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Wildfire 3.0 ???

Sorry Speling, I did not read every line on all 14 pages of this post, I thought you were anti WF. And don't take this the wrong way but I frequently don't quite understand clear your point of view.

Don't get me wrong here there are things a lot easier in WF than 2001 as it should be if it's a newer version but there are things that were easier in 2001 and even 2000i. I remember surface finishes were faster in 2001. With WF I have to select a datum everytime then select a surface. And don't get me started on exiting a sketch!

My point was that there should not be trade-offs with newer versions but improvements.
The other thing I've noticed with WF is that system regneration time is
slower. I've also noticed simple things, such as the color
palette, also take longer to load up.
backwards compatable usually means that a user can simply use IGES or
STEP to communicate to older versions. That is usually not
written but explaind if cornered.

Edited by: design-engine
WF3 is just fixing some of the many bugs in WF2. Don't use it. Wait until WF4 is proven out. A PTC rep told me this.
" WF3 is just fixing some of the many bugs in WF2. Don't use it. Wait until WF4 is proven out. A PTC rep told me this."

This is NOT true.

WF3 has a lot of new stuff. Although, you should not rely on a pre-production release, and maybe even waiting a little on the first couple of production builds, you should consider using the production release of WF3 when you get it.
I would think if WF3 is just fixing bugs it would be the release to go to - not to skip - just like Rev 19 was. However, that's not the case. It really does add some good functionality
As far as I know, there is not even a proposed time frame for WF4. At the snails pace of PTC developement, I would not expect to see it in production release before 2008. To suggest you should wait for it is ridiculous. Besides, as bruppert notes, just fixing all the bugs from WF2 would be great!
Yes - there's still a couple of minor bugs that PTC needs to work out but, for the most part, it works fine. I especially like the shaded view in drawings because we're constanly looking for new and better ways to communicate our designs to manufacturing. Now if they could just get the 3D Annotations/ Dimensioning straightened out, we could look forward to seeing the day when 2D drawings really are a thing of the past.

Good news that is. So many users like me would love tohave production release of Wildfire 3.0 in a couple of months.

<div>When a CAD vender explains backwards compatibility they mean IGES. They
just don't say IGES until you get them to explain. Who cares about backwards
compatibility. Just upgrade... .this is a consumerist economy right? What
country is not consumerist??

On the other hand I did get accused of sending a corrupt
file to China once. They did not have the new release of Pro/E and could not
open the file. Maybe it was their choice of English but my client fired me
because I continued to send the client a corrupt file. Those bozos were still
on 2001. Should of sent the IGES data. Any excuse to get us off the team I

Edited by: design-engine
"backwards compatibility they mean IGES."

IGES or neutral? I'd gotten the idea that PTC's backward compatibility scheme hinges on .neu or, possibly, the ability to extract the same information (sans editable features) from native part and assy files?

Aren't there a lot of "enterprise" installations still on 2001?
I have found two pieces of information recently. I cannot believe that PTC is over a year late and not issuing press releases like mad to tell there customers what ia going on with their software development. Really Solidworks has released 2005 and 2006 and probably 2007 before PTC releases Wildfire 3.0. i hope this is not more of their beta software that they seem to be in the habit of sending out to customers.

[url] _ptc_back_on_track.htm[/url]

Wildfire 3.0 upgrades


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