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Some surfaces behaviour makes me confused


finaly end of the week. Some pretty crazy stuff happened between(my Ford 1.8 Tddi first time refused to collaborate after stayin whole night at -25C

The Logitech MX 1000 mouse finaly came(it is broken, costed me less then 1E), and I must say I am really impressed with surfaces, but twice as for this I am impressed with the all stuff inside: all those snaps, lugs, locators are placed so smart, the surface seems to be polish same as outside, now I can imagine from where does this price(ready product) come

Two - yesterday I took some extra hours of my evening at home to have a ride with a google and found some intresting things

First - Porsche Carma Concept. Wow it does look amazing

[url] a-concept/[/url]

second - fine tut for Pontiac Solstice done in Alias

[url] ntiac-studio-sujet_1172_1.htm[/url]
indeed Skint

I found - if a great amount of free time to invest is considred - Alias tutorials are closest to Pro/E to procedure instead of polgonal modeling form Maya or 3DS.

[url] atural%20Surfacing%20Part%201_133230/ [/url]

however the no. of tutorials is greater for polygonal modeling so it can not be left without a short attention.

[url] orial/Part%201/porsche_part1_01.asp [/url]

I suggest to take a look on carbody design site to see them all.

Turn music on(check Explosion in the Sky, I am still under great impress) and make a trial.
as I mentioned before I bought broken Logitech MX 1000.

The reason - "reverse engineering"

I took couple of minutes to play around it with surfaces. I was engaged twice as ussual while this mouse mwas a challange once at PDF forum among SW users.
the nose part of it is real PIA while it requires strange curve flow with is really hard to set in two projection at once. I mean it is easy to have right outlook fot a one direction. Hard in two. I took some extra minutes to tweak this part ending with following results.
Hi Jacek!

Coming along nicely! I can't give you the original 3d file but what I will do is I will digitise a production model and send it to you so you can use it as an underlay and build it accurately!

Hope it helps!

that would be great james.

I`ve already considered to create 2D layouts from existing fotos(*.jpg + Gimp) just to obtain much more accurate model than usual(no fotos, just natural sense of shape + Pro/E)

the most time consuming areas I suspect to bring most problems are:

*nose part
*rear side
yeah the nose, because it's drafted! that really messes up the lines.. the rear is easy.. maybe the left hand side after that.. but not that hard either.. it's replacment

and it's replacment model

had much more interesting geometry.

I'll try to get you that scan tomorrow or the day after.

Enjoy! :)
I noticed that after MX 1000 anouncment and when it hit the shop shelves there were a lot of clones trying to follow the "shape" that MX 1000 does have

for me it is an evidance of good and still fresh design

btw - are You on any of pics introduced on flickr?
no.. that's not me.. That's Ian working on the G35 photomodel. I worked with him on that product. I'm not on any of the other flicker images either thank god! I think the world could do without a shot of my head on the internet!
one of our other engineers Blaithin is up there alright working on G13.

yeah.. a there is a LOT of copies of our work out there.. it's really funny to go into the "Hall of Shame" at any of the big shows and see all the copies.
Im using the logitech cordless click plus... I love it :)

Good work Jacek, the amount of spare time you have to study pro-e models amazes me haha.
[-Skint- said:
Good work Jacek, the amount of spare time you have to study pro-e models amazes me haha.

do not mention it to my wife. She does her best to make me watch with her romance comedy each evenning, most without succes

I must change...

all because I am one of those freaky guys spending to much attention and time on own hobby. Do not follow my way, You gonna finish out friends, parties at the end
uff... That is it what I was intending to hear - I am not alone with my "DISSIMILARITY"

THX Skint, that means to me much - I own You a beer(I considering the one of left in firdge)

guess - maybe I should change.

I even tried once ot twice to find better hobby.

However instead of guitar, Aga(my wife) tolerates Pro/E better
Looks really good mate. If your happy with it, get the buttons and wheel modelled up and share the model

I expect a full tutorial on your website up within an hour

EDIT :: Oh by the way Jacek, I decided to re-visit some of the older pages on this now quite long thread of yours, you have came a long way in terms of your suface modelling
Edited by: [-Skint-]

