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You're could go either way. This thread wasnt necessarily for researching tips rather than getting immediate help on issues. It was more for posting models are renders and getting advice on them. Atleast if the images are posted here, there would only be one place needed to stop in to see the models and renders.
yeah.. but 100 pages is too much to look through - ask for a gallery to be built and use that instead for images - more suited I think. easier to browse
Yeah a gallery is a good idea.

I havent been around for ages, mcad cocked up my account and deleted me. Glad to be back and still see this thread going though :)
If I setup and create a web gallery for CAD models, would anybody here use it? I design and program web application as well as web sites. Here is the thing, I don't want to start if nobody is interested because it takes a lot of work in order to create a good and secure site.

Wholly crap this forum is long, 105 pages! Never seen that before
phoxeoy, I have often considered doing that myself. Just never got around to it. I think a gallery hosting a huge collections of sharable models is a great idea and I have no doubt you would get plenty of hits...certainly enough justify customers paying you a small advertising feeto your hosting costs
phoxeoy said:
If I setup and create a web gallery for CAD models, would anybody here use it? I design and program web application as well as web sites. Here is the thing, I don't want to start if nobody is interested because it takes a lot of work in order to create a good and secure site.

Wholly crap this forum is long, 105 pages! Never seen that before

Exactlythe reason to keep it going. neither have I.
I really don't think just because the topic is big it's a reason to keep it going - actually cian I think you set up this topic when another post to do with rendering was becoming big (20 pages) and it was dificult to find things..

but all credit to the post - I've learned a lot reading it - but now after a few months when I want to reference something I can no longer find it and it's quite painful!

just my $0.02c
james.lynch said:
I really don't think just because the topic is big it's a reason to keep it going - actually cian I think you set up this topic when another post to do with rendering was becoming big (20 pages) and it was dificult to find things..

but all credit to the post - I've learned a lot reading it - but now after a few months when I want to reference something I can no longer find it and it's quite painful!

just my $0.02c

You're right. Its just cool to see a thread last for so long with so many hits and pages I guess.
CPiotrowski said:
james.lynch said:
I really don't think just because the topic is big it's a reason to keep it going - actually cian I think you set up this topic when another post to do with rendering was becoming big (20 pages) and it was dificult to find things..

but all credit to the post - I've learned a lot reading it - but now after a few months when I want to reference something I can no longer find it and it's quite painful!

just my $0.02c

You're right. Its just cool to see a thread last for so long with so many hits and pages I guess.

I agree with James. I also agree with CP. Thats why a seperate gallery should be created, and named after its creator... The CP Q&A Gallery
you guys can create that on if you like. I have access to 4 or 5 programmers. We already have what we used to do with the photoreal competition that we did for 5 years starting 2000

you would need 1 login that remembers you (sorta like this forum) 2 upload utility so users can create an account and upload imagery. 3 maybe even a spot so people can list out their name - company for the glory or fame .... I am for keeping even the thumbnails large and the actual rendering even larger.

I would be willing to offset the cost for programmers if you guys manage it... and the creation of it.

Edited by: design-engine
Partick... oops..... well... I guess you guys could create it free another way using a blog board or something. If you looking for a host I got it thats all. I did state "if you guys manage it" forget I mentioned it if its a problem.

I was not tring to undercut but to supplement...

To do that image gallery right would cost in programmers fees close to 600+ You need a mysql database you know. We (a sister company just built a backend for upload image utility for an artist And if you in chicago Friday btw he is having an opening of "rock poster art" and design-engine is supplying the keg. ;)

Edited by: design-engine
Hosting is not a problem, got that covered. As far as programmer fees, well, I'm the programmer so I guess I'll have to pay myself.

Don't get me wrong, I know what your saying and help is always welcome. I was just a little worried that if I start down this rabbit hole, someone was not going to throw some dirt behind me.

The thing is, I never do anything on the cheap so if I'm going to create something; it's going to be kick ass. But kick ass takes a lot of effort which I'm willing to do but not if others have another idea.

I think I see a need here for designers and what not to have a place to show off what they have down as well as give some tips and trick that went into it. I'm not talking complete tutorials or anything (who has time for that!) I'm just talking about simple description on technics that people might not have thought of before.
Is it possible to have it both ways in proe?

By both ways, I mean having models that render well under photo render and are usable when not using photorender?

It just seems that when I get the appearances and lighting to work to produce a good photorendered image, that when I drop back to modeling everything is blown out, over lit, and makes my eyes hurt.

How do people deal with that?
Whats up Glenn,

I think your referring to how light is handled with real time render as opposed to actual rendering.

Let me say there is a disconnect there for the programmers with respect to workflow and realtime render ... I coulkd be mean but I will take a deep breath and sip my tea.

How do I deal with that? I personally give up quicker and go to Maya where the tool works much like I would expect things to work. You however might try a secondary tool like image studio. Its cheap. It reads in Pro/E files.

Edited by: design-engine
Ok, that makes sense. About the lights. I don't think I'll be able to take your advice about switching to a non PTC renderer.

I'm finding the need to generate better looking pics than what un-rendered proe generates by default. The difference between those two, while using the same lights and appearances is staggering.

My work flow is rarely, make a model, make a good pic, and I'm done. I'm constantly adding to and modifying the project. Stopping to make nice to the photorenderer on stuff I've already dealt with is not in the game.

I need/want to be able to work in unrendered mode and at a moments notice click off a better image.

It's almost like I need some way to have two sets of lights and appearances on tap. At things are, that's unmanageable.

design-engine said:
Whats up Glenn,

I think your referring to how light is handled with real time render as opposed to actual rendering.

Let me say there is a disconnect there for the programmers with respect to workflow and realtime render ... I coulkd be mean but I will take a deep breath and sip my tea.

How do I deal with that? I personally give up quicker and go to Maya where the tool works much like I would expect things to work. You however might try a secondary tool like image studio. Its cheap. It reads in Pro/E files.
Edited by: gkbeer
There are strengths for staying in Pro/E render ... for example you can keep your models all native in Pro/E.

Here is one for you.... I also like the fact that the render in Pro/E does not look perfectly photoreal. This way the sales guys on your team don't ask for 200 items for the morning trip to a trade show.

The realtime render utility in Maya is acurate to what the render may look like but you would never want to screen capture it like you can in Pro/E realtime render. In Maya textures will work in realtime render and in Pro/E realitme textures is not supported.

Edited by: design-engine

