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ProE rendering.. I think I like it..

Just do what you can to get it
Here is the Mustang I was telling you about. It is far from being done but I am gonna try to finish it this weekend. This is NOT rendered with ARX, only the standard photorenderer with some imaging issues so the renders are not that great. Yes, it is a completely different back and front end. Gotta use your artistic license when modeling things. Hope everyone likes. Total modeling time about 20hrs so far. Modeled from a picture only, no blueprints. WHeels are large for illustration purpos4es only, not meant to be scale.




Edited by: CPiotrowski
hiiiii there

gr8 designs out here iam getting more n more inclined towards rendering after seeing u guy's hey ciptrowski u doing a gr8 job iam really very very much impressed by ur work ok to the point i got this rhino 3.0 trial version can anybody tell me how can i export the pro-e wildfire or 2001 files into rhino plz can some name me the convertors used if someone has them i will appreciate

thanks skwasim. I'm not sure what is needed to transfer from Pro to Rhyno. I got a conversion program for Pro to 3DS but thats all I know about really.
Well, I loaded that same model into WILDFIRE and renderedw/ Ray tracing. Quite a difference in what the programs can really do.

Look at the realism of this render. This is probably the most realistic car render I have seen from Pro. And this car is way far from being done. Alot of details missing.


Edited by: CPiotrowski
Well I'm out of words for this pictures, really realistic renders, especially carpet on the last one, and shadows are great. No time to hurry with finishing your model, we know that when it will be finish it will be great.
Thanks guys. I will have some major updates the end of this week. The reason it is so dark is because the car is so far from beign complete and missing alot of details. It helps the realism to keep it a little dark rather than perfectly lit. Kinda like its after hours and the cars are just sitting there. I will be posting all my updates in the rendering thread I made so lets move there. Less pages.
hiiii guys

Well did we forgot abt this thread it was moving so beautifully at syddenly everybody stopped posting so wat do u say can we start it all again

I want to know how to start modeling a car?? I hope to go to Master's School and learn automotive design next year??

I would love to get a head start?? Any ideas, tutorials??

Spirit It is the hero's strengh, the mother's resilience, and the poor man's armor. It cannot be broken, and it cannot be taken away.

that's good!


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