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Solidworks vs. ProE

"Suppress, Freeze, Quick Fix, Fix Model, Insert Mode, Resolve Mode"... damn it, done, done, done, done, done... it stillwon't rebuild.Must not haveunderstood my design intent!

Reading the above replies waslike a ten-year CAD systemflash-back; or,just listening to the problemscurrent PRO-E user have.

38 minutes in Pro-E and 39 minutes in Solidworks! Now, that is funny. Please post the part. I want to see what it is that takes 38 minutes to model in PRO-E, and 39 minutes in SOLIDWORKS.
I saw the write up Bugzuki is referring too.... I wanted a copy too.Proprietary I guess.

Last year I created a week long sold works surfacing course. Also, I plan on creating comparative documentation this next year however the two are similar in approach in terms of plan of attack.

In reference to the comparison document... The solidworks cheer leaders made the document for managers using proprietary geometry. The problem is they did not know that the procedure for creating geometry is basically the same in Pro/ENGINEER.

Ignornace is bliss and the managers would have bought that crap if it where not for a serious inquiring mind.
Edited by: design-engine
NASA has standardized to Pro/ENGINEER 10 years ago

Nasa gets Pro for 1/2 price, of course PTC knows the realprofitsare in training and maintenance
As the economy tightens... I heard on NPR this morning that Walmart and Costco sales went up in September while others went down. So thats what happens when things get tight. People go cheap and get just the essentials.
Well i just read 17 pages of crap and nothing has been settled. Would someone please put a stop to this solidworks vs pro on-going battle. THEY ARE APPLES AND ORANGES! One is a mid range parametric solid modeler, the other is a high end suite of software. yes they are different, just like any two things on the face of this planet. I stirred up a firestorm months ago over this with a stupid analogy. Can we ask the admin. to not publish any more solidworks vs pro crap. it accomplishes nothing and just pisses people off who aren't going to change their minds anyway. i read here to learn, ain't learned nothing today! all cad software has its good and bad points just like people. DEAL with what you have. Design Engine (Bart Breja) gave a great point by point comparison months ago. Should be in the archives. If you're comparing for purchase, look up that. if you are ranting and raving, could we be more specific so we can learn???? i would like to see the rant and rave part for this site disappear, i'm tired of reading all this soap box crap from folks who are obviously partial. I hate them all equally.I love them all equally. if it works, use it and shutup. if not, ask for help and learn, and share your knowledge. Bart, thanks, i've learned alot from you and DR. gallup. So here's my philosophy,


Under the pretext that he was offended by all the debateabout SOLIDWORKS vs PRO-E, KTHOMAS wrote; "THEY ARE APPLES AND ORANGES! One is a mid range parametric solid modeler, the other is a high end suite of software", as though there was no bias in this statement, or that it was above all else written.

Let me clear up a little confusion, and be specific; SOLIDWORKS is a better surface modeling program than PRO-E and you don't have to pay extra to get the capability. It is possible to create patches in SOLIDWORKS (as with any parasolid based software) that PRO-E fails to create. So much for the "high end suite" nonsense. Is this specific enough for you?

I guess it is going to come down between Alibre or Autojunk buying PTC. If its Alibre, at least someone will answer calls and make improvements to the software. They can call it PRO-alEbre, and we can debate if its better than SOLIDWORKS.

Hey, where is that 38-minute part. I'm still waiting.
Metoo said:
It is possible to create patches in SOLIDWORKS (as with any parasolid based software) that PRO-E fails to create.

Will you give an example of a patch that can be created in Solidworks that can't be created in ProE?
that patch tool in soldworks is cool. Pro/E Surface Edit is so much cooler tho. Sorry charlie. Post a picture tho.

Should I or could I mention that design engine is throwing a Halloween party at our play house next door to the training center. We are doing it with uprise the skate shop. We are calling it "8to8" because it will go till 8am.There will be contractors coming down from MN WI IA and IN....if you can skate a ramp bring your skate board. There will be plenty of girls so don't bring your girl friend. ;p

"8to8" DESIGN-ENGINE and UPRISE are together throwing a Halloween party Friday Night Octob31st at 112 North Green (next door to the Design engine office at Randolph and Green St. Make it one stop for your night or party all night long. 8pm-8am"Bring your wigs and your board for an all nighter" Come early if you want to skate the ramp because uprise will have some pros shredding it up late night. Bring your rollerskates too... P.S. Im thinking about going as the silver surfer.

Edited by: design-engine
Well, I've never seen it demonstrated. Whether, or not, it ~can~ be is
incidental, really. What would be interesting about it is knowing that
the person that did it is probably worth listening to when they offer an
opinion. Too many Jon Banquers and Dennis Jeffreys running loose to just
take what everyone says at face value or, at least, have an idea of where
they're coming from.
Sorry, I forgot to check back on the site till Bart
reminded me about it.

Here is a copy of the document I made that gives a step
by step on the procedure for creating the part in both
systems (as good as I could get it).

It is not a top down design model. It was a test to see
how long it took to create geometry not to complete a
design process. I understand the need to create a
complete design process, but my boss did not want that.
The statement was that it took twice as long to design
the given part (that is similar to the one in the
document) in Pro/E as it did in SW.

I received a copy of both parts and found that the Pro/E
model was a mess and very obviously hard to deal with. I
was told to show that Pro/E had the same functionality
as SW and could create the same geometry in the same

That is what I set out to do. The second little part was
to see how long it took to create that geometry. I have
to admit I was surprised that it was pretty much equal
(thought SW might be quicker). I also practiced the
procedure several times in both systems - to make sure I
could preform reliably every time before I did the

There were things I liked about both applications and
things I did not like.

<a target="_blank" href="uploads/Bugzuki/2008-10-
<br / target="_blank">">2008-10-</a>
Edited by: Bugzuki
<A href="uploads/Bugzuki/2008-10-<br / target=" target=_blank _blank? target="_blank">">2008-10-</A>

I should leave it alone maybe it takes a little while to become available.
Edited by: Bugzuki
I thought that was proprietary...Good job Paul!

The solid works cheer leaders were trying to set Pro/E up to be clumsy by the poor construction methodology.I wonder what their agenda is/was for making proe look so bad?

That is how I learned solidworks. I remolded all of our Alias and Pro/E tutorials using solidworks.I pushed it very hard (with respect to surfacing) and know it quite well now.
Edited by: design-engine


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