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My Pro/CABLE work so far is nothing more than sculpture. Until I learn RSD I am a cable sculptor. Just a cool looking model.

The best part of Pro/E or 3d modeling that I think is addictive ... is the satisfaction of completing something so cool as a jet airplane or a mustang.... Years later when we look back at our models we realize mistakes or subtle differences. To learn Pro/E (or to get better like CPiotowski and I) we need something as engaging as a car or an airplane to keep the attention.

Look up boundary layer diverter in Wikipedia too

Boundary layer control apparatus is provided (22). The boundary layer
control apparatus (22) is for use with an aircraft propulsion nacelle
(12) positioned such that the air inlet (14) of the propulsion nacelle
is located proximate an aircraft surface (10), wherein a boundary layer
is established on the surface when the aircraft is propelled through an
atmosphere, causing air to flow over the surface. The boundary layer
control apparatus (22) includes a duct having an entrance (24)
positioned between the aircraft surface (10) and the inlet (14) of the
propulsion nacelle (12) for capturing the boundary layer air passing
over the aircraft surface and diverting the boundary layer air away
from the inlet.
THe addiction of seeing a completed model that I did myself was definetly asignificant part of why I sat here day after day doing it. Most of my motivation came from wanting to better myself but if I wasnt as passionate about it as I am, I wouldnt have made a fraction of the models I have made on my free time. THen again, I also wouldnt be where I am today in my career.

Almost done with my work, then I can start something up or pick back up on an already started model.
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Above: Ashtma inhaler Product (Demontford Copyright 2007).

Hi there all,

Fairly new to this forum...and new to Pro E. Using Wildfire 3.0. I have a product design back ground...working for a consultancy in Australia.

Thisrender wasmodeled using a Pro/Surface & ISDX...bit crude modeling wise...but then again I have only been using the package for about 2 months or so. Rendering wise...I have used many packages & I can honestly say that PTC have a fair way to go. Not in terms of capabilities, but in ease of use. Pro E is quite fankly cumberson for realsistc or otherwise. This was render was done in Max 9.0...far better results in half the time...using one tutroial I found online to achieve this. As I say I'm fairy new to this...but I would advise anyone out there contemplating learning/using Pro E to visualize to have a good look around first.

Love Pro E for modeling though...I have just moved from Mechnical Desktop over to Wildfire...great Program... Currently looking for ISDX & surfacing tutorials wth a product/industrial focus if anyone has any to share.
Thanks<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> [/B]mahtab_msa & kevinjbrault for the link...I actually already have that one...had it printed and bound just the other week actually! ; ) But thanks for putting it up there. Do you know of any others that exist? I have bought to manuals from CADQuest (online shop), they have a got two really good (click by click) books both about 300 pages long with great examples etc. One on an intorduction to ISDX, the other, an introduction to surfacing. Both are great. I'm just looking for something that goes past the basics and moves up to an intermediate level. Thanks again though.

no it is not. The whole idea behind this is a fun.
I wanted to bite a surf deeper as it is needed in the matter of my current job. I wanted to make it and in the end to have something that one can meet in real life.

The first idea was a car - it is obvious, almost everybody starts with that. I wanted to make it in a little different way. Because my time is limited - job, kids, house works, etc., I could not - I knew that at the beginning - take it to "extra" level. So I decided I will make... - well, a beamer that looks like a car.

Take a look - wheels are speakers. It is not shown but there is also a place for CD drive. Speakers could be disassemble.

It is crappy design, but it also looks funny.

you only need to measure your progress against long as you keep learning and improving that is is good to stretch a bit and see how close you can get to the real artists on here( you know who you are )...But in the end you measure against your own progress and make sure you keep challenging yourself...

I figure I have ten more years before I can make a decent render hahaha

my 2 cents...


obvoiusly the renders was done by my 4 years daughter and the models are mine,)))))

I happy that I still meet people the push the envelope higher and higher to not allow me stuck in one place with existing skills - it is better to meet and learn from experts
well all details will be shown tomorrow in the topic - "surf modeling for fun". While this is rendering topic I do not want to post another pics untill they are better than this first one

so generaly I thought it would be nice to have a beamer with dvd, card reader, speakers, and all hardware and software inside.

with that, one can have all in one - perfect home cinema. But it also could be use in office. For example software would be able to run word, powerpoint and movies, so you write everything down on CD, or flash and then show all without external computer
Great render!
What are dose models?
I think that ProE render is easy to use, but to achieve this level of quality render with ProE, it takes a lot of time and nervs.
I realy doubt that it is possible to achieve that kind of quality with ProE render...

The bigest problem is that I have never see a detailed tutorial for ProE render, where could that kind of quality render could be created.
I think that PTC doesn't pay attention much for ProE renders, and its compatibilities .

Only quality renders from ProE I have seen was made by CPiotrowski, so he is our only hope to create some detalied tutorials

Great idea, and concept!!

As for render it is great for start, with time you will create great renders like Cpiotrowski

Edited by: Isair
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Thanks Isair...

The models are Ashtma inhalers (protective covers that offer a mechnaical advantage to the user).

I agree with you, Pro E render is good - but has its limitations. Productivity wise though, I guess it has the advantage of being parametrically linked. But to get quick high end results its a bit time consuming.

I like Cpiotrowski's work, but for me...well I think his renders are a bit over the top i.e. heavy on the style, but not overly photo-realistic. Over the next view weeks I will post some more renders that I have done. Cars, medical equipment stuff. I go for realism over style/creative lighting etc.

You can let me know what you think ; )
I'm not sure where heavy on style became a bad thing. Renders are only as realistic as the program and your knowledge allows. Just because someone does a render in 3DS doesnt mean its gonna be photo-realistic. Your posted render is aquality render but its not photorealistic. It's missing refraction and realistic materials. Try to remember this is a Pro-E forum and a thread based on Pro-E renders. Having the owner of ask me to write a blog about the making of the Mustang 2-seater on a forum strictly made for modeling and rendering is pretty goodtestimonytoa very close to realism render. Done in Pro-E or not, it still got 4 out of 5 stars and thats taking into consideration the render and the model. I never set out to make better renders than a rendering program, just to show that pro-e with enough time and knowledge can produce a very nice render. I'll take someone saying my designs are heavy on style anyday so thanks. It's what I get paid to do.

Edited by: CPiotrowski

