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Team Modeling Exercise-sign up

here you go....

1) will participate: yes

2) self rating of: (entry level, intermediate, advanced, expert),entry level

3) timezone: (use GMT +/- if you know it):+1 (GMT)

4) availability: (no restrictions, limited, occasional time): limited

5) software version (Z):WF3

6) Team preference: A, B, C, D (more if there is interest): where is free

My Mail : [email protected]


welcome to the exercise, I will put you in team D since they are short of people. I suggest you look back through the thread for contact information and see about speaking with the team members.

Two teams are short of people so I have reduced the items to model. I will make a new positing with the details for the submissions and the deadline for completion.

It appears this will be the final configurations:

Team Update-3:

Team A:Kirancitd- ADV-WF3-[GMT+5.5]Sanjeevkar- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+5.5]Mahtab_msa-INT-WF2-[GMT+6]Skint- INT- WF3-[GMT]Team B:Dojo- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+1]Fisa- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT+6]Asho pulsar- INT-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Raghudvg26- INT-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Team C:Bimbo666- ADV-WF2/WF3-[GMT-6]Skwasim_smile- ADV-WF3-[GMT+5.5]Michael3130-INT-WF1-[GMT]Team D:Adv 1: Muadib3d- ADV-WF2-[GMT+1]Expert: Vbvbvb-EXP-WF2-[GMT+5.5]Entry level: Sentrox-ENT-WF3-[GMT+1]

Best of success to all of you and remember to have fun and enjoy the process!
Hi Team A
Kirancitd , Sanjeevkar , Skint

so the competition is about to start ... best of luck to everyone

as Kirancitd said , we should start a thread for our team ...

or we can use google talk or other messengers for communication.

here are my mail ids ...

[email protected]
[email protected]

News for Team D

sh*t, I will be out of office, comp, net, etc for whole next week - 01.10 - 07.10.07

guys sorry for that, I still think this team can do something, please make a decision for aim we want to hit - I will accept this in advance. I will be back in second week of
october. Please distribute the tasks to all members, I gonna handle with mine when I come back
hi&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;&nbs p;

1) will participate: YES
2) self rating of: (entry level, intermediate, advanced, expert) Intermediate
3) timezone: (use GMT +/- if you know it) INDIA
4) availability: (no restrictions, limited, occasional time) LIMITED
5) software version (Z) WILDFIRE 3
6) model shared nature: import or featured geometry to share with the team: ?
7) Team preference: A, B, C, D (more if there is interest)

I have seen this just now, if i had seen before i would have participated with any team

regards&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ; Venu gopal
I think the rest of forum members can play as support side. CP, taking in mind your rendering skills, I am sure it would make life easier for all teams if you prepare the best way of rendering the CPU. You know what the task already is, I guess You could give some hints how to propere deal with rendering phase

What do you think?
looks nice

I am just courius of the level of detail. Is it LCD biult of two housings or it just simplified model.

btw - vbvbvb - quick and good job!

maybe start another topic just for group D

