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Modelling Competition 2006 - Suggestions.

phoxeoy said:
After reading all the long threads I'm left with the question, what was the main idea here. It got lost in all the over thinking that most engineers do. Rules, mmmm...
1. Must be new model
2. Must be a personal effort. Teams could be a different event.
3. Model must be solid.
4. No Assemblies
5. Proprietary models that are not owned by the individual can not be used.
6. No other software package could be used to inhance the model appearance. (this proe people).

Categorize it by years of experience:
0-2 years
3-6 years
7-over years.

Have a common goal with different levels depending on the category. Someone who has a lot of experience should model what is to be modeled in order to have something to judge against. This will provide feedback on why someone's model did not win and could aid in information that could be used later.

Well said!
The plot continues to thickens
Has anybody mentionsubmitting real models so users can benefit instead of a pretty picture?
Edited by: especial
heres one odd ball idea for the project

since we are sitting in front of a monitor why dont we design a new stylish monitor and instead of a flower in it like below we could put an image of your personal pro-e screen with model on it

might be simple but could definately be taken to ahigher levelView attachment 1825

a very quick very poor example

View attachment 1826
Edited by: megaladon
[-Skint- said:


If you actually want toget the attention ofthe Admin of MCADcentral you need to go through the correct channels - there is no point in putting a line in BOLD 5 pages into a threadhopeing that that by chance Mr Turk happens to be reading it!

they can be contacted after reading the FAQ here and clicking the "ask" buttom

Just a few quick comments..

Why only solid models? - a surface model is just as accurate, considerably more powerful and can just aseasily be used to create a tool? granted if you want to get the mass of it or whatever it need to be solid..

as for a one feature part - you can do quitea bit in one style feature! (or warp feature or surface freefore/solid freeform) again nice idea though- I like the concpet!...

again I'm going to stress that the model should be uploaded for us all to learn from and not just have another pretty picture competition!

Isair - I know exactly how you feel about only having an hour or two to spend on this project..

I think the more people who add to "the bible" the better the competition will be.. you don;t jusy come up with a concept/competition/whatever.. you do your research and give the prople what they want/need.. and this is an ideal medium for doing this!
Edited by: james.lynch
I suppose I should have posted this here for an example. I modeled this ROBOT this morning for another website for a 3hr speed modeling competition. This was modeled in 2hrs. 20min. Judging still open. Fast, easy, fun modeling. I would recommend longer than 3hrs. After I do a model like this I sit back and look at it and wish I had more time to do alot more details. The theme was household robot. Just an example. Imagine having a week or two to do something like this.




Edited by: CPiotrowski
Not saying only solid models but the end result should be a solid model. Don't model something and leave it all surfacing.
megaladon said:
lol phoxeoy this forum is for pro-e talk not about your personality

Ha Brilliant!

And yes.. not everybody has ISDX..very true.. and some people (who use ProE from before lisence simplification) don't have surfacing - or many don't have ARX.. but wheredo you draw the line? If you use 50 consturction features adn one boundry blend is that 1 feature? because unless you are going to use some funky equation driven VSS1 feature can be fairly limiting..

Cian - nice model! looks very much likewhat we shoud be going for!

For a few more options - how about something like - we choose a picture of a product - it can be anything (but relatively simple) we sould see who could model it in the least number of features? or make the most robust model by seeing how many variations of the same product you can create by changing only one feature (excluding warp/scale/style/freeform features)?

just an idea..
<DIV>I think a modeling competion is a great idea. I can make it an integral part of this website and advertise it to the users.I have 20,000 registered users for the Daily & Weekly updates and nearly 30,000 registered users for the eBlast.</DIV>
<DIV>I will need your help, though. I suggest you select a committee and a committee leader and come up with a solid game plan - rules, judging criteria, etc. Once that's established we can move on to building the web pages and advertise the competition.</DIV>
<DIV>You have my support, so once you have your committee formed and some criteria planned out, let me know what I can do. I can set the committee up on a private thread if need be.</DIV>
I probably won't have time to participate, but I was skimming this thread and saw the note about using a single feature...

Might be cool to one day have a contest to see who can create a most unusual model by one of the following:
<LI>using a single isdx feature (...probably too easy)</LI>
<LI>using a single VSS</LI>
<LI>using a single warp feature
(starting from a solid cube or a pre-definedimport featurefor instance)</LI>[/list]

Good luck with the competition.

This is finally starting to get interesting and having admin support is a great step forward, so thank you admin

Rome wasn`t built in a day, so there is no hurry to get this competition going within a few days, main thing is to get it right.

P.S Nice robot cp, cant believe some of the models on that simple competition, great work. I thought the robot by Pokimon was awesome, hard to believe that can be achieved in such little time.

