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PTC has office in India, BOOOOO!

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Yesterday I talked with a girl from PTC's customer service. She called me because I logged a complaint with customer service about the piss poor tech. support I've been receiving as of late.

She confirmed to me that PTC has opened an office in India, with it's own tech support center. She then told me that all tech support calls are logged in a cue, then routed in the order in which they are received to the first available engineer. She said that there are tech support centers in Needham, Mass., Salt Lake City, Utah, somewhere in Europe, and the new one in India.

So, the call you log will go to the first available engineer, regardless of where he is located. So I asked here why, for the last 4 months or so, every call I logged was being answered by the Indian office. She said it was just because of the way the cue routed the calls. (I think she is full of shit, that is too big of a coincidence for me to accept)

So I then proceeded to file a formal complaint against the engineer in the Indian office who had given me bogus advice for a call I had logged. I feel marginally better, now that I know what is going on, but I feel PTC is going down hill with the Indian office handling calls from customers in the states.
Couldn't agree any more. I think we as users should be asking PTC for discounts in our maintenance plan because we now know that PTC is saving monies big time at our expense by having tech support in India.

Steve C
Here is something I spotted in a Pro/E Newsgroup....

Re: Obtaining support in the U.S.

When asked to enter your SCN, just wait and you will talk to a live engineer

in the US instead of someone in India if thats what you prefer.


Listen gggggggggg !! *u*k YOU!! You think that you asses are the best?? Then gimme ONE good reason why you asses outsource all your software needs from India and are still continuing with it ... now upto such an extent that US govt. now has to literally put a ban on all the outsourcing to prevent you from becoming jobless?? Definitly you wouldn't make any compromises on the quality if you said that cost saving was the only factor involved!


Thank you for your answer. You could not have done a better job demonstrating why ggggggggg has concerns about outsourcing support functions.


For the rest of you ---

I talked to PTC tech support in Utah a couple of months ago, joking asked if they were in the USA or Bombay - the response was a dejected - USA for now, but we are on the outs - the support is being shifted to India.

I felt like I ran over the guy's puppy by accident. A comment in jest turned out to hit to close to home for that support person.

Your comments and retort obviously show a lack of professionalism on your part. Bottom line is that the ONLY reason that countries/Corporations are outsourcing is to save money and to show a better bottom line to share holders in this tight economy. Doesnt matter what country, it still comes down to corporations saving money (short term that is) and India just happens to be the cheapest resource on the planet right now for services (not much to be proud of in my opinion) and China is the cheapest resource for manufacturing. Obviously it bothers you that the US government is finally pulling its collective head out of its own backside and realizing the long term negative effects of supporting your country at our expense. To answer your main question in a couple of words with a very honest answer:

Question - gimme ONE good reason why you asses outsource all your software needs from India and are still continuing with it ...

Answer - Because you are the cheapest labor available!!!

Because you are the cheapest labor available!!!

For now... There's some serious competition coming from Russia etc
After all its competative word.

Why you guys blaim india or china .

Jobless ........ OK.....

In last decade we are struggling for job....

Now in india its quite easy to get IT those who are really good....

Blaiming each other is not a solution..........
Because you are the cheapest labor available!!!

Yes We Are.......

For now... There's some serious competition coming from Russia etc

Its really good......
I do agree that we have one of the cheapest labour available here in India. But tell me... does cost have to do anything with quality?? Other countries wouldn't have outsourced jobs from this country just for the cost. If the quality was bad here, then they wouldn't have had a single job outsourced here regardless of the cost. Since India is still a developing country, that explains the reason why the per capital income and hence the labour is comparatively so less....

Please guys... excuse me for the previous rude posting but believe me, Mr. gggggggggg could have thought of a better and a lesser rude way of putting that point up! Why do you all have to snort your noses up when you hear of the name 'INDIA'? The country does not exist just to steal jobs from other people...

Thanks everybody for explaining to rishidass why I am against tech support moving to India. He apparently just doesn't get it.

Rishidass, I have nothing negative to say about the people of India, your culture, or anything else. My complaint is the inability of the PTC tech support engineers to effectively communicate, in the English language, with me and other American engineers. You brilliantly illustated that point with your terrible spelling and grammar in both of your posts. I have 3 year old nieces that can speak better English than you. THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM.

And as far as the *u*k YOU comment from the first post, I'll let that slide for now. I'll just remind you that nobody likes that kind of posting here. You are not on my good side now, and I'm sure others will agree.
As they say you get what you pay for Just ask GE they can afford to do it over and over and over... again until they get it right. But never the first time. When companies finaly figure out what it realy costs to out source then well see a change!

PTC should alredy know what it is costing them in revenues for software (crack codes) or do they think they only sold one license in India?
After my pleasant experience with tech support around the holidays, my latest adventure with two new techies was very disappointing. The English language skills were passable, but the lack of familiarity with the software is inexcusable. It took three technicians to find the necessary config setting to accomplish what I had intended.

This stinks - how 'bout a little value for the licence fees!
My experience with the off shore tech support for Pro/E and Intralink has been pretty good and it seems to be getting better. I have probably had 15 calls in the last couple months handled by an Indian support person. A couple of them were not very good. They had a hard time understaning what the problem was. Most of the people I have talked to have been very good though. They seem to have good training and and they seem to have knowledge of software issues that other people are having problems with.

I have not had a problem communicating with them. In fact on a recent call, the support person used a web conference link to see what was going on. I had never been asked to use that tool before and it was a great way for them to understand the problem quickly. I hope all the tech support people use this more often.

The best thing I have seen from the new support people has been their responsiveness on calls. They usually call back very quickly. One repeatedly called me trying to get a hold of me on an issue. That's a nice change over the phone tag I'm used to with the support staff.
As part of my degree i do an industrial placement, and because of the way outsoucing is going i've had to emigrate to Taiwan for a year to do that, while having all my uni work sent over periodically.

I can simpathise (sp) with gggggggg as you will probably find that in Asian countries if the person doesnt know the answer they WILL give you another answer, which in most cases is wrong!!!!

Unfortunately this is the the asian way and you have to live with it.

It's cheaper to have stuff outsourced to countries such as China or India, just for the sheer fact that our pound or dollar is too strong.

Moral of the story: This is the way the world is going, live with it!
Hey! Ok! Let's call it a day regarding this post... No hard feelings please. And Mr. gggggggg.... comm'on! My english ain't THAT bad!

No, rishi, your English isn't that bad, but that is not really the point. (no hard feelings, I understand if my post upset you, but again, I meant now disrespect to Indian people)

The point is we as customers still pay the ridiculous maitainance fees to PTC, then talk to someone who DOES speak very poor English and is very difficult to understand. This, to me, is a loss in quality.
Yeah .... ggggggggg. I fully agree with you regarding your views on the costs involved. Definitly if someone pays a mammoth amount of money for something then he expects a lot outta it.

Regarding the language problem, people in India do have a good command over WRITTEN english but they sometimes fall back over the spoken part. Not everyone's perfect!
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