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CREO - First Impression?

We switched to SWks last year and it is amazing how much
more automation is in the drafting package. We can cut
drawing times in half with SW. I can count on one hand less
a couple fingers all the enhancements PTC has put in Pro
Draft the last ten years. We still pay maintenance on PTC
hoping they will get with the program and start adding some
useful enhancements. I have tried three times to download
Creo 1 and it has failed. Hope to look at it soon!
3 enhancements in 10yrs

why are SW users so full of b'sh*t ? and why only SW users
- no SE no Inventor no Catia NX etc - just SW users.

Are all SW users such vacuous fools?


Edited by: moriarty
SW said:
Have a look a this video posted by Cmon over on

I was almost impressed.


I don't get it. I did not see anything I haven't been able to do in Pro/E for about 20 years. I could have made a model that would have successfully regened in any of those positions in Pro/E release 2. I couldn't just drag is around but who cares? I'm a numbers kind of person anyway. In fact, they had to keep making a bunch of extra menu and screen picks on edges that seemed totally unnecessary,
moriarty said:
3 enhancements in 10yrs

why are SW users so full of b'sh*t ? and why only SW users
- no SE no Inventor no Catia NX etc - just SW users.

Are all SW users such vacuous fools?


SolidWorks users have already seen the Light, esp if they have used both ProE & SW extensively. Yes its flat out amazing how much faster & rational SW is.
Haha, how to loose any credibility. Make the above statement!!

What parallel universe are you living in? Sounds good.
gelanz, MarkEngr

you still haven't answered why SW users hang out in ProE
forums proclaiming to have seen the Light ?

does it make you feel superior or what?

are you short?
unloved in your childhood

what is it ?

its clearly psychological because its just software
Edited by: moriarty
dr_gallup said:
SW said:
Have a look a this video posted by Cmon over on

I was almost impressed.


I don't get it. I did not see anything I haven't been able to do in Pro/E for about 20 years. I could have made a model that would have successfully regened in any of those positions in Pro/E release 2. I couldn't just drag is around but who cares? I'm a numbers kind of person anyway. In fact, they had to keep making a bunch of extra menu and screen picks on edges that seemed totally unnecessary,

Dr, thats direct editing, moving model faces directly, no sketch or sketch edits,or features are involved here.i mean those edits can be done on dumb imported models, thats where it has value. you can input numbers and dimensions as well to precisely locate faces or assemble faces just as you would in an assembly. extra menu picks and selecting edges is to guide the software to the result.

Edited by: solidworm
solidworm said:
... thats direct editing, moving model faces directly, no sketch or sketch edits,or features are involved here.i mean those edits can be done on dumb imported models, thats where it has value.

I'm not drinking the direct editing kool aid. I get the value in editing a dumb import, but for building from scratch, nope. Sure, the direct editing guys will be off and running faster, but when that design change comes in on the day before release, I'll have mine done and be home for dinner while they're burnign the midnight oil to get theirs done (or begging for an extension).
In the 20 years or so I have been in 3D modeling I cannot
remember where I have had to change a IGES or STEP file.
I leave the vendor parts to the vendor. Most modelers are
fast these days anyway if I need a model I can make it.
Its the thought that goes with the design that takes
time. Most vendor parts on the internet are worthless
anyway, they model helix threads on their fasteners and
every little .005 inch radius and so forth and blends
everywhere. Carr Lane for example. You end up with a
little simple valve that is 5 megs. Place it in your assy
30 places and you are out of RAM. I end up making a 130k
byte envelope model 99% of the time for all my vendor
parts. Then I do not have to wait 15-45 minutes to open
my models. So yes its neat to push and pull surfaces,
nice wow factor but I have not needed it.
Well, if you don't feel the need for it, don't use it. if you havent recieved dialysis in your entire life, it doesn't mean that its not useful for any other human. there are plenty of resources on the web to study more about direct editing and its usecases, you can search and find.

Edited by: solidworm
I need to modify step files for one of my cutomers all the time. These
are not off the shelf parts, but parts designed and modelled as a
concept by me, then adapted for manufacture by the supplier. We
sometimes end up with two parrallel models if they are working with
a different CAD package.

People tend to resist change, can we not try and appreciate what PTC
have tried to do here and comment objectively? Have a look at
second quote down by old Teddy.

<a href="" target="_blank">http://</a>
Edited by: SW
Ive been using the Creo Routed Systems and am really impressed.and with the Creo Pro/CABLE things work similar however much better.
The issue we had with Pro piping was every time you create
a pipe it was hard wired to create a new file for the pipe.
If you ever deleted a pipe feature in the file you could
never create a new one. What were they thinking? You had to
delete the file totally out of the system. Good luck doing
that with Windchill. PTC would not fix it. So basically its
the same as creating a new part and then deleting your
solid and start a new profile and create a solid. But you
cant unless you delete the part file first and create a new
part. PTC is so inconsistent in how they do things. Did
they fix this in Creo?
I AM THIS CLOSE TO THROW MY COMPUTER OUT MY WINDOW!!! THERE ARE SO MANY ISSUES WITH THIS CRAP!!! FIX IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U SUCK!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

