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46 " LCD TV I am working on

real photo

View attachment 4165

my render I did sometime ago

View attachment 4166

skwasim_smile said:
How if we conduct group design competition where in we will design project in groups and submit and we will select jury to analyse this and declare the winner so this would be fun and gr8 to share some knowledge with each other so wat do u guys say.

I agree with you skwasim. I would only start it as small project, not a contest, just as team work with splited responsibilities. First small project for start. If this run and finish, then something bigger could be considered. For sure, I`m in!
Team project proposal:

four teams consisting of 5 members each made up the following:

1 expert pro e user
1 or 2 advanced users
1 or 2 intermediate
1 entry level

the three teams sign up in a new thread for sign up only, I suggest first come first served, but that may not be fair with the timezones. I say go by posts and then let a moderator decide who goes where. IE sign up like this:

will participate
self rating of: intermediate user
timezone (x)
availability (Y) 24 hours, partial, 5 mins a week
software version (Z)
model shared nature: import geometry, featured geometry...etc ( for those that need to use other versions, or do not want to show all the details of the software file)

once the teams are decided then we take a poll for what to make using pictures or whatever is appropriate. A deadline should be set for completion, including a render. The teams divide up the work and present their completed model to the forum...If there are too many sign ups then we add teams.

how about that?

In something I did I made the groups switch models half way thru

Edited by: magneplanar

nice work muadib3D
but according to me can u reduce light a bit and make the background little dark so that ur product features can be highlighted very clearly.

Glad you liked the idea of working in group i hope CP,Design Engine,Skint,Isair agress with this so wat is the project we are gonna undertake for this and how do we divide the members into different teams please can any one come up with the solution.
Im always up for that.

Some of the latests renders (case wheeled excavator cab)

Some more about me and background can be found on my linkedin webpage : [url] &fromSearch=0&sik=1189822392882&split_page=1&amp ;rd=in&authToken=1lJWodg83P_tkeqTLeuk9Wi4digkljnQldgkV5d A8Rcz0UgjgMcjcTdjoTdjcV&authType=NAME_SEARCH&goback= %2Esrp_1_1189822392882_in[/url]


Edited by: dojo

Thanks for the comments. The modelling was completely done in Pro, weld assemblies, mechanisms, wiring harnesses, drawings and the interior parts. I gave up on ARX, although it seems to be improved in WF3. I invested in Maxwell render, which imo can create the most realistic images I've seen to date, but it comes at a cost : rendertime. I still think it is alot easier to assign materials in a other render software compared to Pro. Maxwell also has a very large texture database, which speeds setting up a render scene alot, compared to creating your own or the the few free ones available from lwo. It does have a dissadvantage, you can not model in maxwell or add basic primitives like a floor. I used Carrara before but it lackes the realism factor. Carrara is still a option when we render movies from our mechanisms or do a rotating platform to present a design.

The website will be updated soon, most images of our work will be rendered in Maxwell, so I'll post some other pictures soon

Hey Skint,

I went to the site, logged out and did a search on my name, Dominick Joos and it found the profile. Anyway as networking is everything today, maybe its not a bad id to sign up

its nice to see the activity in this thread again. What's the talk about using teams for amodeling competition? Sounds like a fun idea but how will it work?
Hello everyone! Nice forum! Sorry CPiotrowski but I can`t see the pictures of your Mustang but I have read the comments on the pictures and I
kirancitd said:

I am very poor in rendering? may be i am not having that much patience like all you guys. But i want to render my baby model which i have done almost 6 years back on 2000i.

here is the picture

View attachment 4219

Turning perspective on is a good start for a lifelike piture in most of the cases.

thats a real nice model DJ, I love the details. A real nice render would make it look 10x better. I still dont have my hosting site back up so none of the images i've posted will show unless I host them thru somewhere else. Wait, if I have the mustang here at work i'll just host it at so you can see it.


