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Some surfaces behaviour makes me confused

however I did not achieved this with surface " trim" method.

I copy necessary surfaces into new model to handle a mess a little in master one. Than made some projects, curves through points as before and it worked.

This is final fillet surfaces set
while working on hood model and later on mouse one mentioned above I encountered funny problem with VSS. I still do not really know what exactly causes this.

Ok, let`s start from begining

I got following surfaces set

as introduced above main surf was tangent to two draft" surfaces

the problem appeared after mirroring main surf

there was lack of normal to mid plane which caused of course lack of tangency along common edge which then brought problem while displaying

it was funny while all trajectory curve where created normal to mid plane

draft surfaces did not have any problems after mirroring

the main surf was made by VSS and controled with trajpar byrelations
so I decided to swith roles and brought relations to drafts surfaces to control draft angle

after that it occured the draft surfaces got problem with tangency after mirroring either

after switching of any realtions with trapar all problems disapeared

any idea about cause of the problem?
nobody has a clue?

ok, I can wait

just for curiosity I tried another way to model mouse discussed above. Instead of dividing this into several surfaces, I decided to make this via curve network based on splines
it can be seen side transition is much smoother now whole modeling is much simplified to a couple of curves

which approach do You prefere at work?
mouse subject still alive

I made another attempt to understand how best handle this model

these are results

no difference?
As You remeber first attempt consisted of many surfaces made with VSS and BB

Second appraoch was based on sketched curves(boundary curves) and BB.
What is intresting this appraoch provided quite nice results, however,
for me there is to much "taste of shape" for b. curves needed. I do not
specialy like to tweak and toogle splines and curves.

I would rather like to obtain same results with more but simplfier steps.

So, I decided to improve a little my fist approach which provides many
patches and sh*t results and rear side of mouse( 3 nd BB) and sketched
spline for first surf

With new apporach I turned sequence in reverse direction - first VSS then BB
now time for comparisom

first approach

*second approach - curves and only BB. It does look pretty because it contains only splines. However these splines( 3 points) are pia to control(curvature without "steps")

*third approach - VSS, BB - for sure it isnot appearent on this pic, but for me it is the best one
design-engine said:
upload the model for us to play with....

sure Bart

as soon as I clean it up of "trash" features that take only place in model, I will check this model in,

for this moment I can only ofer patches layout and curves network
I spent some time on another appraoch for side round surf.

The same Jeff introdiced sometime ago in this post

but in my model it produces sh*ty results
I thought I would bite ISDX month ago. I had such a wish and hope while I requested at PTC page 30 days trail of WF 4.0. Unfortunately till this moment there is no feedback when and where can I fetch this.

I still obtain advertisement form PTC - check what`s new in WF 4.0, but it only push me to alergic reaction for such mails. I don`t need it any more. I`ll wait untill instalment at job.
make a better relationship with your systems admin guys (gals) and you will get your WF4.0 surfacing tools. I understand your frustration. I remember trying to get one manufacturer to upgrade to version 13 because we could make form features on the end of a bend. That was the coolest thing for making battery contacts. At the time I worked for Motorola and no other software could make a form feature around battery contacts. ?Being a contractor its hard to argue and win. In the end tho we won and got our upgrade.

Edited by: design-engine
Considering 30 days trial - I was thinkg about personal use at home.

Still, do not knolw if I would take a profit of ISDX if I still struggle with Pro/E surface.

I suppose some things gonna be simplified by ISDX - COS, BB, Sweep(I`ve seen a pic that traj and boundary curve were choosed and surface was made over it).

My first goal of all for this moment is - keeping my trying to recognize shape and surface layout of existing products. How curves should be constructed to obtain same results as in existing part. I see I made progress in this field. I want to push it further and I am sure I`d do it. The only constraint is a time.
its probably 4:30 or 5:30 PM in Poland now. 7 hrs off CST in Chicago. Just stay late at work like so many of us did for years and years. As a contractor I would stay till midnight using tools like surfaces. Took me years to master on my own. Then years later I realized how little I knew back then. iIt takes a lot of time to formulate technique even after you learn the tools Thats why my surfacing classes focus on modeling technique.... you don't even have to get into ISDX in the one week class because the techniques are the hard part. You learn the tools secondary.

Good luck and keep it up. This Christmas I'll come for a visit and tour north thru poland from CZ and we grab that beer. Where are you exactly? Ill fly there in the new Google Earth I want to do some European Motorcycle track days while I'm there in the summer.
it is about 5:40. I am sitting alone `couse everybody is out. I have to rework some hours I had been late before. I closed all projects for today and have a time to play with surfacing a little. Kids are now at my mother, so I can be late at home-lol!

I need to rush - my guitar tuner is waiting for me at he post office, and I need it `couse I can`t tune guitar without it - lol!

I can send You info You ask me by PM if You want, just PM me.

