Look at the new Solid Edge; direct editing offeatures onimported dumb geometry - direct editing of features without going back to feature tree!UG has certainly stepped out ahead of all others.
A few years back I used Solid Edge on a number of projects and saw glimpses of where UG was headed with this product. Their blue-dottechnology for surfacing was great, but it is nothing compared to having the ability to import an IGES, STEP, etc... and begin making direct alterations to features. Feature-tree be damned, for basic solid extrudes, UG has made the tree a useless appendage, and in doing so has greatly simplified the designprocess.
I have no doubt that if UG is aggresive in promoting their product they will turn the industry over. I can't see how any large company would continue to throw money into the PRO-E black-hole after seeing how far UG has advanced their product.
A few years back I used Solid Edge on a number of projects and saw glimpses of where UG was headed with this product. Their blue-dottechnology for surfacing was great, but it is nothing compared to having the ability to import an IGES, STEP, etc... and begin making direct alterations to features. Feature-tree be damned, for basic solid extrudes, UG has made the tree a useless appendage, and in doing so has greatly simplified the designprocess.
I have no doubt that if UG is aggresive in promoting their product they will turn the industry over. I can't see how any large company would continue to throw money into the PRO-E black-hole after seeing how far UG has advanced their product.