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Solidworks vs. ProE

design-engine said:
Pro/E jobs are more elite and probably pay 10 to 20 percent higher. Solidwokrs users are more like mac enthusiasts. They love it because it looks better.

As a "Mac enthusiast" I can tell you that there are more reasons than just looks. You wouldn't buy a BMW just because it looks good.

Have you used the macs that support windows. I'm not a mac user but had a guy demonstrate on to me a few weeks ago in London. It looked impressive. I didn't even realise that it was available.
design-engine wrote: "Pro/E jobs are more elite and probably pay 10 to 20 percent higher"

HA, HA, HA; now, that's funny. I've never associated the use of PRO-E with being elite.Over the last five years I have associatedit with old and out-dated though, and that's an association common with most companies still using PRO-E; their legacy files are all that's holding most back from changing to SolidWorks.
Its old and outdated only because you are using the old outdated way.... (not to insult you as outdated) There could be new tools that you are not utilizing.I work with both SW and PROE... (more with Pro/E) but I know solidworks better than most cheerleaders of solidworks.

The 'early adopters' chose proe before solidworks was even in incubation. You make reference to being outdated maybe because the large innovator PTC grew so large. It is too bad for sw that the late adopters chose solidworks. With the exception of TREK and Rayovac there are only pockets within the manufactures who use Soldiworks. Trek and Rayovac chose tools late in the game.

It is good there is competition and bad that the software costs are driven down. Its often easier to be the underdog because your target is clear. Mid range developers set their sites on PTC customers and target them. The high end modelers are being forced into extreme innovation all with lower software revenue... A new type of innovation.. (do it better with less money) which is the counter problem with respect to software development costs.

Wildfire 4.0 is bad ass BTW... And I am continually blown away at the innovation out of PTC.

I found solworks users don't even have a vocabulary for intelligent debate.

Now if Soldiworks would get their top down modeling functions to even half of What is possible with Pro/E you might be able to make some arguments. And don't even get me started on intent manager.... and solidworks is still 10 years behind there. It was 1998 v20 that the intent manager came out with Pro/ENGINEER. And to boot I never even took solidworks seriously until the 2007 release with the advent of boundary surfaces.Try to explain what surfaces are to solidwokrs users and you get a blank face. "well maybe proe is better there". The truth is the soldiworks surfacing tools are not that bad anymore...but I have had this debate in 1997 with solidworks cheerleaders when solidworks sucked bad.

Now back in 1995 when I asked developers at PTC... I want a toggle a cut to a protrusion or the other way around. They laughed at me and wondered why would anyone want to do that. It took till 2002 to have that functionality.Solidworks is not even there yet. And when I try to use a curve in solidworks feature.... it consumes the curve into the part. Do you know who annoying that is when surfacing complex forms?God shoot me.

If you sat next to me for several hours and made direct comparisons you would say... "I've never seen anyone use proe like that". and that is said every class I teach there is a solidworks cheerleader.

You really should go work someplace else. Bart says to the cheerleader.

Catia is the big brother that compares more closely I hear.I think Soldiworks developers need to stop focusing on the PTC killer and do market research and invest in real innovation. Not just fancy interface designers writing deeper into the parasolid kernel.

Solidworks is desperately trying to change their view to the world as a tool for late adopters and the more cash poor startup companies. The problem is that they developed the software for the masses first then for the specific functions of engineering. Where is the progressive tool die extension or free form surfacing (starting to emerge with 2009) and all those modules that cost so darn much but saves the manufacture millions each year.

"oh to get that you need to upgrade to Catia"

Edited by: design-engine
You guys are funny! I love PTC.......but you all are missing the point. How fast you guys forget that Pro was $50K per seat ------- SolidWorks is just Pro-E Jr. on steroids! Don't you guys realize that since Pro-E JR. failed, all of a sudden a seat of Pro-Engineer - Solidworks - and re-Inventor are now all in the same price range. Now, if you were one of the guys that paid $50k per seat in the late 1980's and to find that Pro-E Jr. and Autodesk Mechanical DeskTop failed ---- doesn't it SUCK to come down to SolidWorks level???? I'm sure we all drove the Camaros and Mustangs then ----- It does SUCK to come down to driving a Kia now!!! :) It's not that PTC is Great anymore - They settled to be in a crowd of lower class platforms! Soon you guys will be bragging how Wildfire 10 is better than TurboCAD or Alibre!!!!
Solidworks is like your little sister. She's easy.<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>
possible relatives?:<O:p></O:p>
solid edge- the neglected sister that just can't seem to get a break?<O:p></O:p>
catia- the rich uncle with the nice car that only hangs around a few places?<O:p></O:p>
pro-e- the dad that still wears the plaid stretch knit clothes, but is sure he is cool?<O:p></O:p>
UG- the brother that always comes in second?<O:p></O:p>
OSD- the hippie sister without a care in the world?<O:p></O:p>
inventor- that neighbor that always is making something in the garage, but never quite finishing it?<O:p></O:p>
maya- that flirty neighbor always showing off<O:p></O:p>
3dmax- the hot shot cousin that gets all the best jobs<O:p></O:p>
hyperbole of course...<O:p></O:p>
Since you're a trainer - you should be able to give me a price on all of the PTC courses below (including the on-line assessment test). It's all marketing!!!! I've been saying from day 1- BE AN ENGINEER FIRST, let me add your words, RATHER THAN ANY CHEERLEADER. Seriously - look at location and regions of the country, and see what platforms are used. If you want to stay in the NE (UPSTATE, NY), you need to look at these platforms as tools and nothing else. I was designing Typewriter parts with Pro-E Rel 12-14, I was designing filter housings with Pro-E Jr. (2 blocks from the Tyewriter manufacturer), I was designing robotic components with Pro-E Rel 2000, 2000i, 2000i^2, and 2001. It's a tool --- so for any cheerleader out there, it's all marketing, and if you are a true Pro-E homeboy, you know it's just like Microsoft -----we all thought that Win95 was the most stable, just like we all fell in love with Pro-E 2001 (anything before it was junk). Bottom line, I've been laid off from places, I've used Pro..... this is why I took advantage of the Re-Training Act, each time I take a course with a different platform. The sad thing is I've also adapted to different positions and titles (engineering, marketing, and sales)......... who would have thought that I could make more money as Manufacturing engineer using ACAD LT than my past 17 years of 3D- modeling.....It's just a tool! At the end of the day - I can't wipe my butt with any of those attached certificates in the back of each traing work books! :)
Introduction to Pro/Engineer <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
ProEngineer Fundamentals ofSheetmetal Design
ProEngineer Fundamentals of Drawing
ProEngineer Large Assembly Management
ProEngineer Advanced Top-Down Design
Pro/Mechanica Structure Independent Mode
Pro/Mechanica Fundamentals of Structure/Thermal
Pro/MechanicaAdvanced Workshop
ProEngineer Core Update

Solid Works Essentials
Solid WorksDetailing
Solid WorksAdvanced

Inventor Fundamentals
don't you like typing in the morning? i just came back to read your post, but it's gone. maybe i just dreamed about it.

Edited by: solidworm
yea... I deleted it.

It seams so fascist of me to like Pro/ENGINEER so much... which is why design engine made the move to teach solidworks in the first place.I was trying to explain how design engine came to teach Pro/E and it's ill attempt to diversify and teach solidworks. My effort to shed light on why I am personally biter became too long winded and the truth is, we teach Pro/ENGINEER because that is currently where the jobs are.

Plus solidworks uses don't need training because its easy enough to learn without assistance. I am content to just leave the solidworks users alone and in the dark.

Its probably me in the end thats in the dark.
Edited by: design-engine
i'm frustrated about CAD, it's getting down so much. do mechanical engineers in the US, come to contact directly with CAD? i've visited many companies here, for every 10 CAD users, there is only one mechanical engineer, others are with lower educational degrees, self trained and dont know the basics of CAD. this annoys me!
Did anyone see the guy selling T-shirts that said "Solid Works Sucks" at the PTC User meeting in Long Beach this year? Or was that Larry Pitt with the T-shirt on that said "CAD Standards Suck"???

OK let's lighten the topic up a little here.

Jack of all trades master of none.
I added Pro/DECK to the glossary of terms...

Solidworm: Engineers do use CAD. Many young engineers go to contract jobs to gain experience fast then move to management when they get with a permanent job. That's when they stop using it.

Real engineers only need a napkin and a #2 pencil for calculations and an iso view (no model check required).....LOL

I might just start selling T-shirts!!!! that was awsome....
In the united states there is a huge shortage of mechanical engineers. Thats probably why it's easy for non degree guys have a majority of the jobs.They have experience and run the software all the time.Engineers have to manage production and that often does not require the use a CAD tool. Unless I guess if their using Pro/PROCESS....

I am still trying to figure out exactly what Pro/PROCESS is.


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