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Some surfaces behaviour makes me confused

Jacek, excellent to see somebody having a go at a tutorial. Just what this forum would benefit from, maybe you`ll convince the admin to start a new tutorial section

I will follow these instructions one day when I get time. Thanks for your effort.
still it can be done within Tips&tricks section as ordinary post, with one main demand - no input apart of autor. Sugestion in an additional post with suject related.

ok, let`s continue the tutorial

make a round between newly created VSS and main surf

now create an additional revolved surface, then create a round as shown below
create Boundary Blend using Revolve edge, and edge which comes from prevoius round - this function is jusy work around of creating curve for next Boundary blend later, If You want You can create such curve simple by Curve through points. I am trying to avoid CTP because of its sh*ty interface

make a Trim for second VSS using previously created round, create two additional datums
create a sketch as below

create second sketch on previously created datum plane - that one with an angle

the profile should contain spline with a control for Curvature by relations
james.lynch said:
I tried (quite hard) to set up a tutorial page before and unfortunately admin shut it down. 865&KW=said+it

if it is set up I will definately contribute!


James, thats a bummer ! Looks like you put quite a lot of effort into that. It wouldnt be any trouble for admin to add a tutorial section. It would really benefit this forum a lot. I find when im browsing the search files, you end up with all sorts of crap because of badly titled posts etc, so a specific location for learning would be great. ADMIN.. get to it please
video tutorial is worth 10 good pdf tutorials, no doubt.

ok, lets continue

make a "bottle`s neck" Boundary Blend

now trim it with a curve created before

finish "the neck of the bottle"
now it can become a little messy. You have to be charitable to me while I was doing my model without no great plan in mind. So it was - form problem to problem approach.

trim main VSS surf and next extend it

make a sketch

project it on extended surf

the point is - now I see something could be done different. It gonna be visible more when I bite model deeper later. However I am still convince, there gonna be some time for improvement after the end of this tutorial. To show an additional workarounds for commited errors.
ok, I noticed somebody could be lost within shortcuts I used in pics before.

there are some steps seen at pics but not mentioned

trim surf from second VSS using two rounds creted before

trim small surf creted by BB - first project then trim
create surf by BB

trim such surface using side surf created before

create curve through points and project it on the side surf
thx james

I`ve hope to get this further - bottom surf has strange transition. It is not seen while ambient and intensinity are quite high. Plus - the view hides some details

In the end - if You stay and stare at some thing each day by day, then You just must do it
yesterday I made a little changes to the upper part of whole device

it was based on PTC`s brochure about ISDX capabilities
Are you trying to beat CP`s thread of No. Pages

Do you use ISDX in any of your work Jacek ? So far with pro-e I have not bothered with isdx, I am hoping I will eventually create all surfaces with BB etc.
[-Skint- said:

Are you trying to beat CP`s thread of No. Pages

You hit the point! I wanna be an author of 1 000 000 pages long thread(Guiness record-prize)

[-Skint- said:

Do you use ISDX in any of your work Jacek ? So far with pro-e I have not bothered with isdx, I am hoping I will eventually create all surfaces with BB etc.

nope, no ISDX included. I haven`t even tried this module. I had had an opportunity to try this module some time ago back then in Wabco, but I was so solid modeling(valves housings) focused that I didn`t pay such attention to surface modeling at all. Surfaces were nice to come for complicated cores, drafts ot cavities, but tha was all of my scope of interest. Different than now.

in the end I use this post as my personal Pro/E blog. It is noticed there is more than only Pro/E related.
Yeah its a good idea for a pro-e blog, track ur progress etc. I may do the same one day, when I get the time to play around a bit and find a project to do :) As usual, too busy these days !

Keep up the good work mate, i`ll help you towards your 1,000,000

