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Outsourcing overseas III


I was not making the comment about your spelling, but only about the sentence structure which greatly limits your ability to effectively communicate with others on this forum. This is not a slam in any way, but an observation as I am interested in the topics and your (and others responses) but cannot understand your point of views completely due to the rambings.

As for Cristelino who's knee jerk reaction took my post as a slam against you (which was way off base), find something constructive to do with your time. I am proud of my english simply because it can be read, understood and makes my views clear to the forum on various topics. If I wanted to learn French, or even translate it for that matter, I would do so, but I choose English, which this forum is based upon, which is why I am part of it. If you want a French forum at least I wont have to tell you where to go.

OK guys, English girl here !! Just to let you know that we are having very much the same problems as you. Only recently we lost 40 people due to manufacturing moving to China.( I am part of a small company so 40 people is alot! ) I do agree that yes! England is in trouble and that outsourcing is a major problem.

Because of the situation here the pay is not so good and so i do alot of freelance work online. Some of this work is for US companies !! Although i agree with what you are saying about outsourcing i also depend on other countries outsourcing for online cad workers to give me an income which can support me and the kids. Unfortunatly Pro engineer is not the most common cad programme used over here and so work in my area is almost non exsistent, hence i seek online work.

I have read, reread and reread your posts again and think I understand your point. Let me know if this is right- Your saying that it is not the fault of the manufacturer that the parts were of poor quality. It is the fault of his company because they chose to go overseas to get them because they are greedy.

If I am understanding right, you just supported everything that they have been ranting about. We (as American and English) are pissed because our own companies and other around us are sourcing globally to save a buck and compromising on quality. But also, I know for a fact that certain foriegn markets (specifically oriental) manufacturing quality is much lower than most others world wide. Read their raw material standards!!! If anyone still disagrees, maybe we can work out a deal for a boat load of cast iron machine sheaves sitting in the middle of the Pacific that my company is willing to unload dirt cheap. (They learned their lesson about global sourcing the hard way)
As long as we continue to shop at Walmart and buy cars made overseas we are supporting what they are doing as well?
Now we have to be sad that our jobs go overseas.

We will not have money to entertain ourselves( we have to eat nevertheless and have roof over our heads) and by those fancy cars and nice houses.

I guess we should not complain, we had it good and we blew it off.

Now is time for some other people to enjoy the good life.

We gave them every tool to make it through and they've succeded.

That's the fact and learn to live with it !
Funny thing, in my company we outsource to India and we have several Indian Gentlemen & Woman onsite to facilitate this.

One of them was so enamoured by the US way of life and pissed-off at his compensation from his Indian Employer, he jumped ship and came back as a regular H2 contractor.

Any of our Indian colleagues here want to do the same ????

I for one find this thread, and others like it to be interesting, insightful and thought provoking, with many opinions and points of view. It may be a long thread, spanning time and many paragraphs, but that does not mean that it falls outside the criteria for the posted area. The delete key is only a push away so if you don't want to read or respond to it, then tap away. After all, that is one of the many purposes of the delete key and I use it often.

Just my $0.02

As a university student studying product design and engineering, I can't wait to get out into the wide world and loose my job to someone who is paid a fraction of what I'll hopefully be on, topped with the fact that I only have 1 years experience in industry it looks like my career is stumped before I start.

I've been reading into this situation for about 6months or so now, and now feel forced to do a PHD so that I might be able to have a half decent career.

I can see my direction as a designer as being lots of contract work and unless i move to india or china!!
Bruce (C2R),

While I understand that some may be intrigued by engaging in discussions of outsourcing and job movement, I for one see no point in donha's 'Who do you want for President' addition to the thread other than to incite another flurry half-baked name calling and another barrage of ill-informed opinion and invective. He's just lobbing a grenade to see what happens when it goes off. I also don't claim that it's outside the scope of Rant & Rave. Why not ask chocolate or vanilla? Cat or dog? It's just silly.

As if Bush or Kerry or anyone else could ever impact decisions that are made in board rooms every day that are based on pure cost/benefit analyses of minds greater than both of them combined. Nor should they be able, for giving them that kind of power would be more akin to a dictatorship than a democracy anyway.
Ouch !!!

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For the record I don't have anything personal against Indians.

I think this is a lousy situation which is bringing short term gains for Corporations and their slave traders and is ultimately bad for all - including Indians.



