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Patterns using curves - need advice

I've tried this on a helical curve, and it doesn't seem to work

I've generated the Curve from an equation and cylindrical co ordinate system and it just seems to have stopped me selecting the curves (I've tried internally generated and externally generated, and neither show up on screen).

Any clues?

Edited by: andysuth

Here's the layer tree.

As you can see, nothing is hidden in there. Not sure showing a picture of the actual model would be of use, it's the first feature in the model, so you'll see some datum planes, co ordinate systems and a blank screen.


View attachment 4037
So it is. It is also just a random feature, not feature 7 which is the helix datum curve.

Feature 9 is probably an old feature that resembled a curve, so I had it hidden so it did not confuse the matter.

But I've here shown a layer tree with the hidden layer indeed showing nothing hidden.


View attachment 4053
Edited by: andysuth
The issue of doing datum points along the datum curve has been solved previously, but thanks for input.

Still love to know why I can't see my helix datum curve though.

Hey, please tell me how to creat the cut in pupet 's picture by VSS !I can'timagine ..

Thanks a ton !
No need for VSS

If you create an approximate or exact geometry curve copy of the pattern path sketch, you will get a single curve entity not lines and arcs this will reduce problems with this type of pattern.

I originally tried offsetting this to get a use edge reference for an extrude feature but this gave to many regen and constraint problems. Therefore I used the patterned points on the curve reference to do two split commands to remove the portion of the curve before the first point and after the second. Then I created a thin cut feature using the both sides option and the split curve as the Use Edge reference. This created a rectangular slot of the proper slot width. I patterned the Ref Features with a group pattern driven by the point length dims the group consisted of the (Copy Curve, Points used for split and the two Trim Features)

Then I did a reference pattern for the thin feature and one for the Full Round feature used to create the ends of the slot.


Further explanation because of problems with patterning the point 10 times and choosing the same dimension to pattern by in second direction I created a single point feature with two points. If I used the use edge and referenced the sketch loop and split the use edge curve I would get a straight line and not arcs. By using the copy curve shown in group above after the split to get the red curve shown in pic.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
Therefore I used the patterned points on the curve reference to do two
split commands to remove the portion of the curve before the first
point and after the second.

whats that?
By any chance is that view in shaded mode? If it is check to see if the display of datum curves in shaded mode is enabled.


Come on, fess up on this...

andysuth said:
So it is. It is also just a random feature, not feature 7 which is the helix datum curve.

Feature 9 is probably an old feature that resembled a curve, so I had it hidden so it did not confuse the matter.

But I've here shown a layer tree with the hidden layer indeed showing nothing hidden.


View attachment 4130
<DIV>How could you make it!?
<DIV>I'm really not good for pattern feature.
<DIV>Would you please help me to achieve?</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks in advanced

I copy and paste my centerline sketch so I have it as a composite, then I hide the sketch so I make sure I always get the cc.

.... then new sketch ..offset the composite curve a radius either side.

sketch again the two circles ... center same as ratio points

Then add the 4 points intersection curve and circle. selection filter to geometry works better than smart

then pick one of the outer curves.. Edit>Trim

trim picks are point, curve, or plane... in this case I pick one of the intersecting points...... then it arrows as to which side you want to keep....

In this pic it's pretty straight forward ... on the H shaped part.... you have to adjust the offset curvesit back some value, perhaps based on a relation :) so the offset curves are not closed... doesn't trim a closed curves...least not WF2

View attachment 4139,cut
Puppet ... hey it your fault I even messed with this

I got to playing with your example... never did seem to get the vss going correctly, guess I going to have to re-exam it ......did you add the end radius afterwards?

now is this new one vss with evalgraph ??

I thought we were suppose to pull your strings Puppet, not you ours
hehe don't lie :) ur here cos ur a great and hepful guy.
Also u wanted to up-show me with that last pic.

Radius is there from the vss.
the grooves are done within the VSS with trajpar 1 for depth 1 for width.

