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Right way to model airplane, car, boat

Ok so I have sit down and think about it all what you have said Spelling, and come to this conclusion:

I want create virtual replica model of Me 109 with as much details as I can collect in blueprints and photos. Mz way of thinkin is that if I have large detail model then I can create everything with it, I can create model for games, I can produce blueprints and start making real replica, or I can just produce nice render pictures of it,or make full scale model for museums. But level of details will depend on how much blueprints, photos will I collect.
So in short one:

1. I'm starting to work full scale virtual replica CAD model of me 109
2. Version of airplane is Messerchmitt BF 109 G
3. I'm starting with basic blueprints (few blueprints with Front, Top, Bottom, Right, Left, views, and with about 12 sections of fuselage, and 5 sections of wings). If anyone have blueprints or books for this plane I will apperciate if you can send it to me (and for this informations I will when I finish model send model to anyone who has helped me with documentacion).

What do you guys think about my plan, and how much tim will I spend on it?
My expectations are from 2-4 months depends how much working hours you
can spent on it in every day. This really depends on details
# 2 - corection - There must be Messerschmitt and not Messerchmitt
The level of details depends on how details blueprints and drawings will I have, also my estimations was about 6 month because I don't have to much free time for doing this.
I totally agree with you about don't sending completely model to other people, and sending it in iges is good idea. But then in other hand I think that if someone send me completely blueprints of DB 601 (engine) with all details I think that maybe he deserve more then just iges but about that thing I must think really good, and then decide what to do in that situation.
If I will have enough informations and data about other version then I can make them all (or at least just those most popular).
And I know that it is MesserSchmitt and not messerchmitt I was just typing error
but thanks for pointing me this out.
I will contact you this week about this blueprints you have

Edited by: Isair
Did you work on that for someone or that is your idea? Is that, which
is showed, is result of something serious, with all analysis concerning
aerodynamic (I think that isn
I worked it for one little company ( )which is working with models for Sport Flying. It was only small project and I did not use G2 Tangent connections between surfaces. I used only boundary surfaces. I didnt create any analyses.
I like the last profile pic, looks smooth. This plane would look hot with some nice ass swept wings. GOOD WORK!!!
Miko, looks interesting and very nice. Was it drawn to 1:1 scale? Looks like it was based on a shark or something lol, and yes the word Tail is ok to use
Speling: This is not professional work so take it easy.
It was only little model which was 600mm long and 130mm high.

Skint: Yes it was created with scale 1:1.
Miko that was challenging model, good work on fuselage (hull of plane)

good concept as well

In first picture you post it I see that you have got problem connecting fuselage with tail part, but that was corrected in other model you posted

Also I noticed that wings don't have any airfoil section. If you would create fully airfoil wings I would say that this would be a nice airplane and it would fly

Spelling FBW in sport airplane? do you know how expensive is FBW? todays best sport planes don't have FBW for instance Su-31
Isair> Thank you and Yes it was a challenge
You are right. The wingsdoes not have any profil because it was onlysurface blend (one way).I am wondering to see your next post
. Maybe I will see some your model
Nice work Miko, these posts keep inspiring me to get my butt in gear and learn some serious modeling, I have always thought for a challenge it would be fun to purchase some plans for a kit built airplane and model them from the 2D prints, I have been considering the Steen Aerolabs Skybolt and the Mustang Aeronautics Midget Mustang. Or I guess I could go to town and try to make my own too! Anways keep up the great work Miko, and all you other modeling wizards out there!!
Speling wrote>I know because I have work in Aircraft factory.

Are you working in ProeWILDFIRE? Which modul of Proe are you using?

Speling wrote> I always wants more.

Yes, me too.
and yes, this model was created only for looking.If Imust tocreate this model again at this time, then I'll be created itto other way because In that time I didn't know yet how tu use some useful functions of Wildfire.... My model of Airplane was cutedout ofpolystyrene (800x150x150mm), I mean it was only toy of airplane. The boss of that company just told me> Create for me fuselago of airplaneby this simplesketch, that's all.

(sorry for mistakes please

design3d> Thank you for compliments.
Edited by: Miko
Hye miko,

impressive work... i am also trying to learn surface modelling .. seeing all u guys i cud gauge that i am still at basement..

i was wondering if u cud post that model of yours, it'll be very useful for guys like me (i hope there are lot of them).. if u have no objections that is..


