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modeling a car

It is not a car but the principle is the same front end of the train completly done with surfacing and top-down design.Create curves, boundary surfaces in the skeleton copy geometry into the parts.View attachment 676

looks great!

I'm curious, was this modeled as part of work or hobby?

Also, I'm just getting in to Top Down design as the moment and was wondering you had any hints or tips for us budding young designers?

I am afraid there are so many things related to theconcept but if you have a particular question I will be glad to answer it.

This is the real project done for the client.Here is the real thing running

View attachment 678
Excelect.. I hope to be that good some day!

I know TDD is a huge area, maybe that's why I'm having problems with it! I suppose my biggest problem is referancing! but I won't clutter up this post with something off topic, I might start a new topic in the morning and see if I can get any responce!

Thanks for sharing te work,

Nice Job Pedja,

How many components are in that assy?

Was ProE hurting when you worked on that assy.

Again, great work, looks real nice.
Thanks Moroso

Front end assy around 400 components (Exterieur, Interieur Frame), the whole train much more.With simplified representations ProE behaved pretty well, surprisingly well
if you dont have isdx then get a educational version of rhino its on the web its a nurb modeler and with all nurbs its for a look see and to stylise a car so its good for what you canlook for the magazine car styling issue162 september 2004.9 it has a nurb tutorial of a car in the back so it might have it on the site or .com you can then import an iges into proe, thats the way its done for real except with ICEM surf models

and the last thing keep the surfaces simple and it isnt that hard to do what you are doing.

what is complicated is when you want to get into go g1 g2 g3 surfaces you,ll find stuff abvout that arround this site but for what your doing its not important.

if you try doing it in proe it will be very difficult i' done it that way so best dont, good luck
miked said:
How many people in this group use strictly surfaces and rarely if ever use solids?

I do! I am creatingonly complex plastic parts with all the drafts and rounds, completely nothing with any straight edge, al complex surfaces, all boundary blends, variable section sweeps, ISDX patches, splines and approximate composite curves. Mostly joined merges. And finally, after the latest mirrored transformed quilt and merge, just one solid. Ready to dive in the mould.
This part has exactly 1006 features, 36 MB Pro/E file.

View attachment 679

View attachment 680

gggggggggg said:
I don' understand your question use strictly surfaces and rarely if ever use solids. Why would anyone do this?

Here is a scenario: Lets's model a cube! I'll do it with solids. There, I'm done! I extruded a 1 square a depth of 1. Done.

I don't get it when people ask this question about modeling with (or more incorrectly IN) surfaces.

I'll try to give an answer ont this topic between solid & surface modeling and why anyone would do that.

ANY CAD package can model a cube. Any demonstration of a package starts with modeling an cube. And always are the reactions: Hey! That's kewl! That's quick! MUUUCH better than package Y. Dummies can work real quick now!

But hey! Who's modelling cubes? The differences between packages occur when things are getting complex. When shapes have to followthe mind ofdesigners. When moulds demand some drafts. When parts have to meet different needs. When FEM analyses require some optimization.
At that point it could be a hell of a job to get some parts right with solid features. Cuts here, protrusions there, in no way you could get the geometry right. So that's where surfaces are of need.There's just no other way to get the desired geometry. And that's my main reason to stick with Pro/E. I've seen no other package that can handle such complex and large parts with thousands of features.

Another important reason is speed and file size. In Pro/E surfaces are just "leaner" than solid features. You can spin, wireframeand save your model quicker. I'm sure that when I modelled my car seat (see one post up) with 1006 solid features, it was way not to handle. It now has one: the last. And it is always suppressed.

Very nice work Huug

Where was the starting point for that seat i.e the crical surfaces to measure off of for Q.C. inspection. Does that mold have alot of inserts?

Great job
Moroso said:
Where was the starting point for that seat i.e the crical surfaces to measure off of for Q.C. inspection.

Usually a point in the back of the round between the seating surface and the back surface. But as our client doesn't require any inspection at all, we've skipped it this time. The part will be from polypropylene, so it can be deformed or warped pretty much. As long as all the mating parts fit, we're happy.

Does that mold have alot of inserts?

Yes! And after testing the FOT's, the number increases!


Very nice part.

Surfaces not only leaner, but when you are putting toolpaths down in cam

you generally create a surface off the solid anyway
It is cool that you are making a car.
My Dad uses Pro/E for where he works and I am just teaching myself this stuff. I started out using AutoCAD. Gotta crawl before you walk. I am just 13 believe it or not.
Anyway, I just sarted doing things on my own (without tutorials) 2 weeks ago. I hear everybody saying to use ISDX or boundary surfaces. What is that? I have been just making cuts and extrusions from solid modeling.
I have Pro/E Wildfire 2.0 if that makes any difference.

Thanx in advance.

P.S. I don't have an A+ in math so I'm not a total geek.
I don't really have much of an eye for style and am still struggling with the shape definition / creation techniques, but thought I'd post in case it might be of interest... Solid modeling functions are of no use for this sorta stuff, near as I can tell. is a WF2 part. There's a buggy datum curve in the file that must be resolved every time the EOP marker is pulled down the list (Quick Fix, Redefine, Resolve and all's ok). If anyone has any clues as to the problem I'd appreciate hearing 'bout them.

View attachment 739
hi, great stuff by great minds. i am not too good with surfacing but made 20 to 30 surface models. Every time i faced a problem from my coustumer related with the smoothness. The component which I am making now is bonnet part it has texture and paint on it. my customer wants the surface model should have great smoothness. I tried a lot but never satisfied my coustomer. I usually take it to Rhino for that. Is there any method so that I can check the tangencies and surface smoothness in Pro/E. Help me out. what this g2 curves actually means. how to creat that?

Thanks for the reply.


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