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Wildfire 3.0 ???

IH275 - Do you have a link? I searched PTC's website and could
not find a link to download the preproduction version. Thanks!
<h3>I don't see Wildfire 3.0 Preproduction in this list.... am I missing something?</h3>


<h3>Order or Download Software Updates</h3>

PTC Technical Support is pleased to provide an electronic service
designed to provide an easier avenue for requesting software updates.
Via the web browser, software updates can be ordered on CD or
electronically downloaded without calling Technical Support.

<table border="0">

<td valign="top">

Order or Download Software Updates

[ In French German Japanese ]

Application Notes
<ul>[*]If multiple PTC products are used simultaneously, please review product compatibility.
[*]The software update sent may be more recent than what is indicated.
[*]For any special requests, Customer Service must be contacted directly.
[*]The CD being shipped is dependent on active maintenance agreement with PTC.
<td valign="top">

Software Update Availability

Application Notes
<ul>[*]This application displays all Software Updates that are currently available via the Software Update Tool.
this list shows all products, actual availability within the Software
Update Tool will be limited by your company entitlement and product
configuration. [/list]

PTC Timeout information and patches are located at

Additional Downloadable Software Updates

For all other software updates, please use the Order or Download Software Updates tool.

[*]InterComm EDAconduit 1.0
[*]Pro/INTRALINK Ghost Feature Tool
[*]InterComm Expert 5.1
[*]Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
[*]Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0
[*]Pro/MECHANICA Wildfire 2.0
[*]Pro/ENGINEER 2000i<sup>2</sup>
[*]Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 Pre-Production
[*]Pro/FLYTHROUGH 21.1
[*]Pro/INTRALINK Gateway Migration
[*]Pro/INTRALINK Toolkit 3.1
[*]Pro/MECHANICA 2001
[*]Pro/MODELVIEW 2.1
[*]Pro/Plastic Advisor Wildfire
[*]Pro/Plastic Advisor 2000i<sup>2</sup>
[*]ProductView Pro/ENGINEER Manual Publisher
[*]Routed Systems Designer and Routed Systems Designer Lite
[*]Windchill R7.0 (supports Windchill, PDMLink and ProjectLink)
[*]Windchill DynamicDesignLink 6.2
[*]Windchill ProductView 6.4
[*]Division Visual Collaboration Services 6.4
[*]EFX 3.0


Previous Releases

[*]Pro/ENGINEER 2000i
[*]Pro/MECHANICA 2000i<sup>2</sup>
[*]ProductView 6.2/2001 2002046
[*]ProductView R6.0/2001 2001197
[*]ProductView R5.1/2000i<sup>2</sup> 2000333
[*]ProductView 2000i<sup>2</sup> 2000220
[*]ProductView Native File Reader
[*]Windchill PDMLink 6.2
[*]Windchill PartsLink 6.2
[*]Windchill PartsLink Search Portal 6.2
[*]Windchill PartsLink 6.0
[*]Windchill ProjectLink 6.2
[*]Windchill ProjectLink 6.0
[*]Windchill 6.2
[*]Windchill 6.0
[*]Windchill 5.1
[*]Windchill 5.0
[*]Windchill CounterPart 6.2
[*]Windchill CounterPart SE 6.2
[*]Windchill CounterPart/Data Loader 6.0
[*]Windchill Data Engineering Applications 5.1
[*]Windchill DynamicDesignLink 6.1
[*]Windchill Info*Engine 5.0
[*]Windchill Open B2B Applications 5.1
[*]Windchill ProjectLink 6.1
[*]Windchill ProductView 6.3
[*]Division Visual Collaboration Services 2001
[*]Windchill Info*Engine 6.0
[*]Windchill Classification and PartSpeak Manager 6.0


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Click on the Software Update Availability then select the "software update tool"
<H3>Software Update Availability</H3>

This application provides the ability to see all Software Updates that are available for order via the Software Update Tool.

and it's there top of the list..

Damnit.... Stupid PTC yet again goofs up our maintenance records.

<center>According to our records, there are no products entitled to software updates.

To have this issue investigated, please contact the Maintenance Department.

[*]Call 877-ASK-4PTC (877-275-4782) or 781-370-5408

[*]Select the Maintenance option from the menu.</center>
hmmm.. bummer! I'm sure if you give them a ring they could probably sort it out for you pretty much straight away, but it's an inconvenience!

After a few phone calls, it does appear our maint. lapsed by a month, it ran out in April.

We deal with ADi, since we are a small business, and not PTC
directly. ADi went through some reorganization, and we didn't get
a reminder about continuing our maint. agreement. So, we're
sitting ducks right now. ADi is currently digging up our licenses
right now, hopefully we'll get their quote this afternoon and get a PO
out to them ASAP.

In the meantime.... no WF3.0 for me.
Thanks James!

Do everyone here a HUGE favor. Make a part in WF3, and try to
open it with WF2. Let's figure out if they are truly backwards
compatible...for once!

Also.... after just trying a trial version of Inventor... it looks like
PTC is copying exactly what they are doing. PTC, Autodesk, and
Solidworks are all looking like the same thing as time goes on.
I thought I read somewhere along the way that WF3 parts were to be
compatible in WF2. I had absolutely zero faith that this would be
true, as it never has in the past.

Any nice, noticeable differences in WF3 that you care to share? Did they fix the mouse movement????

Did they fix the horrible color issues? (gray screen, red/black datum
planes, etc.)? I've been using the pre-wildfire color scheme as
the "new & improved" one is hard to work with IMO.

We just canceled our renewel for maintenance and it started today. Hope you guys enjoy 3.0. When the student version I might buy it for home use.

I never really used 2001 so can really comment but I like the mouse movement and the colour scheme.. but that's just me!

cncwhiz,... all that I can say is BUMMER!

here are some more screen shots..

View attachment 929

View attachment 930

View attachment 931

View attachment 932

View attachment 933

View attachment 934

Nice new feature.. save scene with model...

View attachment 935

NOW this I like.. photolux system library, Lwa lightworks material file support! :) say hello to nice renders!

View attachment 936

Split model tree in Mechanism..

View attachment 937

New Style features... native shapes and cos by intersect (very useful!)

I like it!
hehehehee! I'm like a kid at Christmas! gotta go play with skeletons and mechanisms COMBINED! - movable skeletons! love it! should make my life one hell of a lot easier!
Edited by: james.lynch
About time they made some of these improvements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to post these James. Keep posting as you discover new things!
At least they are listening! and I suppose you can see where maintenance support cash goes (not that I've ever paid it - my college gets full support and 70 licenses (including NC, ISDX and mechanica for
James - By any chance could you take a look into detailing side of WF3
and see if any improvements were made there at all? I know they
are supposed to support color-rendered views now, I'm curious what else
they've "improved" upon.
Unfortunately my drafting capabilities are not quite what they should be so I wouldn't be the best person to comment on that - I only learned the minimum to get me out of a hole... hope to pick up some tips at this years world event!

I will have a look tho'..
Edited by: james.lynch


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