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(SKILLS CHALLENGE) text on 3D surface


New member
Create text on a 3D surface with3 directions of curvature with the text normal to the surface without using Toroidal bend. One good reason to learn this is because sometimes Toroidal bend can be very picky and fail alot. Aftera week or so I will explain how I was able to achieve this for those who cant figure it out. If you do it as I did it should only take you about 20 minutes. Who can do it? This is not easy, good luck!



Edited by: CPiotrowski
Hi Guys,

CP, if you keep throwing in small challenges like this I will never get any work done
. I am sorry if I have not abided by the rules ( sorry still learning your pro-e jargon etc ) but here is my feeble attempt.

I have not done much with surfaces etc let along adding 3d text... so I apologise for my terrible model

Looking forward to the explanation. Thanks chaps !

View attachment 1950

View attachment 1951
Great work Miko, I presume you used the Style feature ( ISDX ? ) in wildfire 2.0 to create the "sheet" that your writing is on ?

I eagerly await the explanation from CP ( dont want anybody stealing his thunder hehe )... but with my model I made the surface shape, created a datum plane away from the face I wanted the text on, then I created the text to Offset onto it... however it would not let me do that with standard text, I had to sketch the text.

I know mine is wrong
but im learning everytime.

Great thread CP, once this one is complete please do think of another simple yet interesting thread, cos things like this help me and others learn, just wish I had more damn time to mess about !
Very nice to see the cooperation with this thread. I am surprised to see so many people are easily able to do this. WELL DONE!!!

DOJO: Obviously 3 directions of curvature, nice job!

Awesome presentation ISAIR!

MIKO: probably one of the best renders I have seen you create.

[SKINT] You made a great attempt at this which show alot more than you know. Alot of your learning pro-e will consist of finding some way to achieve what you are trying to do eventhough it may not be exact. I will try to explain why you were not able to use text for your feature.

I know its impossible to see in my model but there is 3 directions of curvature. Do your models have 3 directions or 2 directions of curvature?

I am also very impressed that you all took it upon yourselves to create a much more detailed model and render than mine. Idid this at work quickly and wasnt sure if this thread would even get any participants so maybe next time I will give you a better model to one-up me on

Edited by: CPiotrowski
CP.... damn you
I need to know the answers NOW !!! lol, im frustrated with myself now that I have found that I cannot offset sketched text on a suface ( created with Style feature )... do I have to project first or am I doing something wrong. This may not be the way you create the above images etc, but now I have another frustration and you will no-doubt tell me where im going wrong hehe.

I just want to know if it is possible to offset text direct into a surface like this, its not working for me. This pro-e business has me in tears every day haha
Small image attached. Help please

ISDX is interesting, I must look into that one year... when I have started surfacing !! OMG lol.

View attachment 1956
View attachment 1958Ok skint, I will give you a basic rundown of how I did it. Remember, I dont have ISDX at work so everything I do is either solid modeled or surfaces thru boundary blends and there is liekly more than one way to do this.

Once you have projected that text onto the surface. Use the same plane that you created the text on and create a surface cut. Use all the edges of the projected text. Once you have selected all the edges, cutout the surface leaving the curved text. Oh, you will need to copy the uncut surface before you cut out the text. Now that you have one whole surface and one surface of text you can thicken the text surface normalto itself. Then, thicken the original full surface and you will have text protruded normal to the original surface with any curvature you apply.

Again, there are other ways to do this but this is the method I prefer to use. If someone else would like to share another way, by all means, get typing.

Edited by: CPiotrowski
A short run through what my first idea was :

1) create a curve on datum top

2) create a curve on fatum front

3) make the intersection and you have your 3D curve

4) create a variable section sweepalong the intersection curve normal to the trajectory. (solid, surface,..) make your sketch symmetric

5) if u created a surface thicken it

NoteAbove steps were in my model replaced by 1 style feature and 1 thicken.

6) create a point on the curve (i used relative), create a axis through that point and normal to the surface, create a datum plane through the point and normal to the axis and create a datum plane normal to the curve and through the point

7) throw 6) in a group and pattern it with a number equal to the letters you have.

8) sketch and project on the surface your first letter using the first two datum planes from 6 as sketch plane and horizontal reference. Sketch the first letter with the letter button (true type fonts can be copied in the \proe\text folder and used after restart, or you can set a font directory config option)

Note 8) was done because you cant sketch text when using surface offset (tweak offset) and i wanted the letters to follow the boundary of my base surface

9) create a surface tweak offset with a sketched section sketch plane use previous use edge, loop and select the projected curve. done skectcher, set your offset options (normal to surface, normal to sketch, draft etc)

repeat steps 8 & 9 for all your letters.

add rounds

do a arx render and done


Sounds like more features with the same result. Very typical of Pro to have more than one way to make a feature.
Hey guys,

CP, thanks for the tips. Im pretty sure im not 100% accurate, but I have deffinalty improved and learn`t something new
, everyday isa schoolday with me and pro-e !!

Heres my new second attempt which did take me 10 mins this morning, sorry no time to make a great render

Thanks for all the help, these little challenges are a great way to force people ( me anyway ) to learn little more each day, please feel free to make new daily or weekly challenges

View attachment 1961
I projected the text on to the 3D surface. We can't use wraphere

1. Create 3D surface using boundary surface command

2. Thicken this surface

3. Create a text on a datum plane and project them to the solid surface

4. Use "Offset with draft" and then sketch the text using "use edge" tool

that's done.

Edited by: ndk
CPiotrowski thanks for great compliments

Skint I'm glad you learn something from this skill challenge

Megaladon, why this head have black dots?
nice one, idea also

Here is some sort of tutorial how I made mine:

1. create surface for shape

2. Create curve that would become guiding curve for main shape (marked read)

Note: the firs curve I created is useless (the one in front), I was just playing to see what would came up.

3. Make projection on crated surface

4. Create sweep surface using projected curve as trajectory and for section sketch arc.

5. Creating sides cuts; sketch in front plane (in my case X-Y plane) shape of cut

6. Make projection of sketched cut to surface

7. Trim main surface with projected curve to make cut (don't bother with this yellow surface I made it only for appearance latter for rendering; it isn't necessary to have thous surface)

8. Sketching the text; use sketch curve,sketch text box, add text, select font, give text height, and place text along curve - this will give you that text fallow your shape.

9. Before you will cut text out of surface, add offset surface (just for little value, I used 0.1mm), on that surface you will cut text so the main surface would remain intact.
Select Extrude cut and for quilt select your offset surface.

10. Make both surface and text thickness

< = defer>


I have another way to do this.

1. create surface as u want

2. create a sketch on datum as it appear on

3. select the surface by filter set to quilt or geometry then go to offset surface command and chose with draft option.

4. go to define sketch and make a new sketch within the feature, in sketch select use curve optioin, then select the text sketch that u define first

5. then select the datum on u previously create text sketch as direction. then put any value for height, in options u must select the normal to surface.

it is done and u can make it solid or it may be created on a solid

