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Decal placement issues...


the pink highlighted surface. I have 5 surface patches there and in
front. Is there not a way to get my decal to seat across all three
surface patches? There are work a-rounds in Maya and Alias for this and
I have not found one for Pro/E yet. This example I just placed the
decal several times and slid things to sorta fit. WF4.0 here....


This image shows the surface boundaries....

suggestions? I had good luck just matching up the same decal over surface boundaries
in the past. With this build of WF4.0 they forgot to add the lock
aspect ratio radio button.


How can I get the outside color from the decal to go transparent?

Edited by: design-engine

work in progress. I gave up on the Honda logo for now. My work around will be to create a surfacing w/o tangency that floats .003" off the fuselage ...

Edited by: design-engine
Nice lookin model Design. Whats the purpose of the model? For fun or for work? Whats the problem you're having with the Logo? I also agree with you on the renders that are just short of photorealistic. That way, people know they're models and not actual pictures. I have that issue with the Turbo Intake system...most people think is a photograph and I have to tell them its a render of the model which leads into explaining what rendering is.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Hi Mr. Cpiotrowski
I saw your great models , i got a question for you: Can you suggest to some tips to do a car model with style (trace sketch) or other tecniques , or any good tutorials.
Velvetk said:
Hi Mr. Cpiotrowski
I saw your great models , i got a question for you: Can you suggest to some tips to do a car model with style (trace sketch) or other tecniques , or any good tutorials.

First off...thanks. I use boundary blends for all my complex surfacing. I typically dont use style. I'm sure someone on here can direct you to some good style tutorials. I know i've seen them but i'm not sure where to find them. Send Design Engine a message and ask him the same question.
Hi Bart Brejcha!!
I saw the site , whitch sells courses of the most used modeling programs.
But i have a question , the are e-learning courses of pro-e?? or only there are classroom courses??
Because i there are courses by e-learning or downloadable , on sell , i will be interested.
I throw quite a bit of anxiety into the class in real life that does not translate well to e-learning style. Guess you could say that I am being pushed by the powers at large at design engine ; Ray Doeksen ; to water it down to become .... more PTC book read oriented. Thats not my style I guess you could say.

Many of our three week students are recent graduates from a Mechanical Engineering colleges someplace around the world. Their anxiety is very high because they want a job. I fuel off that anxiety... a stress which fuels people to work harder smarter faster. I translate that anxiety to the one week surfacing classes as well.

e-learning sux and simply can not compare. When you meet me you will understand.

Edited by: design-engine
Its a shame the activity of this thread has slowed down a lot, I quite enjoyed seeing what people were working on and how they were progressing etc.

Where has CP gone

Come back mate ..

Don't read into my tone of voice with the typing. Thats not my intention ever to be hostile... unless it's in good fun.This past month our training coordinator has started us down an e-learning path using WebEX online software. I have used it to make discussions with customers but have never been in the drivers seat.

When I train I walk around to see what each person is working on.... I like to do that and with webex I guess Ill just be content sitting in my chair. (thats not like me)

Besides, how else could I try Italian beer? And go to a football match or drive a car down a narrow lane in Italy? Now you know my real mission. travel. I want to participate in motorcross race and a road race or a track day or something in Italy.

Its been a little boring without you CPiotrowski!
Edited by: design-engine
CPiotrowski said:
I'm still here. Hoping to start some new stuff soon. Whats up Skint?

Ahh good to see you old friend! You must have been busy playing xbox games
, i just bought Unreal Tournament 3!!
design-engine said:

Don't read into my tone of voice with the typing. Thats not my intention ever to be hostile... unless it's in good fun.This past month our training coordinator has started us down an e-learning path using WebEX online software. I have used it to make discussions with customers but have never been in the drivers seat.

When I train I walk around to see what each person is working on.... I like to do that and with webex I guess Ill just be content sitting in my chair. (thats not like me)

Besides, how else could I try Italian beer? And go to a football match or drive a car down a narrow lane in Italy? Now you know my real mission. travel. I want to participate in motorcross race and a road race or a track day or something in Italy.

Its been a little boring without you CPiotrowski!

My bad bro. I have a virus on my computer that I can't seem to get rid of. I've also been killing myself mentally trying to engineer and design my invention and just recently I decided to put it off until i'm ready to finish it. Which means, as soon as I can get my computer fixed and running right I plan to start another model. Just not sure what yet. What have you been workin on lately?
Bart Brejcha:

Sorry, I was nervous for mine facts , and have misinterpreted your words.
It was not in my intentions to be offensive in your cares.
On purpose of the on-line courses , I agree with your thinking ,on the fact that you can learn better in classroom with a good master ,but the convenience of the e-learning course is that of being able to learn without moving from my city or country. Because i live in Italy.
Thats all
P.s: Sorry for my bad english wrote , i hope it was understanable
CPiotrowski said:
I've also been killing myself mentally trying to engineer and design my invention and just recently I decided to put it off until i'm ready to finish it.

CP, sorry to hear about the troubles but I just have to say something on this front. I started inventing crazy things ever sense I could put a pencil to paper. The problem I always have had is no money to develop. I have seen my ideas get created years later by someone else and it sucks. I guess what i'm saying is if you can go forward, I wouldnt put a good idea on the back burner because good ideas will find a new home. Example,... You know those refigurators that have auto measuring water dispensers? yeah, I came up with that when I was 12. I still have the drawings and specs. Anyway, just a thought.
phoxeoy said:
CPiotrowski said:
I've also been killing myself mentally trying to engineer and design my invention and just recently I decided to put it off until i'm ready to finish it.

CP, sorry to hear about the troubles but I just have to say something on this front. I started inventing crazy things ever sense I could put a pencil to paper. The problem I always have had is no money to develop. I have seen my ideas get created years later by someone else and it sucks. I guess what i'm saying is if you can go forward, I wouldnt put a good idea on the back burner because good ideas will find a new home. Example,... You know those refigurators that have auto measuring water dispensers? yeah, I came up with that when I was 12. I still have the drawings and specs. Anyway, just a thought.

I understand what you're saying and I do have an investor but it's alot of work for me to design and engineer on my own time. I need an airflow analysis' done and that's not something I can do. Plus now that my computer is messed up I dont think Pro-E runs very well. It would be nice if I had the money to let a design firm finish the design but I dont have the money for that and its not something I want to ask my investor for.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Choose fluent to do the fluid dynamics.The only real reason one needs to use a fluid dynamics software is to get the engine manufacture to guarantee their engine. Otherwise test it with a prototype. Its cheaper.Thats how we won world war two!
Edited by: design-engine
You make a good point but it will cost my investor over $3000 to produce a prototype and thats alot of money to not know if the product will create enough vaccum or not.

SKINT- What's your xbox name again?
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Prototypes are a necessary evil and 3000 does not sound like much money....Make the prototype do more than prove vacuum.... make the prototype help the customer gain more exposure, money, stature, respect... and it's worth the investment.

