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Team Modeling Exercise-sign up

if there is still free seat - I am in

1) will participate - yes
2) self rating of: (entry level, intermediate, advanced, expert) - advanced
3) timezone: (use GMT +/- if you know it) - Europe
4) availability: (no restrictions, limited, occasional time) - limited
5) software version WF 2.0
6) model
shared nature: import or featured geometry to share with the team - any
7) Team preference: A, B, C, D (more if there is interest) - will take free seat
Team Update:

Team A:Kirancitd- ADV-WF3-[GMT+5.5]Sanjeevkar- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+5.5]Mahtab_msa-INT-WF2-[GMT+6]Skint- INT- WF3-[GMT]Expert: TBD-pending participationEntry Level: pending participationTeam B:Dojo- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+1]Fisa- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+6]Asho pulsar- INT-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Raghudvg26- INT-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Expert: TBD- pending participationEntry level: pending participationTeam C:Bimbo666- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT-6]Skwasim_smile- ADV-WF3-[GMT+5.5]Michael3130-INT-WF1-[GMT](Int 2: TBD)Expert: TBDEntry level: TBDTeam D:Adv 1: Muadib3d- ADV-WF2-[GMT+1]Adv 2: TBDInt 1: TBDInt 2: TBDExpert: TBDEntry level: TBD
Wonder who is going to be brave enough to come forward as Expert
michael3130 said:

When our team is finished, all the other teams will be nominating us as experts.
orshould that beexports


You said it matey

Hopefully team A will get CP or design-engine as our expert, nothing to do with the competition but I know i`d learn a lot fromthier input, selfish needs

Perhaps it would be best to link you with team C? It does make the team off balance, but the other teams have had more time to discuss so it may balance things out...

any objections?


you can carry group D if you want, doesn't matter to me
. You did say you are advanced and maybe even a bit "expert"?

Do you pull me to declare something magna?

I have to think about that. Well I already have an idea to work around it, but one man team resources could be not enough for it. Two - working with many different Pro\E does not sound good for me neither.

Ok, stop complaining. In any case I am still ready to work ith team C.

One man more and who knows?

Don't be so modest haha

Let's wait and see...I would do it but I will be on the beach heheh

I will suggest to lock in the teams later...


This is only for fun right? perhaps dont concentrate so much on teams ability but more-so on the compatability of pro-e like maudib suggests. Would save a lot of hassle ?

Totally for fun...just thought people would get a kick out of a project with no bosses chasing you...

It is possible to use the associate topology bus to update the parts even if you use a lower that useful?

all suggestions are welcome, after all this is the first run
mag, just for your info :

Participants so far- software version :

kirancitd - WF 3

sanjeevkar1 - WF 2&3

mahtab_msa - WF 2

[-Skint-] - WF 3

dojo - WF 2&3

fisa - WF 2&3

bimbo666 - WF 2&3

skwasim_smile - WF 3

Asho Pulsar - WF 2

raghudvg26 - WF 2

michael3130 - WF 1

muadib3d - WF 2

Thanks for the breakdown. Michael3130 says he can pull off WF3 for some of it...I think using WF2 and WF3 is close enough. In the end you can build a final assembly on one persons software version and not be concerned with what version it was made in if that person has the top level version...That is the team aspect, to pick a leader for the final model, a renderer, and someone to submit an image for the forum to see...In my experience I have to work with everything from a coworker on 2001 to a guy using SW and another using catia and drop all that into my WF3!

magneplanar said:

In my experience I have to work with everything from a coworker on 2001 to a guy using SW and another using catia and drop all that into my WF3!


Rather you than me mate

Good work so far, its all coming together and quite a bit of interest so it should be fun. I wonder where the higher end users are like CP, Isair, design-engine etc...would be nice tohear thier input and see if they are interested
Wow this is a nice thread...

here you go....

1) will participate: yes
2) self rating of: (entry level, intermediate, advanced, expert),Expert
3) timezone: (use GMT +/- if you know it):+5:30(Central US time)
4) availability: (no restrictions, limited, occasional time): limited
5) software version (Z):WF2

Mail ID:[email protected].


Welcome vbvbvb...It seems logical to add you to team D since you use WF2 as well, and since that team is still one person...

Team Update-2:

Team A:Kirancitd- ADV-WF3-[GMT+5.5]Sanjeevkar- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+5.5]Mahtab_msa-INT-WF2-[GMT+6]Skint- INT- WF3-[GMT]Expert: TBD-pending participationEntry Level: pending participationTeam B:Dojo- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+1]Fisa- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+6]Asho pulsar- INT-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Raghudvg26- INT-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Expert: TBD- pending participationEntry level: pending participationTeam C:Bimbo666- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT-6]Skwasim_smile- ADV-WF3-[GMT+5.5]Michael3130-INT-WF1-[GMT](Int 2: TBD)Expert: TBDEntry level: TBDTeam D:Adv 1: Muadib3d- ADV-WF2-[GMT+1]Adv 2: TBDInt 1: TBDInt 2: TBDExpert: Vbvbvb-EXP-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Entry level: TBD

It appears that these will be the teams, unless any new people sign up...When the close of sign up, and the start of modeling, occurs I will post a submission thread with the details of the exercise completion...thanks to everyone who has signed up so far and I hope you all enjoy the process.

