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Some surfaces behaviour makes me confused

looking Good Jacek!
now try to get the "band" of surface between the LHSscoop and the keyplate a little more consistant.

thx guys


The plan for detailing the model exist. As I said before - devoted fans can count on something special. If You are interested in, the model could be sent to You and finished by You: buttons, renders, etc, what You say?

unfortunately proe-warsztat will have to wait for such kind of tutorial. I am not promising anything

Regardnig the length of the post - indeed its long, very long, maybe too long for casual reader to take a look on it.

I decided some time ago to end "Some surface behaviour..." when it hits 50 pages. With that said, the post is going to be shut down.

I am planing something special for this occasion, and hope I will made it.


What exactly do You mean? What is the area to be addressed?
I woud love to be able to play around with pro-e again, and this model.... unfortunatly I have not used proe for a few months due to my Home PC Dying
, During my modelling of the snowboard binding the computer decided to stop working...

. Within the next week or two I am planning on spending
Jacek, the model is starting to look the part.... Getting the major surfaces correct is sometimes half the job. The transitions between these major surfaces are another big chapter, and sometimes they can take longer to get correct.

You have certainly put a lot of time and effort in getting the model this far, but dont let up the pressure just yet. The transitinos are most important in getting the model to look correct.

The area that Jamesis talking isif you look donw on the mouse in plan view, with the keys facing forward, this orintates the model and your left Hand side (LHS) is defined. You have a concaved thumb scoop surface, as this moves up the model it meets with the remains of the side surface, which in turn meets with the key surface. It is the meeting of these 3 surfaces that gives you 2 upper edges. The gap between these surfaces has a big impact on the profile of the mouse and its very important that these flow with each other in an aesthetic manner. Its worth taking the time to get these correct now before you go on to the transitons between surfaces.

Keep up the great work.

Edited by: mcgowanp
You "touched" sore point with me - filleting!

I am really lost of faith and strength when it comes to filleting. I am just not so "high" patient.

I like to play with major surfaces, suffering so much when it comes down to detailing. I tried once ot twice to shell my models and I failed(for sure due to the incorrect surfaces
Try not to look at them as fillets. They themselves are surfaces that you will construct as you did the major surfaces, only now they will be related to the major surfaces and will have to be or look curvature continuous.

Give it a go on a simple area and see how you get on. If you've come this far you can't stop now!!!!!

Edited by: mcgowanp
With regards to the transitions between the major surfaces, is it best to model the surface as it is shown in the above images, and then trim and define the transitions with the correct curvature conditions? I'm just doing this sort of thing using the Curve On Surface functionality and was wondering if I'm using a robust technique.

Its hard from me to say what will work best for you, if you could share more info about the geometry then maybe we could give you a better idea on approach.

However yes it is a tried and tested approach to surface modelling, trimming back and constructing the section curves as needed. Generally I will try a boundary blend between 2 major surfaces without any section curves at first to get a look at where I will need them, then add them as needed.

little off topic is going to take a little update this week.

First - there will be (finaly) available english version of big Article regarding Sketcher

Second - two new surfacing tutorials are going to be introduced

Remmeber to use a flag to switch to English!

so stay tuned!
I would like to announce that mentioned update is already done.

Check to fetch big article Sketcher related and two extra Surfacing tuts.

Have fun. Remmeber to RELOAD the page to display new content if one visits my page often!

Counting on Your comments(these are however disabled directly from page so e-amil me instead!)
Nice job on the sketcher article. I will print it of and read through it when I get chance. It takes a little while to load up the latter pages of the .pdf, I see that it is a 1.4Meg document, which is quite a bit for a 16page pdf. Let me know if you need help trying to reduce the file size.

I am sure there are plently of pro-e beginners out there who would benefit from your site in future.
tHX Skint

I appraciate any help!

well, it is heavy I know. I do my best to keep it as small as possible but sometime it comes with drawback - quality

My trick is to avoid loading Acrobat into browser window

I do know it is comfortable, and Acrobat has this set up by default, but I use extra plug-in for Mozilla to download pdfs instead.
muadib3d said:
tHX Skint

I appraciate any help!

well, it is heavy I know. I do my best to keep it as small as possible but sometime it comes with drawback - quality

My trick is to avoid loading Acrobat into browser window

I do know it is comfortable, and Acrobat has this set up by default, but I use extra plug-in for Mozilla to download pdfs instead.

Nice PDF. But on the english page the first 4 pages are English and then it switches to Polish. You can kind of figure out what you are trying to do from the pictures.

Edited by: jsantangelo
sh*t, you`re right jsantangelo

I found that difficult to belive I did such a mistake.

Should be replaced soon by correct one

still, thx for input!
check proe-warsztat once again

the case with "failed" pdf should be solved now.

two cents more considering small hand drill model

this should be enough to catch the way of creating this
For couple of weeks I pushed my self time constraints and surfacing skills very hard

I worked, and still work on something special to be introduced here on "some surfaces behaviour".

I think "it" is now enough ready to share some pics of what I trying to accomplish.
Very Nice work Jacek!!!

You should have kept it top secret for a bit longer though, cause now we will be annoying you to finish!!! :)
yeah great stuff Jacek :)

What is it, the rear looks like audi but the front I dunno lol.

I have a new machine at home now. when I can figure out a floating licence for pro-e ( and getting a ethernet adaptor to work with stupid 64bit vista ) I will be pushing my skills too I hope :)

Inspirational as always
[-Skint- said:

What is it, the rear looks like audi but the front I dunno lol.

they all loks same

guys this is Pontiac Solstice introduced some pages before

I decided to take it as my very firt attempt of car modeling.

There is still a lot to be done, hence - a lot is already implemented.

