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(SKILLS CHALLENGE) text on 3D surface


Many thanks for taking the time to create a short tutorial, I love seeing how other people achieve things and it does help people learn. I would love to see more short tutorials like this posted onto the forum, one day hopefully I will be able to contribute hehe.

Well done mate, thats a great contribution
Skint thanks for compliments

I'm glad that I could help someone to learn ProE. Although it really took time to create some sort of tutorial, for this one I spend over 30 min (creating images, uploading on web, writing etc), and I skip some steps within my tutorial.

I would also like to see more short tutorials posted within forum, it would be great that we all could learn from them.
Well done foolmankh, it reminds me of the Budwieser logo

See Isair, told you you are a genius, your tutorial has created another pro-e master hehehe

CP u came up with some brilliant concept i wish u keep coming with this kind of things so tht we could learn more from this kind challenges at present iam not using any pro-e iam just waiting for my system to come and i will be back on pro-e again hey Skint u have improved a lot bro man i guess someday i will be asking for some tips from u
and hey Miko thats cool rendering man and Isair as good as always man keep it up guys
Haha thanks skwasim, I still have a hell of a lot to learn, but yes I guess I have came a long way within 2 - 3 months
. Every day I try to spend atleast 30 mins learning something and trying new modelling techniques etc, the recent challenges by Zaki and CP have been good fun, when you get back to pro-e make sure you post your models

Take care matey !
Hi guys

Afri!! there is only one way to make modeling fast thatu make models a lot, spent as many time as u can and accept challenges and make your own tries.

Thanks Skint and Waseem

Hi raedbenz. Your post was preferable for this topic.
<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>
This is Short tutorial how to create text on the 3D surface by normal direction.
Step 1)<O:p></O:p>

Create two curves and through curves create the surface by boundary feature. Than define the thickness of surface.

View attachment 2010
Step 2) <O:p></O:p>
Create offset datum plane above the surface.<O:p></O:p>

View attachment 2011
Step 3)<O:p></O:p>
Write some text on this datum for example
Yes Rahmanalam,

See image 8 from Miko`s post. You will see the "copy" icon selected and then from the drop down menu you can select Loop.

Miko... awesome work on the simple tutorial
Its great when somebody takes so much of thier own time and effort to help others.
For CPiotroski:

Thanks for the challenge and all your other information. I'm impressed! Especially with your renderings, which I am just starting to get into.

Itspretty slick how you did this without toridal bend. I dont usually use surfaces so I didnt really think about going that way. I experimented with several ways to accomplish it including projecting the text onto the curved surface. Unfortunately I couldnt get the text to project correctly. So how did you get your text projected without distortion?

My 1st attempt was an offset-feature. Notice the letters distort as it goes along the slope. Using normal to surf or translate only changed how the letters were offset from the surf.

View attachment 2060

Since that didnt work the wayI wanted, I tried projecting the text using along-direction. Thisproduced the same effect as with offset-feature.

View attachment 2061

So I switched the projection to normal-to-surface. This sorta worked in that theletters were normal to the surface but the size changed in relation to the distance the sketched letter was fromthe surface. Notice the difference also as the sketch plane moved away.

View attachment 2062

View attachment 2063

Since this didnt work either I decided totry individual letters to avoid the distortion effect. I projected a center curve onto the surface. Offset a dtm point from the end and patterned the point to get my letter locations and spacing. Then I put a datum axis throught the 1st point (normal to the surface). Next Iplaced a datum plane at the point and axis. (resized it to control mess). Just for this experiment, I sketched theletter on the datum at this time. I grouped the axis,datum and sketch. Then did a reference pattern of the group. This worked the way I wanted. So I did an offset-featurewith sketch (use edge-loop on letter) andt the solid offset from the surface. I then patterned the offset and it work.

View attachment 2064

To put different letters in I would group and pattern only the axis and datum plane togetherwhich would give me just my different sketch planes. Then I'd shetch and offset each letter separately.

As you can see its a different way to do it but I dont particularly like it because of the extra work involved. If you can help me out with how you projected your text I'd appreciate it. I'm using WF2 student edition.

For Isair.

I notice you used KellyAnnGothic Regular text font for your model. Did you add that option yourself or did it come with your set up? I dont seem to have it as an option on my Student Edition. Also. I was curious as to why you sketched the text on a curve? Great rendering too.

Thankyou all the info and keep on posting new information.


