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ARX gets HDRI in WF4.0.

That allows global illumination for a more natural rendering, without a whole lot of effort, and HDRI scenes are available from third parties.

I picked Maxwell Render a short time ago, but I suspect that it will be difficult to import Pro/E models/assemblies. There are plugins available, for Solidworks as an example that, that do the heavy lifting. I would like, but don't suspect that PTC would be interested in a 3rd party plugin thatmight reduce the need for ARX.

I don't do that much rendering in Pro/E, but I would reconsider that and probably purchase ARX just for the HDRI capability.


Where did yo hear this? more info PLEASE!!!

I just read about it this morning and now can't download 4.0 fast enough to test it out. The documentationsays HDRI 'environment'lights and, seperately, 'skylights' are new lighting features. It should be interesting to see what they are capable of.
At the risk of sounding like I'm really geeking out, I just tried it out & my conclusion is HDRI lights are real & they're fabulous. Rendering times increase exponentially, however. A rendering with 3 distant lights & a spotlight that took a few minutes in WF 3.0 just took 45 minutes with Environment lights in WF 4.0. And I have 4 gb ram with the 3 gb switch.
mgnt8 said:
At the risk of sounding like I'm really geeking out, I just tried it out & my conclusion is HDRI lights are real & they're fabulous. Rendering times increase exponentially, however. A rendering with 3 distant lights & a spotlight that took a few minutes in WF 3.0 just took 45 minutes with Environment lights in WF 4.0. And I have 4 gb ram with the 3 gb switch.

That's one of the reasons that I was originally interested in Maxwell Render. I can use up to 3 additional network nodes (computers) each with an unlimited number of cores (which I would argue maxes out at 8 cores with dual Core 2 Quads per node), plus the cores that I have in the host machine. Someone could always buy more render nodes down the line if needed (like to create a render farm).

I would be curious if ARX can be configured for all of the cores on the host machine. That would really make a difference in performance. Mechanica can take advantage of a large number of cores as well.

What exactly are you downloading to test this out? Are you downloading the student edition of 4.0 or the trial version? I have to get my hands on this new renderer.
Do I need to upgrade my license for this?

I'm getting an error saying License file does not support this version.


Yes you do have to upgrade your license. I don't know if hyperthreading is supported but I'm hoping.I wonder if its more useful to upgrade to windows 64 bit anddouble my RAM, but that is probably for another forum.I think this was on another forum but the link is here for WF 4.0.
hello guys

Could You tell me which setting(color, lights) should I provide to achieve result shown on pics below

View attachment 3936

View attachment 3937

I am specially intrested in lights

I tried to handle this with ambient turned off, and with three distant lights. But I did not reached the point. I tried also play a little with bulb and spot lights, but these two generates artifacts in the final rendered picture(no metter what quality is set). I mess around a little with HSV option but... I feel I miss something.

Take in mind I have no ARX.

These TVs are existing ones. That are not prototypes. Mine looks pretty same so that is why I attachted these pictures.
It would be real hard to achieve this type of render without ARX. I typically use two lightbulbs and one spotlight from a low angle.
well CP, it is not said to achieve exactly the same results. The goal is to come close as possible.

I will try to send later some pics, so maybe, if you find some time, you could tell me what settings are wrong.

Unfortunately I have some problems with bulb and spot light. They cause artifacts on rendered pics. Not always but it happens. The source of this behaviour is still unclear for me.

I suggest you put a decal on the part that is precolored. If you can not add decals then you can at least cover the surface with an image made from another software by assigning the surface to have that image ( basically the same thing )



