Thanks C_thompson_68,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" />
So, SW will automatically fully define a sketch if you manually tell it to
. I would guess the dimensions it uses are strong then?
Solidworm, I would define the ProE Intent Manager as the device that automatically adds weak dimensions and constraints (horizontal, coincident, etc) to the sketch to make it fully defined. What constraints it uses is somewhat configurable. Weak dimensions can be modified by the user (and they will become strong) and weak constraints will be automatically removed as other constraints or dimensions are user created.
Unless there is a configuration setting allowing the user to not have fully defined sketches that I do not know about, all sketches in ProE are automatically fully defined (with weak constraints). In SW this is not the case. You can sketch a square with one dimension, and later modify that dimension and end up with a twisted trapezoid.
So, SW will automatically fully define a sketch if you manually tell it to

Solidworm, I would define the ProE Intent Manager as the device that automatically adds weak dimensions and constraints (horizontal, coincident, etc) to the sketch to make it fully defined. What constraints it uses is somewhat configurable. Weak dimensions can be modified by the user (and they will become strong) and weak constraints will be automatically removed as other constraints or dimensions are user created.
Unless there is a configuration setting allowing the user to not have fully defined sketches that I do not know about, all sketches in ProE are automatically fully defined (with weak constraints). In SW this is not the case. You can sketch a square with one dimension, and later modify that dimension and end up with a twisted trapezoid.