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Outsourcing overseas

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I've just had two emails asking my business to source out work to two indian design houses.

I get sick and tired of hearing the race card crap played in the UK let alone on this site.

The simple reason countries in Asia can produce work at a fraction of the cost in the west is down to sweat shop labour and government economics.

Anyone who has worked in the UK knows full well that or Government penalises companies with red tape and higher taxes.

During the 80's our mining industry was closed down by a conservative government because they were buying cheap imports from from Poland and Columbia.

In Columbia kid's as young as 8 were working underground.

In Poland men were dying daily from poor safety standards and for very little money.

In the uk at this time Britain was producing the cheapest deep mine coal in the modern world.

So when all said and done, while you have sweat shop labour in certain parts of the world the companies that use these methods will always be cheaper than western companies.
It is precisely for reasons such as just pointed out above, that when we discover things like this, we should simply stop doing business with the offenders, and where possible legally deal with it.

Having said that though, we must recognize that high-end design and software coding cannot be done by children, or people who do not have the required level of understanding and study to deal with the varying levels of abstraction. If cheap-labor people can do a good job, and _still_ live reasonably happy lives, then it becomes self-evident that others with the same level of academic and technical acumen need not do it for obese-labor wages.

If cheap-labor people provide stuff that is relatively shoddy, _don't buy it_! If, for example, a Dell provides stuff that is relatively shoddy to an IBM, don't buy from a Dell. Nobody is forcing us to. We don't need to be Quantum physicists or neurosurgeons to understand it. However, if a Dell _can_ provide computers and service that is good enough for the needs that we intend to put it to, for the price that we are willing to pay for whatever the phrase good enough means to us and is agreeable to us, why should we buy from an IBM?

Isn't this principle the essence of balanced capitalism?

Widen the scope from computers to anything else.
wow, I can't find my words.

I'm so sorry because I missed this.

I must recognize that Dougr opinion is not singular. But in buisness world is not a easy life.

... and for Dougr and Spelling ... Spelling is right ... Europe had 20%

more then half of my replies is counting on Europe side.

By the way, I'm Romanian, and I live in Canada. :)))
By the way, I'm Romanian, and I live in Canada.

That's interesting, I just heard that one of my former Employers is outsourcing to Romania.

Do you have any plans to go back ? From stuff I've been reading, former E. Bloc countries are coming into better favour than India now mainly because of the India-Pakistan situation.

What could you expect if you went back to work in Romania now ? Would you consider going back - for reasons other than personal/family ? If not why not ?

I'm sure you'd be a very desirable employee considering the skills you must've built up since you've been in Canada..
That increases our (Europe) percent to 30%

Try applying a weighting factor based on the number of replies from each replier, this tells a more accurate story..

I think that Dougr maybe much more values people from above mentioned countries.

No I don't..
***I'm sure you'd be a very desirable employee considering the skills you must've built up since you've been in Canada. ***

Reading this I get opinion that you think that companies from Canada are better than in Europe. Why you think that maybe someone is better if they come from Canada than maybe from Russia, or maybe Germany or even Israel - Serbia.

I want to ask why is somebody who has work in Canada better than me who didn
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