The problem you are having is not with their Solidworks, or which ever CAM systemyour soon-to-be lost customeris using. Solidworks is a parasolid based 3-d system, as is about 80% of all CAM systems sold and about half of all CAD systems. Vitually all the rest of the CAM systems and CAD systems are ACIS based. PRO-E is neither; PTC uses their own 3-d kernal, and they have never played well with the rest of the3-dindustry. Spatial, the owners of the ACIS kernal, and UGS, the owners of the PARASOLID kernal, have worked to assure the rules for specific export files to neutral formats take place seamlessly, and that files exported in one system can be imported trouble free into another.Thes companiesfollow the file standards to the tee.
I can't ever remember a time when exporting a neutral format from PRO-E or importing one into PRO-Ehas ever been enything but a risky matter. The problem is with PRO-E, not the rest of the world. If you want to play well with others in the world of 3-d, use something other than PRO-E.
Flayl Payne-
The problem you are having is not with their Solidworks, or which ever CAM systemyour soon-to-be lost customeris using. Solidworks is a parasolid based 3-d system, as is about 80% of all CAM systems sold and about half of all CAD systems. Vitually all the rest of the CAM systems and CAD systems are ACIS based. PRO-E is neither; PTC uses their own 3-d kernal, and they have never played well with the rest of the3-dindustry. Spatial, the owners of the ACIS kernal, and UGS, the owners of the PARASOLID kernal, have worked to assure the rules for specific export files to neutral formats take place seamlessly, and that files exported in one system can be imported trouble free into another.Thes companiesfollow the file standards to the tee.
I can't ever remember a time when exporting a neutral format from PRO-E or importing one into PRO-Ehas ever been enything but a risky matter. The problem is with PRO-E, not the rest of the world. If you want to play well with others in the world of 3-d, use something other than PRO-E.
Flayl Payne-