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Outsourcing overseas

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Our goverment (US) must insist on elimination of software piracy in Russia, Germany, China, etc for them to be allowed to export to the US. Forget tariffs, just send the cargo ships back where they came from. Block any commerce with any company in those countries, until they comply. This must be done in addition to foreign workers being paid a fair wage. The plant workers and engineers in these countries are really slaves. I would love for them to compete and get a fair wage. That is what makes America great, competition. Unfair competition is costing us jobs and must be stopped for the benefit of the slaves in foreign coutries, and the displaced american engineers and plant workers.
I don't log on for a few days - and look what I missed! dougr - you definitely know how to put your foot in it. Plus, I'd agree with Lesley about your occasionally annoying attitude (smart retort expected).

Anyway - I thought the point of these forums was to try & help other users with their Pro/E problems - and get help & suggestions yourself. I've been asked for Pro/E help a number of times by people from India. I see no problem in giving some quick pointers on how to proceed with their modelling, etc. It's not as if I'm handing over blueprints or company secrets...

It is hard when times are lean (we've been hit by a few rounds of redundancies, although not related to outsourcing) - but how much good will it do to become more nationalist/racist? I'll stop there, before getting carried away...


Samuel Johnson: Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Samuel Johnson: Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

Am not the only one given to smart retorts but will try to refrain in future..
Interesting thread Doug. This problem isn't a recent one, it has been growing for decades. I paid my own way through college and had to watch foriegn exchange students get priority on everything while I got ..... as a 'middle class American'. Schools got paid by the government and added bonuses for 'integrating' the student body, not race but nationalities. It's a long standing 'American attitude' that we have to be the benovelant ones and give to everyone, now it's bitting us in the butt, big time. Give, give, give and take all the crap like good people and wham.

Compound the problem with rediculous litigation like spilling coffee on your lap and sue the restaurant. I worked at a company that spent 1/3 of their profits on product liability insurance, thats nuts!

Corporate greed, as pointed out earlier, Union greed, some items we purchase have almost half of their cost in transportation, bulk product like animal feed. Where the hell is the railroad when we need it?

I hate to say it but what we have today in the US is what we have asked for, for a long time. Protectionism doesn't work, competition is healthy.

What we have to change is our attitude and the attitude of the government. How many people don't vote or call their elected official about a concern but still complain about how things are?

You complain about China trading unfairly but you still buy their cheap products. You create their market.

I recently bought a lathe, a used Southbend, rock solid. My Brother in law bought a Asian Mill Drill, after 2 months the table wobbles, won't stay tight and won't cut square. Its a piece of junk. The difference in engineering is like night and day.

Speling, Look back in history, Nikola Tesla wanted to give away power but his backers killed the idea of free power for everyone.

I was chacking out our web site statistics earlier today, and guess what?

we have had indian companies looking at it.

Doug, you have hit yet another good point, sweat shop Labour.

Ask any British miner what was the reason for the demise of their industry and they will tell you, Cheap imports from Poland and Columbia because of sweat shop labour.

At the time this was happening British Coal was actually the cheapest deep mine coal in the modern world.
$10 to 11 per hour is hardly sweat shop. You aren't going to get rich doing that, but it's still double minimum wage for relatively unskilled labor. Here in southern California we've got grocery store checkers making $18 an hour on strike-- and we wonder why America can't be competitive in a global market. I call an entry-level job that pays $10-11 a decent way for young people to support themselves while going to night school to pick up a skill (or a degree).
I appear to have missed quite a lot over the last few days, so apologies if my comments are a bit old. However, I feel the need to justify myself to critics unless I feel I am wrong, which I don
OSHA and the EPA's impact on the bottom line costs of employing CAD/CAM professionals at home, VS abroad is negligable.

Rembering back a few short years before all of these free trade agreaments... Are we paying less for goods and services now than we were then? With few exeptions, I would say no.

I often read statements from industry executives that sight the vast differences in the wages paid here in the U.S. as justification for offshoring.

To that I would point out the extreame difference in the cost to live here. An example would be the average cost of a three bedroom appartment in Silicon Valley, CA. $2000.00+

These wage difference extremities have always existed. It's all relative to where you live, and the economy in which you participate.

In 1998, when the emergency H-1B legislation passed, it was in responce to a mithical but highly publisized technical labor shartage. The fact was that we American Technical Proffesionals were able to demand higher wages than U.S. industry executives wanted to pay.

This visa program is more responsable for the loss of american jobs than any other sigle factor.

How many of you product development people have been forced to train inexperienced Indian designers and engineers?

These jobs and learning opperotunities should have been for our younger, less experienced American conterparts. With the unemployeed ranks of Engineers steadily rising in this country, how can we countinue to justify these programs?

Of interest to me is a provision that dictates that American companys that employ H-1b's, by law must evaluate Indians who have to years of formal engineering education and two years of industry experience, as having the equivelent of a BSME.

If we applied that same standard to our own work force, and maybe we should, almost every Pro/E Designer in America would be said to posess a BS Engineering.

This same provision is used to justify hiring H-1b's as being more qualified than our domestics.

The only people benifiting from the current trade arangments are the Corprate Robber Barons!

After all, It is against the law for you and I to go on line and purchase our pharmacuticals or other goods directly from India or elsewhere is it not?

I can't understand why Dougr and many others like him think that by not sharing modeling tips etc with other lesser races like indians and chinese or africans can stop them from figuring out how to do a certain thing on their own...

anybody with a little bit of brains can figure out / help from proecentral only speed up the if u don't share information they'll figure it out on their own anyway....its just a matter of time..

These days there are riots in india between people from different states for jobs. They demand that govt jobs in a state should only be given to people from that particular state. When the govt. didn't do anything about it they started killing people and burning houses of innocent people..

Now what I am trying to say is that the mentality these guys have are similar to these semi literate/illitrate people in India who are fighting for minor govt jobs like sweepers, helpers etc.

i hope you guys would think more about it...


lesser races like indians and chinese or africans

For the record I don't consider ANY race to be lesser to any other.

However, I do consider the opportunists and profiteers who exploit these situations to be lesser human beings.

The more I think about Rajeev & Magi earning $1/1.50 ph the more burned up I get - it seems to me that the agencies that arrange these contracts must be on one hell of a mark-up so big corporations are not the only culprits.

So who all exactly is profiting from this ??


What do you earn - 1.5 lakh pa ?? We can earn up to 40-50 lakh pa here.

Good thinking. Maybe is giving, better than allowing them to figure how to do by itself.

When I am learning someone I try to learn them to get fish, and giving them fish will lead them to be more dependably of me.

Am I right?

Maybe this sound funny with my

i got u r point...u r right..even i follow this rule with my team members in office..i rather let them figure out things by themselves..make them think...


i didn't mean to offend u... i earn about 2.7 lakh ..but that is enough to keep me very comfortable and leave me with enough money ..i guess to park your car u need to pay about $5 ( so i heard) but here it is Rs.10 in big cities and where I stay its Rs. 5..I hope now u can see why we can manage very well with just maybe 1 lakh/annum..

i remember..when i was a student we used to stay in rented apartments..the rent used to be quite resonable but soon students from Bangladesh started taking up houses on rent in that locality and the rent went up 10 folds in 2 months as those guys were paying very high rents..we had to soon leave that locality as our house owners also started demanding more money..i remember how much we used to curse those bangladeshi guys...

i mean i don't know if this problem can really be solved...i guess its just survival of the fittest...

like the example in my previous post..where people are resorting to violence for similar problems...can there really be a solution ??

It's unbelievable how how the cost of living in the U.S. is compared to other nations...

The average, normal house in the area that I live in costs between $350,000 - $580,000 (U.S. - Northern New Mexico)

That's why I live in the ghetto.

I've just had two emails asking my business to source out work to two indian design houses.

I get sick and tired of hearing the race card crap played in the UK let alone on this site.

The simple reason countries in Asia can produce work at a fraction of the cost in the west is down to sweat shop labour and government economics.

Anyone who has worked in the UK knows full well that or Government penalises companies with red tape and higher taxes.

During the 80's our mining industry was closed down by a conservative government because they were buying cheap imports from

I've just had two emails asking my business to source out work to two indian design houses.

I get sick and tired of hearing the race card crap played in the UK let alone on this site.

The simple reason countries in Asia can produce work at a fraction of the cost in the west is down to sweat shop labour and government economics.

Anyone who has worked in the UK knows full well that or Government penalises companies with red tape and higher taxes.

During the 80's our mining industry was closed down by a conservative government because they were buying cheap imports from
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