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Hi Piotrowski,

Hmm, I can see pictures - maybe is problem with firewall or? In attachment send i pictures as zip.

I was gonna say it looks like the housing for a borescope. Very nice model, especially in the exploded view you can really see the details. Were you looking for some advice or just showing the model?
Hi Piotrowsky

How r u man?? do some thing, there is no competetion after discussing a whole year. whats about ur cars models??
I currently have two separate projects going on...the Scuba Goggles and my personal design that I'm working on having manufactured by summer. I just havent had any time to do anything else. As far as a competition, I would like to see a basic modeling competition. Something simple.

do you use solidworks? Did I change your opinion with that 4 hour free Pro/E surfacing workshop in Dallas with respect to modeling Pro/E vs SolidWorks?
Hey Bart,

No, not a big Solidworks user. Haven't used it since '98 or so. Just thought had a good example of a modeling/rendering challenge.

Your workshop a year or two ago was great though. I've modeled in Pro/E for several projects since then. Render in StudioTools, Maya/mr, or Maxwell depending on time and the needs of each project.

Is going to hold a Photoreal competition this year?

Good to hear from you.

Edited by: speckofdustin
We should just have all our users put a request down for a model they think would be a good one for a challenge. Maybe if someone has time they can start a thread requesting ideas for a modeling competition. I am incredibly busy right now or I would do it myself.
Good Evening everyone

Here are images of our model of F - 35 fighter plane. This was a group project ( 3 members including myself ) for Pro Engineer Design Exhibition category of First All Pakistan Mechanical Engineering Competition 2007 organised by GIK Institute, Pakistan. Our project won the 2nd runners-up prize

We modeled the main body ( outer surface ) and sub assemblies/ mechanisms like engine, vertical landing mechanism, cockpit , landing gears mechanism, flappers

I worked on the outer surface ( used style feature ) , landing gears mechanism , and cockpit assembly.

Images of all sub-assemblies are here 2007-04-07_135735_f_-_35_images.rar(Size of images other than those shown below was bigger, so i am uploading as rar)

View attachment 3374

View attachment 3375

View attachment 3376

Edited by: mahtab_msa
Model looks real nice. Sorry guys...been busy. Trying to finish the final design of my invention is proving to be a hard task by ones-self.
looks like there might be some g2 continuity on the fuselage. Are you getting lift on the leading edge of the wings? Basically you tie two conic curves together on the leading edge both with different RO values.

You don't have a boundary layer diverter on the two inlets...

Also, what stealth angels did you use? Was that not a part of your assignment? Maybe you are just happy to play with Pro/E but I hope your not an Aerodynamic Engineering Student.

"It is just sculpture if it is not functional" Said by an employee at Design-engine looking at my Pro/CABLE work that did not tie to RSD.

Edited by: design-engine
thanks for the appreciation and comments

Yes it is a model or sculpture ... or approximate shape of body and different parts ....
we used pictures of main body and othe parts to create approximate representation of real parts. No technical details. our basic goal was to include differnet techniques of Pro E in our model.

