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Modelling Competition 2006 - Suggestions.

Skint I agree with you, we all have life obligations and we cannot submit our time only to competition, so time limit should be reasonable.

My idea is that we should do something like you have 20 working hours to finish your project (this depends of theme for modeling), and you got whole week, or two to show your work here.
This way we ensure our selfs that none would spend more time for their models then the rest of participants, and 2 weeks is enough time for everyone to finish models.
One week or two weeks ?!
It is not enough !

For example I study and work everyday, so I have
only little time on Saturday and Sunday.

In my opinion - You should give at least 2-3 months
to finish project.
This is why I stated a while back that the time allowance is a very important thing to consider, for instance most people ( myself included ) only just has enough time whilst at work to visit this forum
let alone start to model something else whilst in work time. Then, there is the weekend, I am lucky enough to have a floating liscense that I can take my computer home and work over the weekend if I have to, but other people may not have that option... and realistically a lot of people will not have access (legally) to pro-e at weekends ?

That was going to be my other suggestion, that the competition be arrange and set-up for Friday afternoon, the deadline for entries would be Monday morning ?

Perhaps we should think about the time limits though when we understand more from the moderators about what the actual topic of modelling will be, they may intend to pick something fairly simple for this first exersize which can me modelled within a couple of hours etc... lets wait and see.
yes, it was decided that someone form committe members will collect those models and convert them to commercial version using a university license at university using proE.

Without having to wade through 11 pages of discussions about this and that. Has anything come to fruition ?

Has a competition been posted yet somewhere ?

All I've seen so far is discussion. Who is heading all this stuff up ?
Hi coolntn1,

The discussions have been ongoing for a few weeks now so that the organisers can officially build some basic rules etc, Speling has been one of the main guys bringing things together and has privatly (PM messages i mean ) been in contact with several members who he believes will act as good judges and moderators to the competition.

Nothing formal has been released yet, so we are all waiting for the next update.

Its the start of new things to come so we must be patient.
Regarding the time allowance... you might try assigning a specific modeling time, say20 hours, to each contest. Have the contest run over a period of 2-4 weeks. Each user could then allot his20 hours of modeling time asrequired. You would of course be relying on the honesty of users as to how much time they spend on the model.
burnsp said,

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You would of course be relying on the honesty of users as to how much time they spend on the model.

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I agree and modify it as follows:

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You would of course be relying on the honesty of users as to how much time they spend on the model and who actually made it.

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Good point Israr, although you're relying on the honesty of the user as to who actaully made itregardless ofthe modeling time.
I think that your going to make this too complicated for the comittee to judge if we start going into such depth. They should just give us a deadline for submission, say 1 month, and we just submit our parts for this date.

To try and over regulate the competition will just cause alot of unecessarystress on the organisers.

I think adding a specific modeling time makes things easier for everyone. For the users, there should be no last minute pressure to make their model "just a little bit better" and for the judges, the models should trickle in over time as opposed to all at once and they won't have to compareCP'sspace shuttle to my coffee cup.

You're already relying on the users honesty as to who does the modeling, so the honesty thing should not be an issue.

Also, I think adding a specific modeling time forces the user to plan and think about what he's doing. It adds an efficiencyskillthat wasn't there before.

For me personally, I won't enter unless there is a set modeling time because I can't compete with guys thatmight model100 hours versus my 20 hours in a 4 week period. 20 hoursin 4 weeksis about the max I couldspend on this contest (family and work come first).
I understand what your saying.. but regulating that would be nearly impossible !! as with relying on users to submit thier own work... again.. impossible to prove..
It certainly is a tricky thing to get right, lets hope the organisers have given it a lot more thought

My first suggestion many posts back was to start the model contest on the 1st of a month, allow acertain amount of modelling hours ( which is the trustworthy part ) and then submit final work on the 1st of the following month.
If we all go to "paranoid" about that users would submit not their work, or that they should spend more time then it is needed, then we would never got any competition. Then why should someone do that? I mean there isn't any prizes for winners, not in cash anyway.
Anyway user would must submit description how he model the model, why he chose its theme etc. Do you think that someone else would do all that just that some other win in competition? I think not, only if someone pays that kind of transaction (then I think that this kind of person is mind sick).

I vote for time limit for modeling, and different time for uploading finished model, something as burnsp suggested. Although I think that one month is to much time for something that could be modeled in 20h, rather 2 week max but whit specific theme. For one moth theme should be moderate.
I think that we all can spend at least 2h per day for free time, in this case for modeling, so 2 weeks is enough time. As for concept, ideas you can think about then on a way to work/home etc, only time for modeling counts.
Taz, you're right,the honesty ofwho doesthe actual modelinghow much time thy spend are both of equal importance. You're eithercomfortable with the honesty of both or neither. If both, then assign a modeling time, if neither, then don't have the contest at all.

I'm personally comfortable with both. If someone cheats, it negatively affects them, not me.I'll still do the best that I honestly can in the timeframe I'm given.For this contest (or any for that matter), falsely earned victory would be far worsethandefeat.

I wouldn't joint the contest for the actual prize, but thehealthy competition with fellow modelers. I suspect most if not everyone would join for the same reason.
Isair - Who has 2 hrs spare per day ?? yeah i could reduce my mere 6 hrs sleep a night down to 4 ... but i dont think i'd be fit for work !!


