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PTC has office in India, BOOOOO!

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no i am not (asian) indian, nor am i american certainly not native american or mexican - the only people who can call themselves native to the US anyway everyone else in the USA is a foreigner including myself . texas is spanish and is pronounced te-has and so is colorado which means red coloured oh and my spelling is fine. much of the rest of the US has names of native american origin or english. So who is the foreigner and how do therest of us appear indian. if someone is equally skilled they should also be allowed to do the job and if there was a global drought we'd be friends and enemies in equal measure and still standing on the same rock so please see past the end of your small town noses.

We can argue all day about the ramifications of outsourcing tech jobs and manufacturing to cheap labor countries like India and China. Although they would certainly argue that they have the right to take those jobs I am certain that when they are put in the same position where companies shut down and flock to whichever developing country provides the next level of lower wages, they will change their tunes as their own jobs and livelihood are taken away. Pretty hypocritical but only time will prove this out. Globalization is inevitable but what these cheap labor resources ignore, or just plain fail to understand is that although they are being allowed to develop now by offering cheap labor is that they are bringing down the standard of living which so many have worked hard to build. In the end, the only ones who come out ahead are the corporations and those bringing down the standard will never be able to regain a higher level of living.


You have no place telling anyone what they should post and how much content they should provide. If you dont like the length of the post then dont read it. Also you should not make assumptions for the rest of us who actually did read it beyond the first paragraph. I personally thought that JHardy's post had real merit and an interesting point of view.
Mr. UnclePinchPenny... India and China sucks. We shouldnt do business with countries that still have slave labor.

This definitely isn't true. Don't you read the newspapers or watch the news?? If what you say was true (about India), it would have had been all over the frontpage of all newspapers.

I really can't comment anything about the labour laws in China but they sure don't seem to be in favour of the workers.
Cheap labor - slave labor - NAFTA - global trade - outsourcing. After reading 42 replies, the only thing that really sticks out is apparently no one has read PTC's annual report for the past 5 years. In a nutshell, PTC has gone from almost $1B in sales to less than $700M in sales. In 1999, PTC had more than $600M in the bank, and in 2003 less than $200M. The $400M went to cover losses, which in the 3rd quarter of last year were $38M. Another year like that and they will be broke.

Obviously, from PTC's perspective it is not a matter of having tech support in Needham versus Bangalore; it is a matter of having tech support in Bangalore versus declaring bankruptcy.

Now, Harrison is patently an idiot because he says things to the effect that 2003 was a great year for PTC, when by any measurable standard it was a miserable year for PTC. And a lot of good people in Needham are paying the price for his misguided handling of the company; but that was then and this is now, and even if they fired him yesterday (don't I wish) they would STILL need to get their costs in line with their revenues. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

You are absolutely correct. As a stock holder I fully anticipate a complete loss of my investment at this point (and I do read the prospectus). Your comments go to my main point about the whole shambles in that Corporate Execs are not held accountable at all for the demise of corporations. No matter what happens to the company, the Execs walk away with millions of dollars and nothing to lose. So what this says is that an Exec can go into a corporation, take over control, drive the company in a direction that may be it's demise, and when the company flounders, they either walk away with big $$$ or simply offshore the work to cheap labor in order to save money at a time when it is too late and then they walk away with big $$$ anyway. I would consider this a major conflict of interest but that is my opinion. I am sure that those on the receiving end would not want their golden parachutes taken away and those on the receiving end of pink slips only want to be gainfully employed and providing for their families.

The main point of the original post was PTC Tech Support and the reduced quality. To answer GGGG's question it is simply that PTC now utilizes the Indian resource more exclusively than its US resources which have been drastically reduced. The reason why you (and all of us) are getting through to Non English speaking tech support resources is simply that they are the majority of PTC's tech support now and your odds are greater to be serviced (or not serviced) by these resources.


This behavior does not occur in a vacuum. You are a shareholder (wish I'd bought it at $1.75) and you have a vote. Somehow you have to line up with other shareholders and force him out, as Disney did with Eisner. Go to the annual meeting, talk to other investors. CALPERS already put him on their hit list, so it is not as if you are coming from left field.

Oh, just FYI, not only has the tech support migrated to India, but most code development takes place there as well. I know this because I did a customer event for a week in November (in Needham) on Wildifire 2.0. The SPRs we created during the week were all forwarded to India for resolution, and I spoke on the phone with several of the developers there to more clearly explain problems I found. PTC has about 1000 employees in India now, versus about 1300 in Needham. Expect to see that number keep tipping in India's favor.
UnclePinchPenny for President!! You, my friend, are just what this thread needed! Someone to say what others were too afraid to say! You RULE!!!!

C2R & peterbrown77 also bring up super points. I never even considered PTC going under. That is just f-ing great. Not only will I eventually lose my job to some Indian, but when I try to get a new job, I'm unemployable because my ability to use PTC software is meaninless now that they are out of business.

All in all, PTC's move to Indian was a bang up decision. Just great.
I never even considered PTC going under.

I have, several times...but...

If PTC went under tomorrow, there would still be the need

for what we do, IMO. Their installed user base and all the

parts, assemblies and models created in the 15 or so years

Pro/E has been in existance will not simply cease to exist,

at least not in our lifetimes.

Just my two cents.

Brad, very true, I was just going off the deep end.

And with that, Ladies & Gentleman, I am ending this thread.

Thanks to those who posted relevent material, shame on those who did not.
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