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ProE rendering.. I think I like it..

Thanks for explaining, no need for sending me pictures I just wanted to know what are those gray transparent surfaces. It seams to me now that I must spend some time on reading ISDX manual, and try using it
because it is really great what you can do it with ISDX.

Say One Thousand USD or 1000.00 USD

America is both North and South America. ;)

That is like calling an Irishman British except it is less painfull for the South American.

Edited by: design-engine
Well, here it goes...

In an interest in keeping this post alive I will offer up my paltry renderings for the world to see. I don't have excess to ARX so these are done with the basic renderer in WF2. I'm also groping in the dark and trying to teach myself.

View attachment 1142

This is a piece of blocking terrain piece for a game I play. Perhaps if I win the lottery I'll have an SLA made of it so I can actually use it.

View attachment 1143

This is a belt drive primary conversion for a 70-73 Triumph T120 motor. Considering my company designs and manufactures high end custom decorative hardware, it seems nuts that we don
Posting to let you know I had another rendering breakthrough in WILDFIRE. I will fill everyone in on it when I perfect it but here is an example and this is the first rendering with my new method. Also, I am making another car with a completely different modeling technique than the last. This model is completely being do9ne with surfacing, not free form. Here is the start of it.


Edited by: CPiotrowski
Hey you guys the renders look great!! CPiotrowski that car looks awesome as does your other one!! Slight vintage musclecar look to the latest one. Do you do surfacingat your job, or is it something you just play around with? Are you totally self taught on it? Keep up the great work, hope to see more!!

Thanks Design3D...much appreciated. I do surfacing at work when I have nothing, I have the front clip of the new mustang modeled at work on my free time.As far as Pro I am completely self taught in all programs. I started about 4 years ago teaching myself and continue by day to improve on methods. This new car is completely being done with boundary surfaces and very few solids. I will keep everyone updated on any progress. I will also post some stills of the mustang when I can get some home.

thanks again.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Thanks Isair...

I do have a great tip for you but it will only work with the upgraded ARX package. Regular photorealistic renderer will not reflect parts fro mone to the other so it will not work in it. Put pillars or some different objects between your lights and your model. That is where the realistic reflection is coming from in the car renders. Remember, this will only work if you have the upgraded rendering package. If you dont, get it because rendering with the regular version is an absolute crime against modelers of the world.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
hiiii CPiotrowski

Iam really very impressed wid ur work i wanna learn surfacing though iam very good at solids but weak in surfacing do u have any notes in regarding to surfacing i would be very thankful if u could help me out in this area waitin for ur response on [email protected]

CPiotrowski thanks

But what you mean with upgrade rendering package? do you mean that I need new version of graphic library?, or do you mean I need Lightworks materials or I must using WF3 to achieve that kind of rendered pic?
I have just started work on my new project using style in my free time (well that is something that I don't have much so it will take a while until I finish it), and then I will render it with upgraded rendering package and new knowledge
No you need the ADVANCED_RENDER (ARX) extension. I think it is about $1000 but don't quote me on that. You can order or downolad the graphics library CD from the PTC website, or maybe you got the CD with your installation bundle. Any problems let me know. You don't need WF3 for this, but I'm not sure which version the advanced rendering option was intrduced to Pro/E.

Hi everybody! Very nice renderings all round! and thanks for the Tips! I look forward to testing them! I was tryign something similar to the pillars, well maybe not, I was using a screen (basically a spline (similar shape to an arc) extruded normal to the floor and directed some distant lights at the screen and used the reflection from teh screen to light parts of the model! controling the shape of the spline controls the direction and level of light..nice lighting results, but I can tell ya, it will seriously increaase your rendering time!

another thing I'vebeen messing with is creating my own light files using notepad. you can put in asmanyas you want! (becareful not to have the overall (combined) intensity of the lights over 2.5 or 3)

keep up the good work!


BTW I have it on good authority that ARX costs $1000USD but would you believe I got a quote from our PTC rep for
Yes, I am talking about the ARX rendering upgrade with raytracing. I tried to do a render at work with regular renderer and that will be the last time I do that. I can help with surfacing but I would need to speak with you on messenger.
"I couldn't believe it! 50% more expensive! WHAT ARE PTC PLAYING AT?"

I thought that was pretty univeral for US based developers (?). Adsk software costs more in UK, AFAIK. Tariffs?

(There are some really gorgeous renderings in this discussion, btw
more expensive maybe.. but in my experience not 50% more!
usually it could be the same in Euros as USD but come on.. 50% more! for software, which pretty much has a manucacturing (not developing)cost of 0% in comparison to the actual price paid, you havent got to pay more for shipping there's no hidden EU tax (that I know of) what's their justification for this other than the fact that us Chumps seem to be willing to pay for it? do the vendors get a bigger cut? or is it PTC markup?


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