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Modelling Competition 2006 - Suggestions.

Isair - how is it a modeling competition if you cannot inspect the model?

and how do any of us learn if we keep on seeing "pretty pictures"?

Don't get me wrong - I actually really enjoy rendering! I convinced my company to buy it! there is a real benifit to it.. but I think there are sooo many other "pretty" competitions - this is an MCAD forum - Lets make it an MCAD compettion!

I'm not saying don;t render it - I'm not saying do render it!all I'm saying is to model it well and present it well (be that through power point - drawings - renderings - screenshots whatever! then we can all benifit! we can all see how we approach the models and learn! not just look at nice pictures!
James nice to see you again here

Then we can make categories such as:
Best modeling (as CP suggested)
Best design
Best concept
Best render (presentation).
Or should design and concept be the same?

After all deadlines are closed participants upload their models and judging starts.

But modeling judging not all members can vote, only those members who knows what good modeling should look like.
Hi Isair! I never left - I still read most posts but unfortunately havent had much time to reply since joining the "real" world having left college..
- What an eye opener!
I thought this post was worth a comment or two tho!

yeah - the diferent catagories thing is a great idea - maybe we could have it that only Veteran and MVP's can vote on the modeling issue? or maybe a panel get's selected?

I really do feel that everybody shoud benifitand learn from this tho'.. even if the participant has to fill in a short paragraph on how they approached the model! if you want togo into moredetail then by all means do!
I vote for concept instead of design


Who will decide whom can or who cant has right to vote?

I know that is right decision, but how that can be implemented? Who will decide who will be one who have vote?

Edited by: Speling
How about a competition to create the coolest shape with a single feature or no more than 2 or 3 or ?? It would not limit it to kitchen or furniture or whatever. The submissions would need to detail their feature parameters or include the actual part. No import geometry or copy from external of course.

Just a thought. It would take people an inordinate amount of time and likely no IP risks for people at their work.
James yes the real world what a awful place where time is Limes when X tend to infinite of 1/x (I hope I translate it right).

Speling yeah you are right about:
1. All participants must enter his name and whatthey would model
it is better that competition just star and in the end we will know what others have decided to model.

This is just my suggestion how it could this all looks like (and this example is just theoretically):

Competition starts on xx.xx.2006
Deadline is yy.yy.2006 (I think than more time is needed because of not everybody have a lot of free time, also many people must stay at work longer to model their models so all can finish their work).
They must upload model, render image or presentation of their work with short description why they choose what they have model, short description how they do it (model it) and short description of rendering settings.
This way all can see how models were created and learn something from them.

After that comes judging. This could be categories for judging:
Best modeling
Best concept
Best render/presentation

Judging could be splited in two categories:
Expert judging - where veterans and MPV's judge model technique's
Member judging - where all member of McadCentral could vote for 1 place, 2 place, 3 place in categories for Best concept and Best renders.
Member could vote only once.

How exactly technical this could be achieved, this comes Administrators they have better knowledge and resources then I, but I assume something like PTC have for their PTC awards.
One person needs to beappointed to come up with the rules and regulations and any other pertinent information needed to have this competition. I can make a webpage where everyone could go to view the entries. It would be much neater than posting images on the forums. Lets just remember this all started in the Rendering Q&A and Gallery thread. IF we keep it to where we need to just model something in a room in your average house with size limits it will likely go smooth. Lets save the next competition for the more complicated things. We need to just getour first competition behind us.

MODELING: Models do not have to be viewed in .prt format. As stated previously, 4 planar angles and a clay render is plenty for evaluating a model.

This thread is just gonna keep on rambling on until we designate someone to take over and create the competition and rules so lets just do that and save myself and everyone else the hours of reading time going through this book of a topic
I agree with CP in a post I read about 15 minutes ago lol, this thread is getting too serious.

Here are some SIMPLE rules :

1. Topic of competition : Any item found within your house ? You can choose what you want to model, but try to make it something that people know about. I.E If you choose to do a TV Remote then thats upto you, there will be a time limit to the competition so more experienced pro-e users can and will choose more complicated models than the less experienced. Its fact. Some people may choose a tv remote, but will design a "futuristic shape " that hasnt been seen before, perhaps something that your hands sits in, or it molds around your fingers etc... the options are endless. The same goes for more somple models, a Table... just design a Table that nobody has seen before and make it interesting.

2. Who can enter the competition ?. Lets not get stupid here, itsa simple answer : ANYBODY. Its a simple competition for anybody to enter as long as they play by the rules and keep it friendly. The only thing I would disagree with are Group entries entering something spectacular, but that again is upto you guys, and you will still have the same set time scales as everybody else and you also have to give all information about how manypeople are in your TEAM.

3. Time scales : This should be Simple too... once we have a list of all people interested, we set a date of 1 month from design concept to completed model We start on the 1st of month, and end on 1st of following month. Simple right.

4. You will all notice one word mentioned in all 3 topics above... SIMPLE. Lets keep it this way.

CP.... Offering your services as a website "host" is a great idea and thank you for your input in that way, we should all appreciate that effort you put in.

Now... all we have to do is choose a topic, choose a start date, and get a list of entries. The rest is simple.

At the end of the day guys, its a fun contest. I doubt there will be any prizes on offer ( apart from MCAD modelling winner of "month" 2006 ) name you can boast about.

Remember : We are all friends just having a bit of fun with the daily tools we use.
Suggestions for rules for keep it Simple competition

User can enter competition by filing wish to be competitor.

In wish must be:

1. Country and Town from where is competitor,

2. Version of ProEngineer he uses,

3. Years of experience he have.

Competition task and time for work will be unknown until the start of
competition, and it will not be something specific, but something like
this: That should be something found in the bathroom and can fit in 2
foot cube (translated in mm and inch in case of European competitors).

What points will grade:

1. Modeling
1 2
3 points

2. Creativity
1 2
3 points

3. Presentation 1 2 3 points

What will be accepted?

In first stage before finishing poling for top 20 next materials will be accepted

1. Pictures of top, front, left and right side and default view

2. All pictures must be in jpg, jpeg format not
heavier than 200 kb each (print screens with model tree visible)

3. Will be accepted hidden lines and shaded models

In second stage of poling to entering first 5 will be accepted
additional materials which must be prepared or competitor will be

1. Two (2) pictures of rendered model
This is become a Bible.

Because of a lot of text here we start to lose each other.

I agree with you that one person should say go to competition in other case we will rambling about it to next year. This person must have enough free time to spend on this competition. Because this was your idea I vote that this person should be you.

When CPiotrowski mention that he will create web page for competition he didn't say that this page would be on his site. If we want voting like in PTC Awards page (wist their page and you will see how it looks like) then we need new page.
That doesn't mean that this new page would be on other host, this new page would be here on McadCentral something like

Another thing Speling remember that not all member have ProE at home and have enough free time to do a job in only 2 days!!!
Some of participants must work on theirs workplace after working time, and even then they don't have much time for modeling (lets assume that their can spend only 3 hours per day on something like that total in 2 days would be only 6 hours of work, and what can you model in 6 hours????).
Therefore there must be more time for finishing model!
I am not against helping Admin for competition and I am thankful for CP
if he offers that kind of services. I am also on stand by.

This web site has been created on platform, which can allow a decent
First off to end any advertising issues. isnt even an active site. I havent done anything with that page in years, I just use it to host my images that you look at on a daily basis. If I were to make a webpage to view it would simply be to view all the entries in a professional format instead of scrolling through page after page of forum threads. Im not begging anyone to do this, its work for me. It's not like it only takes 5 minutes to setup a webpage but when I do something I tend to try to do it right and professional.

I dont advertise any website. I dont even want people going to that page because the simple fact that its untouched for many years. When I have time it will be my modeling site for everyone to view but certainly not now.

When I first brought up this idea it wasnt meant to create havoc and arguing. It was just something fun to do. Seems to me that everyone would get tired of doing the by-the-book shyt that they do at work and would like to do something for fun without tolerances and manufacturing intent. One of the keys to being a great designer is to get in touch with your artistic side which means straying from the work thought and leaning towards the creative, artistic side.

I will be reading this post from now on, i'm not gonna add to the "BIBLE" anymore.

Everyone has valid ideas but as the phrase goes in reverse

"Too many indians and not enough chiefs"

Edited by: CPiotrowski
After reading all the long threads I'm left with the question, what was
the main idea here. It got lost in all the over thinking that most
engineers do. Rules, mmmm...

1. Must be new model

2. Must be a personal effort. Teams could be a different event.

3. Model must be solid.

4. No Assemblies

5. Proprietary models that are not owned by the individual can not be used.

6. No other software package could be used to inhance the model appearance. (this proe people).

Categorize it by years of experience:

0-2 years

3-6 years

7-over years.

Have a common goal with different levels depending on the category.
Someone who has a lot of experience should model what is to be modeled
in order to have something to judge against. This will provide feedback
on why someone's model did not win and could aid in information that
could be used later.
Just thinking about this, and I am wondering why there is never any input from site admins ?>

I am a member of various other forums, and on most of them there is usually a moderator or admin that contributes to the daily posts, on mcad this does`nt seem to happen very often. Any reason why not.

Surely MCAD would be the people to talk to for arranging something.

[-Skint- said:
CPiotrowski said:
"Too many indians and not enough chiefs"

CP... do you own a tomohawk and have feathers in your cap ?
Do you live in a wigwam ?

No, but I have a recurve bow that I hunt lions with

The Admin just need to appoint another Admin that is more active in this particular forum.

