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Is Proe "old-timer"?

Well you missed one. Prod doesn't let you rotate a part around an axis
that's another big problem he has with the software. Ledo you should
read skints post one more time. Each cad system is just a tool. We all
(that is people on this site) use at least 2 or 3 different cad systems and
they all have their problems.
Doug is correct about price and maintenance. Pros is much more
expensive than sw.
By the sounds of it you have not been using prod too long??
I doubt "big fishes" in industry with a long time in the buisness would be so kind to switch to "modern" system as SW or SE are announced to be(doubt they really are

The biggest of the big fishes in Europe are cars manufactures. They established their roots on Catia, Pro/E, UG(suppose Ideas is gonna be R.I.P soon).

The second behind them are parts suppliers, and they have also their own suppliers. As long as this chain goes down, there is a lot of mess around. I noticed often, that Major suppliers still can posses separate PDM and CAE systems than their clients(DC, VW, VOLVO, SCANIA, etc).

The question is- What is more probable to happen supplier will convince its client to change the system, or vice versa? Think about that!

I assume till manufactures like DC, VW or AUDI won`t push to skip to CATIA, the situation will be left without change.

Summarizing it:

Ledo - You must wait and be patient
I wish I had read this before I answered Ledo's other post about the rotating the part.

Ledo, if you're uphappy with ProE, use a different package that suits you better. I use ProE and SW every day and both have their fair share ofproblems and annoyances but you just gotta find a way round them. Yes sometimes it takes time and it can be very frustrating but that's part of the fun sometimes.
I assume we(users, members of this forum) should stop doing marketing job.

Leave it alone for Advertising/Marketing guys. Finaly You want earn a cent fot it. No worth to tear ones clothes.

In return - let`s help all this desponded guys to achieve same results in Pro/E, that they assume are not possible.

One retrieved user is worth more than thousand of new ones(sh*t maybe it was vice vers?
Skint, I remember working during a summer in warrington council offices
for house design and planning. The boss of the drawing office had never
used a computer in his life! He usedto laugh at people who did designs
up on a computer. He was so fast and accurate with a pencil it was
amazing to watching his skills. It made me think back to those good ole
boys building planes and ships etc their organization skills and
visualization must have been very good.
Funny though I often miss the joy of sitting at a drawing board and
working through a tech drawing. I have probably forgotten most of it!!
Anyway ledo, take it easy today, it's Friday!
[-Skint- said:
]Im going to start an ebay shop.... fill it full of Pencils, Rulers and Erasers

I remember when I was a young lad (in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, come on the Deise, that's for you Patrick) I often went into work with my Dad ona Saturday morning. He would sit huddled over a drawing board wizzing round with his pencils (10 or 11 at a time) drawing pressure vessels, piping and all that sort of stuff and I was always entralled. Pure art to me, not that wishy washy painting on canvas. 30 years later I do it on a computer and I know that my boy is nowhere near as impressed as I was......hey ho maybe he'll grow up to be an art's student....sign.....God I feel old now

well I really enjoy using CAD, 'couse"

*I have clear hands(no pencil marks)

*I care of environmnet(don`t use so much pencils and paper)

*I am rarely frustrated becouse of I made mistake and I can`t erase it form drawing

*drawing board does not has an access to MCAD forum
> It made me think back to those good ole boys
> building planes and ships etc their organization
> skills and visualization must have been very good.

Truly awe inspiring in come cases. At the time I was
around that kind of person I was the one fabricating
the parts, building the assemblies and making it all
work, e.g. finding the errors, which is in part why
'virtual prototyping' is so fascinating to me.
Proe is too hard,... Whaaaaaaaaaa
Please,.... someone change the diaper, its starting to stink in here. Engineering and CAD software is getting to the point where it does most of the work and what is happening is people don't know what they needed to know to do the job back in the day. If someone took a computer and todays software away from todays engineers, we'd all be in trouble. People who use Pro/E every now and then usually hate it because they don't know it. The rabbit hole is deep when it comes to Pro/E and it burns me to hear people complain about it who they,.. have only scratched the surface. It's complex for a reason.
> back in the pencil on paper days

Good points, Doug.

Taking it in a different direction ...
I think you can expand to say; and 2D Acadish drafting days.
There is additional responsibility in addressing details and
overhead involved in modeling the details. There are people still
using virtual drafting boards for that reason. It is (sometimes
arguably) quicker for them to work out the details on installation
and document the results with loose depiction drawings and notes.
I'm thinking acft mod centers where they don't have 3d models
of existing structures to import. A good reason for PTC to invest
in their sketcher, model (space) annotation and / or 2D (drawing)
drafting environments?
Not only no but hell no.

Am working with UG NX4 and they can't even grab the concept of table-driven patterning - not even close. Family tables, don't get me started.

Been on Pro/E since R9 and still feel the real genius of this software is largely still undiscovered by most - pattern tables, merge-by-reference, surfacing, assemblyetc, etc.

Seems the currrent crop of developers can only push forward by figuring out more more or less/different mouse-clicks. PTC needs the vision and wisdom of Sam Geisen back - what a genius.

The fundamentals of Pro/E are (still) second to none, it always scares me that the new kids will flush away the gold with the rest of the crap.
I went and read all your answers and i must say there is a lot of "fanboy" attitude in it.

It's not just the fact it can't offset in model geometry and that you cant turn a part if u want. These is just some of basic things that shows developement of Proe is not so up to date as competition.

SW is more of "resurce hog" i agree BUT beacose it is working FOR YOU. And anybody saying software shouldn't work for you and you must work FOR it? I disagree.

I am not saying ProE is not ussable. It's a still greatsoftware. BUT. I must say that from such a big company with such a history i expect more.
Ledo I use solid works, and although they push the software as some kit
that works the way the user works, it is still not the case.
There is a reason that a lot of people are fans of the software, it's cause
it's actually pretty good at what it's supposed to do. Very powerfull, and
comprehensive. Sure it's got it's problem, it's too expensive, not very user
friendly and there are different modules for everything. But once you
have used it in a practical capacity them you will see it's not all that bad.

How long have you been using it?? Have you had any training on the

> I must say that from such a big company
> with such a history i expect more.

Do you say the same about Dassault, UGS, Autodesk (in all their
various incarnations over the last thirty years)? I'm sure you
can find someone that will. That's why these discussions are so
utterly worthless. If you aren't going to address specifics (and
please do so in the appropriate forums next time) why continue?

As for "fanboy"; it seems you're a bit of a fan yourself. Again,
nothing but vague assertions which may or may not be applicable
in your or any other specific context, may or may not be of any
value to anyone but yourself and like minded users. I doubt you
know much more about Solidworks than you do Pro/E. If you did
you wouldn't say things like; 'it's a resource hog because it's
working FOR you'. It's a resource hog because of bloated,
inefficient coding that may or may not ever be cleaned up.

Let me ask you something:
What is the point of this discussion?
What purpose, in your mind, does it serve?
I wanted to know if "fanboys" of ProE agree Proe uses SOME aproaches that are at least 10 years back in time. But i found out there isn't evan a slight thinking present in that way.

The purpose of these post was to "measure" self criticism in some way of somebody that uses one particular software and to found out if these is the global or just local attitude toward criticism of using SOME approaches in software that are out-dated.

And i found out that the situation is pretty much the same. You can't expect objectivity and self criticism from "die hard" groups of people. They wont agree nothing. Not evan the basic things. So i must say i expected these but still i asked these question to see if i am right in my thinking what will happen in the end.

Sure there is no better approach than ProE uses. It's superior in all aspects. That much for objectivity!

And that was the purpose of these debate. To mesure objectivity. But in the end the one that post the question is the jack ass i know. But still i wanted to see for my self what will happen. To know what to expect...
I see.

I guess you're just looking for love in all the wrong places
and the only way I know to help ...
cross posted to: comp.cad.solidworks
subject: jon or jon's evil twin?

I'll waste no more time on this other than to request the discussion be
removed. It serves on purpose of any value to me and there are literally
thousands littering the internet just like it for anyone that thinks there
is value.
People can you tell me how can software work for you.Does it knows what you want? NOOOOOO.
So more options software has, more questions ther will be.For more controle more questions, less contro less questions.
If u are working with complex shapes you want to have a lot of control, some times some odd controls wich cann not be predicted by the dewelopers.

As enginner i want to know what is behind my design, i dont want that software does something that i can not control!
Otherwise i work wit complex shapes and large assemblies (normal araund 3000 parts), and i have no problems
I newer had eny problems with line style or printing the drawing,
and i use ProE from 1998
And config pro is great for coustomizing proe, and with mpkey you can create your ovn set of commands to minimize cliks especialy if you have repitable design requests. .
By the way there is option to do an offset line of sketched line (in wf5 preproduction).
Rotating part around axsis problem even to move it no problem

Ledo,we can go to a coffe to discous what i mean.

Best regards

