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Involute Gear design

Hello can you send this Power point to

In Pro E you can create the involute by equation using Insert Datum Curve

Db=Base Circle

Insert Datum Curve > From Equation>

ang = t * 90
s = (PI * r * t ) / 2
xc = r * cos(ang)
yc = r * sin(ang)
x = xc + ( s * sin(ang))
y = yc
Why use cartesian coordinates???

Use cilindrical coordinates for both involute curve and path curve over which you sweep the tooth sketch.Then usevariable section sweep.
Edited by: bbei
how hard is to download it from the link that os2man4 posted?

if you don't see the link it doesn't mean it's not there. Look harder.
The PPT looks interesting, but I think a lot of people will give up on the number of equations to derive and the complexity. It can be done a bit simpler with a true involute geometry. My method is based on DIN3960 (don't blame me for being Belgian

I have to apologize on my previous posting though. I was a little too fast offering a download location. Apparently, if I would allow people to download the file, I would end up with problems regarding copyright etc etc as the file is intellectual property of the company I work for (although I built it from scratch).

I will try to write a guideline on gear modeling.
Edited by: bbei
I amnew to proe,i have a problem in drawing involute gear ,i don't know how to draw ?i haveheard that powerpoint presentation for involute gear. Can anybody send me the attachement at

please help me

thanks in advance

There are two links in this thread that take you directly to this presentation,
one on thesecond page and one on the third page of this thread,
Edited by: Hacks
I have read thru the response. It seem like the focus is on the active profile of the involute gear. Are you guys doing anything with the Trochoid profile?

The Trochoid Profile is quite difficult when you have 12, 9 or even 7 teeth and "no undercut". It's very difficult to design gears with fewer than 9 teeth and try to get rid of the under cut at the same time.

I spent countless hours trying to automate this process in a different CAD package. I finally got it to work reasonable well. If anyone of you have a need for a true involute gear (spur) active profile + true trochoid profile , I can provide assistance at small fee.

The model I provide can be used for CNC machining, EDM wiring, plunge EDM, STL for rapid prototype. I can provide in STEP, IGES, Parasolid (.x_t), STL, and etc... The model can also be used for design and packaging. I can provide gears in mid-value for quick prototype as well as MMC andLMC for packaging tolerance study.

I am an active member of AGMA committee. I can be reached at:

Or visit my website at: to download a sample of my work.
Edited by: GearHead22


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