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CP - You can add me on xboxlive... Evil Skint

Unreal isnt worth getting mate, its OK but nothing compared to COD4.

Ifcosts of prototyping are a problem, if your happy to share the file with me I can send to my factory. Probably reduce the costs significantly, if anything else I could get you a quote to compare to. Ofcourse everything is covered in terms of IP too.
Well, I was thinking the other day about how the open source projects get started and their some awesome software to be had and all it takes is some spear time from software developers. Anyway what I'm saying is why not a Open source frame work for inventors? (im thinking out my butt here). Some people will give there time and knowledge not for the money but to be apart of something good and big. CP, you want your idea designed and developed and I'm sure you would like to dance around with all the money to be made from it. Heres the thing, product develop takes large money. If your sniffing at 3000 then your in for a suprize. Not only do you have to design, develop, proof of design, patient ... you also have to bring the product to market (what ever that market is). This is what I do for a living, I do Research and develop and the projects I work on from start to finish can range from 300,000 into the millions. Its not the prototype's or whatever, its the labor, paying for knowledge and time of all the people that needs to be involved. Like you say, you can't do it all by yourself. Mmmm, how about "Open Invent"?
Ok... I`m in. I will make the tea / coffee for my 25% of the equity. For 44% equity in the design ip I will even clean the toilets !

Seriously though Phoxeoy, I have often thought along the same route as your Open Invent scheme as I have always been interested in industrial design etc and I too understand well and good the costs and time involved in bringing products to market, its what I do too.

I am in a fortunate position with regards to having very good contacts in the far east, factoryowners and qc departments all hired by my own hand shake. They are friends now not just collegues. For my own personaldesign ideas, I often get a helping hand (sometimes this would normally cost $$$$$ )

Unfortunatly the domain www.openinvent.comalready exists hehe.
My investor will cover all distribution and manufacturing costs. He has already invented and manufactured a couple different designs. I really don't have to pay for anything...just finish the design. I've already had some small components prototyped but the entire assembly needs to be finished.I'm not exactly sure what open invent is or what my friends here are offering. I'm not gonna lie, I could use some help. Someone with an extensive plastics background and someone with a strong procurement and engineering background. I can finish this by myself but I think it needs to be seen by more than one mind. Anyone that ultimately has a hand in completing this design will obviously have a stake in the final products earnings. At the moment my computer is the biggest problem. If it ran as good as it was suppose to it would have been done by now.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond everyone.

I'll add you tonight SKINT. I actually like Unreal Tournament. It;s not COD4 but then again they're two completely different kind of games. UT is fast paced, COD4 is more simulation.

FYI-My invention won a merrit award from the NASA design the future contest so it really is a money making idea.

Edited by: CPiotrowski
Great CP, cant wait to kick ur ass online
Im a busy boy lately too so we will just havew to be lucky to be online at the same time I guess.

Congrats on the award, it doesnt surprise me that you have taken something that far. Your design intent aswell as your modelling skills are second-to-none. Cant wait to see it and find out more about it. If you fancy sharing any of it just for some critisism or just another head to bounce off
let me know.

Keep plugging away at it though mate, seems like your onto a winnner
Hi Guys,

Very impressed with all the fantastic rendering going on out there!!!

If you guys can't help then I don't know who can.......Does anyone have a ProE, iges or stepmodel of a Hummer H2? I'm looking for a model I can customise and have a play around with??!!
I have half of a hummer that I had from Bart ( Design Engine on this forum ). With his permission I will glady email it to you. You may be able to request it for download from his website, just google Design Engine.

I have no idea if its a H2 tho
Thanks for the great compliment SKINT but I gotta warn you, my modeling skills are second only to my gaming skills...
See you online bro. I'll be on all night tonight likely.
Thanks Bart,

Is it available to download from your website? orcould you email it me if I PM you my email? I'll post the finished effort in this topic if itsstill going..... (will probably be up near the 200 page mark by then!!)

thanks guys

Hi CPiotrowsky

I have suggested that they change the name of the Animation forum to "Animation& Rendering", or that they make a new "Rendering" forum. This topic of Rendering ... Q&A & Gallery is getting too long in posts and is also more suited just for uploadingimages and discussing it.It will be good if Rendering has its own forum, to enable us to start more specific topics such as specific rendering issues, software discussions etc. Maybe they can then move this topic to that new Rendering forum, instead of keeping it under Modeling, which doesn't make sense. What do you think?

Edited by: pro_eek
I don't think it should matter that modeling gets more traffic - it's about being organised. as already said, this post if far to long to find anything useful, to the point where I rarly read it any more (and I'm very interestd in rendering!)

it's a great idea to modify the animation side of things and also a great idea for a gallery (which has beem sugested many times!)

yet we keep the post going for a record or something.

we have Belkin in for training for a week long surfacing class among others.

Skint: send him the model. I do have the model and all it's top down models etc....That hummer00 model is probably got 15 hrs in it the way it's built. I had some three week students help me build the rack ontop and bumpers.
It definetly wouldnt be bad to have a rendering forum if they wanted to make one. Until they do...this thread serves its purpose to post your models or renders and get advice or comments. I don't feel you should have to reread this post or look through pages for an answer. Regardless of how long threads become, ditto questions will still be asked so there is really no reason to end or start a new thread until it's in a forum created specifically for models and renders. Everyone already knows to come here to view new models or renders. It's the renders that are being put in their own topics by the creator that dont really get seen. This thread is a great way to get your stuff seen for sure. I also agree there should be a gallery of models and renders and a new forum for models and renders. It will get used more if specifically made for that purpose.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
OK, how do we get them to make a Rendering forum? I agree that this thread is great for showcasing renders. That's whyI dont wont to bloat it with software discussions etc..

