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ProE rendering.. I think I like it..

very nice hummer bart! Done in Pro? yours?

I'll have to have a think about your competition! looks good!
Edited by: james.lynch

For what I know they did away with the module back in 2000i2 (I think) and incorporated into the perspective function.

It's really cool when you fly into a room and see it from the inside.
The Hummer Pro/E screen shot. Anyone want the file?


Edited by: design-engine
... I can't wait to see how such a model is built up. It would be great to receive the download adress.

Thanks an advance

What type of surfacing is being used to make the 350Z? I notice it is being done with box modeling but with what method?

I am currently making a golden glock (handgun)for a game website so I will post some wireframes and renders when I get some worth posting.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
The 350 z was modeled my one of our industrial designers
Alfredo Santiallan. he is really good at Alias and Pro/SURFACE -
ISDX. he has a degree in Automobile design. He modeled that 350
with only 200 hours on Pro/ENGINEER. we call him a nickname in the
office. " bad ass " .

FYI: He is carving eating utensils our of empty red bull cans at the moment for
on of the clients Read
the press on their site on deeplabs. Apparently we have NASA scientists
working here.
Thanks bro, means alot from a renderer and modelersuch as yourself. The model is about 95% done, when it is done I will send you the .prt file and room setup. Oh, I just remembered. I didnt save the room or lighting but I can tell you what I used. The lighting is a spotlight pointing directly at the middle of the gun with only the default distant light. The floor has very little shine with low reflectivity and default grey color with no textures. The walls are the same. The textures used on the gun I sent you in the textures files. Both are applied planar with a low bump around 20. I will most likely rerender some other views when the model is finished so I will save the room setup when I do that. One other thing I wanted to point out. I remember telling people that the settings for anti-aliasing make a big difference. The grey gun was rendered with settings of 0% and 128 scans. The red gun was rendered with the settings of 10% and 32 scans. Look at the difference in details between the lettering on the gun, look close at both guns and you will see a huge difference. You cant even read the serial number on the red gun at the bottom of the grip, you can easily read the grey one. If you want a truly better render, use 0% and 128 scans or more.
Edited by: CPiotrowski


here is the part file for the MP3 thing that I modeled. it's worth noting that teh model didn't start off as an MP3 player, so the order in the model tree may be a little confusing! because of this also, if yo ulook closly, you'll probably find one or two no no's.. (or mistakes
) bu not to worry!

here is the model of my speaker in WF2.0.. it's an early version.. I had brought it into WF3.0 to explore the improved rendering quite early so it may be a little diferent to the WF3.0 renderings posted here.. I havent really taken that close a look..


here is the bulge thing which shows the integration of solid modeling and isdx


as the file name sugessts, the first two models ARE SUPPRESSED!! so you need to resume them and hope they don't fail!

hope the models are of some use to people.. they are WF2.0 COMERCIAL EDITION MODELS! I'll post student edition models next week if anybody wants them?

Beautiful render CPiotrowski!
and thanks for those tips for anti aliasing

James thanks on files. I have opened them all, and got problems only with speaker (well not problem just one feature fails and them I suppress it). Here is screen shoot if you want to fix it so other wouldn't have problem with it.
View attachment 1134
thanks for spotting that Isair... I didn;t really look at the file, as I said it was an old one.. I'm not too sure what that extrude is (I'm not at my ProE PC) but it's probably something like some text or something.. I'm sure it's not too important!

as you can see it'sa very simply model, should be fairly easy to understand, (I hope) but if anybody has any questions on it I'll have a go at answering them!

Yup that feature that fails is some kind of text.
About models you sent, you give me some good ideas how to make something, example this surface text (well I have idea how to make one but this was to robust and to much complicated).
I didn't have to much time to examen all models (especial mp3 player) but when I get more time I will (on that I promise

In speaker model, what are those gray transparentsurfaces (are they surfaces?), I have come a cross once I have doing something with surfaces on this, and I was thinking that this was a bug or, something, or that I made something wrong when making surface. Can you put a little light on that what it is?
Edited by: Isair
what they were was picture Jpegs.. I can send them on if you want.. within ISDX, you can use a Trace Sketch (maybe a hand sketch from an ID guy)whilch allows you to place picture files on planes and you can use these as a guide for maying out your curves!



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