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Modelling Competition 2006 - Suggestions.


New member
Ok, some of you may or may not be aware that there has been conversations about starting a modelling competition. This thread is available for everybody to list a chosen topic for which you think is suitable for all people to start modelling. This first topic I think, should be something that we are all familiar with, see on a daily basis, have contact with etc so that everybody has the same advantage.

As examples of this I came up withthe followingtopics as ideas :

" Something on your desk right now " This topic could include anything ranging from : Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Telephone, Desklamp.. or even as simple as your Favourite Pen.

Another example of a topic : "" A Piece of furniture "" Design-engine has already ran a competition on another website with many successful designs and concepts for the furniture industry. Furniture is something Everybody see`s and uses daily so you should be able to come up with ideas.

Remember each model has to be original, cannot be a copy from any other source and has to be relative to the chosen topic that gets picked.

Let me know what you guys think, if there are any other rules that we should apply please list. All suggestions welcome.
NOTE FOR ADMIN : Can certain threads me made "Sticky" such as this one and CP`s render gallery etc. By sticky I mean " always placed at the top of the modelling forum " ?

Some more fun suggestions for the competition :

" Transport Vehiclesetcfound in Movies " - Can be anything from the Dodge Charger found in Dukes of Hazard to the Millenium Falcon used in star wars.It could be the Van used in the A-Team or could be as simple as the HoverBoard used in Back to The Future. This wouldbe a much more visually impressive category for some of the more experience modellers like CP and Isair etc but obviously depends on the timescales which we apply to the competition rules.

" Keep it Simple " - as the title suggests. A nice simple topic for all users. A Pen, a bottle, a food container, a drinking vessel of some sort, a new shelf design, eating utensil, anything else you can think of that should be quite simple ??

Post away Ideas guys, aswell as any other suggestions relating to a competition.
Proposal for some propositions and some rules.

Lets try to evaluate this.

1. How old project can be - Can old already created
projects can be allowed for competition or that must be crated in some
time period, which will be decided like a rule here.

2. Can that be product of a team work or that must be personal work

3. Is version of ProE important and how it will
influence (if any influence at ever will be except general meaning
about project)

4. What will be graded:
With version of ProE and influence it can have on judges (or maybe our decisions) I mean next.

It is easy to create something problematic (earlier time) with today
Yes your right Speling, there are many things to consider here and hopefully this thread will eventually end up with a set of rules and guidelines for people to follow.

Personally for me, as you all know I am not very experienced with Pro-e. I am all for pushing this competition though. because I am always interested in the work that you people are capable of doing. Also, what ever part I create will no-doubt be quite simple...surfaces etc I have not had much time with so my creations are limited, however you guys can create masterpieces

Perhaps we should split the competition into groups ? One group for people who have used for pro-e for lots of years, and people like me who have used it for 2-3 months with little training ?

At the end of the day, lets try not to make this too complicated as it should be fun

We still await the responses from many members so lets see what other people have to say. I will have a good think about other things we should consider.

ADMIN : Think about what I said above in the second post. Also..ADMIN .. Perhaps you have done this before and have some good ideas etc ?
Hello all,

I have one: TV Remote Controller

Thisshould cover all disciplines using proE.

I'm sure everybody has a idea of the perfect remote and we should see some wild designs.


And to make it more of a challenge----

one that will notslip between the cushions

Ha.. Megaladon..Winner by a long way!!

Mr.Plastic said:
I have one: TV Remote Controller

well the last remote I did for work ended up with a master model of about 1200 features.. and the last keyboard had a little over 5000 (2000 were a pattern) and that just defines the cosmetic surfaces/splitlines.. (no you can not have the models as I dont own them..

there's quite a bit of work in something like that!

I think you should be looking at something a little.. not necessarily less challenging but a little less complicated.. something which is a one part design. something which you could make a good stab at in an hour or two..

Also.. are these just concept model? with little or no thought on how they will be made?Should draft be taken into account?many a pretty design has been ruined by an engineer saying " I need a 0.3mm split line right here (which happened to be right across your beautiful cosmetic front surface) and at least 3 degrees draft either side!"

I'm not necessarily suggesting either way (concept or engineering model - they both have their place!) but maybe points should be offered for model complexity and design(both aesthetic and engineering)

Just my $0.02...

Happy modeling!

Edited by: james.lynch
That took some time to read through. Here are my sugestions in a nutshell.

I think there should be 3 judging categories:

1: MODELING- The complexity of the model. How many different kind of features were needed to create the model. Smoothness of the models mesh. Errors, etc. Should be presented minimally in wireframe snapshot and clay render.

2: CREATIVITY- The most innovative design. Anyone can win this category regardless of their modeling or rendering talents. Should be presented in atleast a clay render. I can post a simple tutorial on achieving a clay render for all users.

3: PRESENTATION- Everything is graded overall, modeling, creativity, and presentation. This should be presented minimally with textured render considering the realism of the render and details. This will not be too complicated of a model so most everyone should be able to submit a completed rendered model that looks pretty nice.

All models should be created and rendered in Pro-E and only Pro-E with a determined deadline. Old models or team models should not be considered for this competition. Everyone should have the same given time to create and finish their models and presentations. Forums can all support polls so the forum members can be the individuals directly responsible for who wins the individual competitions.

As far as ideas, i'm not completely sure, i'm thinking something mechanical since most people are good at making mechanical models on pro and that will also make the competition closer and more fierce. I will post some ideaswhen I think of some.
I have a simple suggestion that it should be something found in the living room or kitchen and can fit in a determined size box or space claim, maybe 1 foot cube. This will give people the option to come up with many different things to model and will give us better things to look at. You can either model something you already have or go for the creativity prize and make something new. I also think there should be a 2 or 3 week time limit with a predetermined date. This will not be a 2006 competition because if it was the model would be much more intense. This is more like a first competition to see how many people participate.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
I gotta saythat I wouldn;t agree with "old models and team models should not be allowed".. I think this would limit it quite considerably!

you should bear in mind that while everybody will have the same amount of time they may actually not have the same amount of time to work on the model...

another thing is that not everybody will not have access to ARX (advanced rendering extension for ProE) and may put people off..

Also.. I think the part file should be uploaded.. allow prople to judge the model along with the presentation.. I'm sure Mr Turk could accommodate the larger files.. and for that matter.. why not help everybody out in the mean time also and make a tutorial out or your part? show people how it was created? Win win if you ask me.. this may add time so maybe you could pick a particularly difficult feature from your model and do a tutorial on that??
If we want all to be at the same line when judge say go, then something
like Cpiotrowski says is very interesting. What will be created will
not be known until the end of promotion period
Speling said:
About models
Is it good idea to post all works in native format? Where is there thinking about proprietary rights? I know that first I will like to look at those models and evaluate them but... Will all people allow that (what will happened if something is
This is all being blown way out of proportion. This is not a competition for someone to create something thatcan be patented, its a simple modeling and rendering competition. If you make this too complicated noone will participate. Everyone needs to take a step back from their jobs and just look at this as a friendly competition for something to do.

This all started with a comment I made a week ago and now its becoming to tedious. If you guys really want to have a no-shyt modeling competition then enter something into PTC's competiton. This first one we are having needs to be simple and quick.

Please everyone, stop concerning yourselves with copyright and patent issues, that is not what this competition is about and realistically, nothing is gonna be patented of copyrighted from a two week small modeling competition. IF you think your idea is that good then make something else and save the good idea.

think smaller!

Model something, render it for the different categories, hope you win or place. That simple. If people dont know how to render or dont have the ARX upgrade, send me your model and I will render it for you.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Err until we decide what we will model we will need to start another thread because this one would be to long.

Could you possible write shorter post it really tokes a time to read them all

I have read all your ides and combined with mine come to this suggestions and questions:

1. lets decide would this be only a quick contest without a lot of attention (for example: you must model a nice looking bottle for milk, modeling shouldn't use more then 12 hours, you got 1 week to finish and post images).?

2. Bigger competition for only ProE users here on McadCentral modeling only with ProE and render only with ProE?

3. Mega competition including a lot of sponsors, media attention, famous persons and big prizes for winners?

My suggestion is this:
Middle competitions (2) including only member of this forumwith only few sponsors (McadCentral, and Bart mention that Design Engine could be a sponsor).
This is how it could be puled this out:
1. All participants must enter his name and whatthey would model
2. Deadline for entry's
3. Deadline for modeling (this should be enough time for all participants to have time to finish their project)
4. After modeling deadline participants must post shaded (not rendered only basic colors)images of his model in Front, Top, Right, Back, Bottom, Left and 3D positions, so no model uploads would be needed.
After uploading this images there is no more modeling anyone who adds something to his model after modeling deadline should be disqualified!
5. Deadline for Clay renders
Participants must post clay rendered images of theirs models
6. Dead line for Photorealistic renders
After all participants uploads their work it comes judging

Judging part should be a pol where forum users could wot for first, second, third place in categories: Best design, Best Creativity, Best Photorealistic render.
This way users without ARX could win first place in other categories.

As for theme of competitions it should be something in common, and something that everybody could acquire.

Edited by: Isair
I'd agree. think smaller..

I'd also say make it a model competition - not a render one.. I think you will appeal to more people.. or maybe have clear marks for both.. I think clever modeling should be rewarded as much as clever use of lights to hide bad modeling! I also think that you should not be able to win from just havinga good model or just having a good render - it shoud be modeled well and presented well..

of course student version files should be accepted.. they can be converted to the commercial version in any university so anybody can see them.. or save them as step/iges (I think it has that functionality)

I think it should be a ProE competition.. ProD is no longer even supported (and a dog of software from what I remember)

"nothing is gonna be patented of copyrighted from a two week small modeling competition."

I wouldn't aggree. the simplest ideas are often the ones that work best and if a client came to the company I work forwith a 2 week budget they would expet a very well though out concept and only last month we created a concept, the master file and a CNC Photomodelfor a major telecoms handset company to bring to a trade fare in a little over two weeks.. granted it was a push but it got done!

just thinking out loud..

