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What can I expect from Solidw*ks ?

Something that Solidworks does that Pro/E doesn't as far as I know is multibody modeling. I think this is a pretty powerful aspect of Solidworks. I've been doing a lot of this lately as I'm working on a plastic part design that has several different functions. I don't know exactly how things will need to go together, but I know that I have to be able to hold object a and support object b so I can make the bodies that do that and see how they look like they should go together before I merge them.

Drawings give me fits in Solidworks even more than in Pro/E.

I still want the mythical program Pro/Works - the combination of the best of both of them.
I agree about the mulitbodies in SW. It is an excellent feature which I use more and more.

Pro/Works might be the answer.....or maybe SolidE...
I'm speculating, but I suspect the pitch to switch from SW to CoCreate is aimed at industrial designers. They've been pitching CoCreate as a design tool more so than an engineering tool and the wording for the webinar talks a lot about design and creativity.

I have a hard time seeing folks in the engineering development side of things currently relying on feature based systems to capture their design intent moving to a system where you are essentially shaping a solid blob.

