat" or "nice interface" and yes "love
it". I say where's the beef?
It's been out, what, 3 days? Give it some time to see what it is. Reports from those who've seen it have been favorable, but again, it's been 3 days.

Use it for a couple weeks and then tell me how it is.
The search dialog can search for things not in session. One of the things I found that would return no results is if you opened a simplified rep that had a sub assembly that was excluded. The parts in this subassembly would not show in the search results. I don't know if this was your case or not the video and your description didn't say. To search for components not in session you need to select not retrieved in the Options drop down list which is not active by default.
I still don't understand what PTC are playing at, they rant on about
Creo for months, then when they release it we have a few videos of
their staff talking about it, and that is it.

What about some videos showing the new functionallity? I thought
maybe they would trickle stuff out, but their website has hardly been
updated. I could do a better job of marketing it myself.

first, lol at this thread, its almost pure awesome... nobody hosts a pissing contest like engineers, and nothing draws interest in a CAD pissing contest like solidworks fans and their delusions of being a pro/e killer... to answer the OP though, first impression is we're @#$#&*^ doomed!!!!!1

ok, so can iplay both sides and stir the pot??

solidworks, not sure it will ever take over anything, last time i used it, you could still draw 89.9 degree angles and not get caught in sketcher,i hadodd things occuring whentrying to do what i thought was a simple family table approach to make multiple parts, and there were also accuracy issues i would come across that made me not trust the models/assemblies that i myself drew... yikes...there were also things missing in assembly mode that i have come to expect in pro, but i forget now... oh yeah, lets not forget the biggest one, sketch now, extrude later... lmfao... who improved that, feature cut was enough years ago... oh my!! so yeah its cartoon like prettiness and simple to start working front end are cool, but inside i lost trust in itand i no longer have it on hand so the last version i ever touched was 2010.. funny thing was, that version did the same crap that SW98 did, thats when i bailed totally.. i dont see going back without a fight, or unless i have no choice, pro is too awesome to me

pro/e, where do i start... who was praying for a code rewrite, lmfao, i have one quote for you "Exception - code was -1073741819" bwahahhahaa.. come on old timers, thats funny!! the concept of a friendly front end and graphics interface (and death of menu manager??) is easily the largest whole scale failure in all of PTCland, the ribbon in WF5 drawing mode is an abortion of ineptitude... its so screwed up, it wasn't even screwed up properly...i'mlimping by nowon what mapkeys still work, and the ALT button, becausecontext sensitive.. err context insensitive.. owns me, i have no clue what tab i want!!the bitch list really could be endless, however as a CAD tool and as bad as things look today, i'm staying put if possible.. its still the most powerful modeler i have seen, models and assemblies just work, imported STEP's are cake, sheet metal mode kicks ass, has everyone beenthru pro/cabling?? abusive learning curve, butOMG what an awesome module... basiccuts/revolves/sketcher (once mapkeyed) are all quick to use, and a one two punch of family table and simplified repsalone to concoct a myriad of assemblies (while cryptic) is mindbending... ever mirror a rep in a family table... w00t

in total, the learning curve of pro/e has never been so steep, but the rewards have never been so valuable... yeah SW is super easy to pickup, but its secretary CAD to me... 5 min to learn, 10 to master, now what...having just began training a summer intern yesterday, nothing is so appearant as this... still, she needs to get off her crutches and suffer, until she swims with the big dogs, life on SW is over for her, my companytake 20 years to switch even if PTC fell off the earth today

finally, ascraptastic as creo is for a namesake,solidworks will always be coined sortaworks, because its biggest consistancy seems to be that is sorta works

since pro/e 31, WF 5,creo 1is really a patchwork release... i guess i'll hold on untilpro 32, WF 6 or creo 2 comes out, things just can't remain like this... currently on windchill 9.1 and creo 5 errr 1.0??? at work and 'old' WF5 stand alone at home, i guess i will justhide the razor blades until the next version comes out hoping and praying that things improve
WF5 or Creo Elements/Pro is not Creo 1.0. Creo 1.0 (just released this month) is, effectively, WF6.

PTC created a lot of confusion when they renamed WF5 "Creo Elements/Pro".
The idea was to disucss the finer points of PTCs latest endeavor, but
it just keeps on rolling into the groove...
Edited by: SW
MarkEngr said:
Why dont the ProE users wait until WF10 before we get to the speed/productivity of SolidWorks today?

You mean the speed/productivity involved in absorbed features and converting entities each time you want to try and model something in a robust manner? Yes! It is already here today in ProE! It was here last year and the year before as well!

Enough with the infomercials :)
There is a reason why SolidWorks is the top selling 3Dmodeling programon the planet. The program is simply customer driven which in my experience is the veryqualitymissing inProE/Creo or whatever PTC decides to name it. Absorbed features or converting entities ntl, SW will continue to improve & acquire a larger customer base. You wanna bet $ on it? WindChill is another nightmare all by itself.

fin au d
Well, how many seats installed is one matter. Good for them. If they are selling so many seats why cannot they fix simple things like what I mentioned above. I took a break from SW between 2003-2008 and they made no progress in some areas. The most useful thing they have added in that time is the boundary surface (useful for what I use the software for before anyone jumps on me!)

So if it is customer driven, does everyone like trying to hunt out absorbed sketches and having to remake projected curves every time they need to reuse geometry?

You can have the soapbox back now. I am more interested in hearing about Creo as I have stopped maintenance and do not have the latest versions.

