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WIP 2007 Chevrolet Belair 5.7

Ooops Forgot to mention,

CP... how is your copywrite issue going ? Have you made much progress ? Hopefully you will be pocketting some cash soon for all your hard work, has a company shown interest in buying the design rights from you ?

Good luck and happy Christmas !
Great work!

Yeah Skint is right you should earn money for your design CP

I don't know if you know about Peugeot's design competition for car design but you should definitely participate, check it on Peugeot official site
Hai Cpio,

I Have forged model and want machine it. both are different model files. If i update some thing in forged, it should reflect it machined also. How to do it. Expert opinion always helps.
If anyone can get me the information on the next conseptual art automotive design show I will gladly try to get my schedule with the car suited around the deadline for the contest given the copyright is finished by the next competition. I really appreciate all the great comments on here. Awesome to hear. As far as I can see or have heard, noone has ever won a conseptual design competition using Pro-E for modeling and rendering, if someone knows of different information than I have found, please let me know so I know how high to shoot. Winning a 3D choice award for one of my designs using a program not ever know to enter in these competitions is one of my greatest goal I am hoping to achieve with the belair design. I am a member of many 3D modeling sites and that is how I gage my work, against the best still modelers and renderers in the online world. Modeling up against them is not an issue, I am able to model as good if not better than most modellers online but where they always take the advantage is in the renders. I am trying to bridge that gap and bring Pro-E out from the shadows. The programs I am referrring to are 3DS and lightwave to name a few. I will have reached one of my ultimate goals when that is achieved.

SATHIAN, try to make a thread about this very issue. I would have to simulate your problem to give you the right answer. There may be someone out there that already knows the answer.


FYI, this the only site that I have posted a WIP thread for this car as in the past I would run aWIP on multiple forums. I thought I would keep this one a little secret within the Pro_E world.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
phoxeoy said:
How big is that wheel? It would appear that the lugs are too close together, don't get my wrong here I think the whole design so far is awsome but from a engineering stand point. Maybe I'm just seeing things.

This is a 20" wheel with a 6" bolt spacing, pretty standard for a 5 lug wheel.

Iwoudl love to be paid to show what I have learned but that would be in the hands of PTC. Rendering instead of photos is very doable if you have the computer to do fast renders. THe real reason that you havent seen insanely detailed renders from me is that my computer just cant do it. I dont ahve the time it woudl take to do what I want to do in a render. AT this point I believe I have the knowledge to create a photorealistic render with wildfire but I dont ahve the time or the computer to create it.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Well I don't know many competitions around the world so I can't say if someone using ProE has win ever, but I think that if they are judging design, and not renders then it relay doesn't matter what software you are using. I only know about Peugeot's competition (and it is every 2 years), for all other details you should check on their web site.
Also you should check tis3 web sites if you wan to show your work for someone to notice you (and you should defiantly show your talents):
I have a few sitesthat I frequent often but I decided to keep this within the Pro-E world until it gets done. Hereis aclay render with the wheel and basic tired assembled. I am still doing the tread on the tire. My toroidal bend at home works like shYt.


Edited by: CPiotrowski
hiiiiiiiiii CP

Nice pics here CP u should take on competition and we are sure that u will give those guys out there an impression they will never forget go out for the competition CP we know ur the one who can make difference
Thanks Skwasim,

I will try to make it to the next one but I am far from an exterior completion. Here is the light assembly. THere was also a new picture two posts before this one on the previous page.

I just did a test render of the front end with textures, I am very happy with seeing what spending alot of time on materials can do


Edited by: CPiotrowski

Do you have the complete design done and working off from that or are
you making it up as you go? I know you mention something about copy
rights which would lead me to think the design is done.
It looks awesome!

You should definitely write Book about rendering with ProE, I will be the first oneto buy it
(first in line long few kilometers)
PHOXEOY: The design is 90% done but mostly in my head. I have pencil sketches but thats it. The copyrights are for the 3D model which is the reason I cannot show any larger shots of the body as the modeling process continues. I will show panel shots and closeups on details but other than that I kinda have to keep it hid. This design may or may not even go anywhere, who knows. But, I am spenfing such a large amount of time and brain power on it that I have to try to do something with it. I am hoping this design will get me an industrial design position somewhere.

DSERGISON: What a fantastic compliment, thanks alot

ISAIR: Thanks ISAIR, that would be one boring book tho

Damn I wish I could post these renders

I almost went through your topic. It's very nice to use top_down and skeleton to do it. And I wish you will get a perfect job.
No manthat book would save time for a lot of people who wants to render, in a mater a fact I would really use it now (I'm killing myself with my lattes render and it seams I'm going nowhere

Keep it on with your project and I hope that you would achieve your goal

I would give standing ovation
to ur work the images are terrific as ISAIR said it right u have to write a book believe iam next one after ISAIR to buy this book keep doing the gr8 work

