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cp nice to have u back and tht compliment of urs made my day i will surely try to improve my rendering thanks again mate for ur comment
Nice model, now you just must render it

Yeah I tried Blender, and get stuck, because I didn't know how to apply material, scene, camera etc. so I drop it, and get my hands on Photolux, try to get better renders.

As for this Indigo render engine, well not surprising its free, there are a lot of good free programs, people just don't know they exist, because they never heard of them.

Blender is good program, but then just like any other program you must learn it, and fot that you need time, which most of us don't have
I just dont understand why they have to make it so damn hard to do something as simple as apply materials. I dont usually have much problem learningthe basics of programs especially material editing but Blenders seem very complicated. PTC has a good thing with the ease of their photolux, I am dying to hear what the proCONCEPT is like. Has anyone seen what the differences are?
Hi all...I have free trial version of Autodesk ImageStudio [url] ; ; ;id=6871030[/url]. I was playing alittle bit withthat renderingprogramand it seems to be very powerful weapon.There is very easy to import part and even the assembly from PROEandconsequently render it...Great software but of course little expensive...But you can dowlnoad the trial version justto try how good itactuallyis....and then make a decision...
Edited by: Miko
Hi and good morning everyone

I am new to rendering ... well i am new to Pro E for that matter ... this is probably my first mail in mcadcentral ...

Anyway I have tried to learn Pro E using tutorials, and have done some of basic modeling in Wildfire 2. Some using Styling and surfacing and some with extrudes and variable section sweeps.... have also tried to do some renderings
here are some of my models

This is a speaker modeled using surfacing features ... front was created using Style and the stand was created using surfacc in extrude (plz correct me if i am not using the right terms ) in WF 2 .... rendered in basic render photo renderer

full sized images:


View attachment 3207

View attachment 3208
Welcome to forum!
those are great models and redners, considering that you are beginner, and that you used photorender, very good work.
Hi Piotrwoski and all guys

welcome Mahtab,

You know guys whats the meaning of mahtab?? guess

bight Full moon

