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Solidworks vs. ProE

People like you are a personal insult to people like me. Just because I did not read all the "books" you did does not mean we are below you? Can you even run a manual mill or program a CNC? I use pro engineer for a "tool". I have been a machinist for 30 years and I design "real world" not text book?
didn't want to insult you. can you model real world using partial differential equations? if you can ,i'll tear my textbooks and start learning how to operate a manual milling machine.

Edited by: solidworm
Dude (SolidWorm)- just because some of us poured blood, sweat and tears into Calc 1-4, and DIFFI-EQ's, no need to dis-rspect some of the REAL Engineers like cncwhiz.

We have a similar guy that makes more accurate parts with antique lathes and mills compared to a CNC vendor using my IGES files! Nothing beats the Old School Innovation. He's parts are almost magical ----PFM (Pure F____ing Magic).
Without the milling machine the "REAL" world does not even need you?Some ofthe smartest people in history were highschool dropouts? You act like you are better and smarter because of a book? LOL!!!
i just wanted to remind you that everybody has his own abilities and functions and the books that you make fun of, are not that dull and dumb as you might think. when i see expert machinists like you, i always rush to them, to ask a couple of questions. they are really nice guys and answer my questions patiently.
what movie was that where these guys crashed an airplane in the desert near wwII and from the wreckage and engineer in the group made a smaller airplane and flew it out just in time.We need more movies like that to inspire real engineers.
Edited by: design-engine

I work in the engineering department where I work. The mix here works well. The degreed people here do the deign of our product. The problem that most of them have is they can and do design things that are either impossible to machine or will cost too much to produce? That where I come in. We work it out with round table meetings. I then take the design and design the tooling etc, program the part then go on the machine and make the part. So in closing, we all need each other and none is better than the other?
I assume whole battle X vs Y comes from marketing.

The way Pro/E is advertised - well I assume guys frm Solidworks do their job much better. i.e there is a lot of performance done here in Poland around SW. There is atleast one big artcile in local Desing New magazine. I have`nt found none about Pro/E since I read it(more than year so far).

I understand that local market is not so intresting for PTC as for exemple Germany, but if guys from SW push so much attention here, I assume they do twice a job in another countries.

Another case - WWW services. There are a lot new ones SW related. All focused on great renderings and complex surfacing. Count indentical Pro/E related - I suppose one hand will be enough.

[url] tm[/url]
[url] ce_tutorials.htm[/url]

Still - great engineers can do their job without new macros, with a not so eye candy Pro/E interface, but I suppose for the fresh people the case could look different
Germany is Big on Pro/E BTW.

Solidworks sales people market with scare tactics.... Pro/E is more expensive so buy solidworks.The cad managers believe that load and without doing any research buy soldiworks. "Ignoromos"
these guys at solidworks were promising a bug free version of solidworks for the 2009 release. but it's actually the worst i've ever used. it's actually a big set of bugs with some CAD functionalities thrown in may call this "bug 2.0" . i have never used something like this before. sometimes you can't even create a spherical surface because it crashes just after you select the revolve feature. worst is that it crashes randomly while browsing the documentation.
At the end of the day this thread is pretty pointless as it is obvious that the superiority (if you want to use that expression) of a cad system is down to personal preference and the users ability to use it.

I currently use wf3 and its fine, i also use Inventor and SW. They all do what i want them to do. I personally prefer Inventor because i like the intuitiveness of the software and it doesn't make me want to bang my head aginst the wall.

The main problem with it is that the hourly rate is not as high as wf or SW. SW currently has the highest rates so that in some aspects makes it number one?

Learn to use them all and you'll never be out of work

> is down to personal preference and the users ability to use it. ...
> ... SW currently has the highest rates ...

Both depend on the application of the software. Cube farmers, consumer
products and ID, mold makers, tool and die makers, large top down design
assemblies of non-prismatic parts, ... It can't all be mixed together
without turning gray and going sour. That's why these discussions are,
by and large, worthless.

> Learn to use them all

Learning is good.
is down to personal preference and the users ability to use it......

FINALLY........ some takers! Back to DESIGN INTENT, and that Napkin and #2 pencil also works!

SolidWorm still putting SW down :-(

Bug 2.0????? Ever play with Release 14-18, Pro-E 2000i and Pro-E 2000i^2? How many patches where there?

"is down to personal preference and the users ability to use it" ----STOP BEING A CHEERLEADER :)
I might learn solidworks one day just so I can join in with these pointless conversational debates lol.

Right nowim Ambidexturous... I can do F**k all with both hands
[-Skint- said:

I might learn solidworks one day just so I can join in with these pointless conversational debates lol.

Right nowim Ambidexturous... I can do F**k all with both hands

lol Skint.

It's a mind over matter thing.....I have it in my mind that I won't get sucked into these discussions but my fingers still type replies....very strange!!!

I think I'll change the subject a little......the Belfast Bradford and Bingley branch no longer does mortgages.....where will I go now to find a fit mortgage advisor??? I'm gutted....
Its fun to chat up all the heated debate.

Its too easy to beat up on the little sister howbeit she is tough. We should pick on someone else. Maybe more our seize like Catia. No one uses it hardly in the states.


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