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How to Design a MAG WHEEL

Hey guys, thanks for the comments, much appreciated. To answer your question, the wheel was modeled with a combination of solid and surface modeling. Here is my tip to getting to the point you want to be at. Think of something in your head that you really want to model but may not have all the modeling skills to do. Force yourself while making the model to figure out ways to achieve your modeling goal. I learned what I know by pushing myself to make models that I shouldnt have been able to make at my skill level. If your like me, through out the day I basically look at random objects and model them in my head. If you find an object in the room that you cant model in your head, that is the model you need to make.

Sorry, i'm babbling again. Wheel looks good Skwasim, center lug housing may be a little small but your on the right track. Good work.

happy to know i have been appreciated by person of CP"S callibre anyway u said it right i do model the things in my head before transforming it to pro-e but i do go wrong at certain place as the curves n profiles tht are present on the object are kind of difficult to draw anyway i will try it out thanks CP for ur tips
You kinda got what I mean but go deeper. When your sitting at the breakfast table, model the salt shaker in your head. When your at the dentist, model his light thats staring you right in the face. Things like that. Those are some things to do that will make you a thinking rocket on pro-e. Second nature, hope the tip helps.
[-Skint- said:

LMAO at Megaladon & Phoxoey, I am the pro-e noob and all of my serious models look like that, haha nice to see some people having fun with pro-e and taking away the serious side of things for a change

But.... back to being serious. Nice work again there CP, I must say your modelling is super. Have you thought of approaching companies and offering your "contracted" services for advertisements etc
make yourself a few more $$

It gets confusing trying to follow so many threads and not forget to answer a question. I am currently in the process of starting up an online design firm. I thought of what you said but couldn't thin kof a way to find the people or how to sell myself to them.

Thanks for the kind words guys

Edited by: CPiotrowski

thanks CP ur tips always work for me next time u will see the better of me i will surely strive hard to model and render
CPiotrowski said:
[-Skint- said:

LMAO at Megaladon & Phoxoey, I am the pro-e noob and all of my serious models look like that, haha nice to see some people having fun with pro-e and taking away the serious side of things for a change

But.... back to being serious. Nice work again there CP, I must say your modelling is super. Have you thought of approaching companies and offering your "contracted" services for advertisements etc
make yourself a few more $$

It gets confusing trying to follow so many threads and not forget to answer a question. I am currently in the process of starting up an online design firm. I thought of what you said but couldn't thin kof a way to find the people or how to sell myself to them.

Thanks for the kind words guys

Hi CP, if I was able to create the images that you are capable of creating, and you seem to be able to do them fairly quickly, then you could even try approaching manufacturing companies that have to constantly update thier catalogues with photographs etc, as you know yourself these photographic sessions are not cheap at all, rendered models could be a cheaper alternative for them. Also there are many marketting companies here in the UK which seem to be converting from conventional photography to rendered images, not sure if its the same in the US. Perhaps photography is much cheaper there, i dont know.

Anyway, worth a thought. You never know, you only need one job a week which makes you an extra $300 which should enable you to concentrate on breaking into the ID or Car industry in a super job that you deserve
CP, forgot to mention your design firm. Keep us posted, would be very interested to hear your developments with that.

just publish ur work online in the form of pics and belive u will have one hell of response by the way iam also in the process of startin my own firm out here and had a tie up with comp out here
When the belair is doen I will be able to concentrate on smaller, faster models. Cars just take sooo long to create. I do have a sort of plan for myself, hoipefully it will pan out. I will keep you posted.
I am amazed by what some of you have created. Great job guys!

This is something I would like to learn more about. Can anyone recommend some good books/tutorials on surfacing? A mag wheel would be a nice challenge.

hiiiiiiiiiiii cam721

i can send u some surfacing as well as isdx tutorials plz P.M with ur mail id and CP eagerl waiting for ur belair updates

