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Some surfaces behaviour makes me confused

thx mahtab

I am waiting for Your pics.

One request - please do attach pics with curves network or with patches layout, to let rest of us see the details of Your approach.

I do not want to compete in renders with a Rendering Q&A. That is not my goal

I am struggling on the concept of new thread. Once I wanted to settle "challange" section, but since everybody is busy within his own job, such challange would be considered to consume to much time and attention.

I thought that it would be better to focus only on the main problem concerning "those" curvy shapes, which is in the end surfaces layout.

So I consider an idea to introduce photos with a device and make a challange who would guess how the curves/surfaces should be layed best down to create it. The rest - modeling - is up to everybody to find out best tools.

Sounds intresting, doesn`t it?
mcgowanp said:
I have some free time and your whetting my appetite with this stuff!!

any results to share Patrick?

Unfortunately there is no ginger cake in my drawer though...

some more new stuff next week comming. New questions, new doubts...

few old pics of existing challenge - to early to introduce more, next week is up to it
haven`t time recently to finish this, I stucked in the area around "triger" button.

There is strange surfaces transition which I do not have still clear picutre of.

I played a little bit on Friday trying to simplify whole thing



Jacek, its a great start ! I checked out those .pdf`s. I was thinking just the other day, that a forum such as this would benefit so muchfrom a simple section where users could upload a whole bunch of tips & tricks .pdfs, it would save new users and beginners so much time in searching for answers. I know I could of benefitted from a tutorial base when I started, and I could do with it now too !!

What I particularly like about yours is the user-friendly way that you have written them, no mind bogelling words or explinations required, keep it simple !

Good start. Your website will eventually be a great resource. I should contribute !

[-Skint- said:

Good start. Your website will eventually be a great resource. I should contribute !


so feel yourself as invited one

anyway, thx for good words. There is still a lot to be done in proe-warsztat considering materials, so everybody with the will to support the site is invited.

I have the list with the topics I want to introduce in proe-warsztat. The list is till rising, and there is a problem "who`s first" and "when".

Next thing - screens for gallery.

Hey people somewhere "out there" - if You want to share Your models(pics) in proe-warsztat, just mail-me(I like this phrase: femail me, taken form home page, the guy responsible for some of "Sin" levels).

proe-warsztat gallery is open to share any picture Pro/E related, but it must pass my private "taste" condition first!
let`s make a cute round

here is a fine model to round

the rear part of it contain intresting round ttansition, let`s take a look on bounch of methods one can follow to achieve that
so to make it looks better a curve for round to follow is a nice idea to introduce

this looks a lot better, doesn`t it?
still the middle piece of this round could done better than this result

however it demands a little work around by the use of Boundary blends

make the final round as surface and trim its front and middle section
Update is finally ready(finished yesterday due to the server problem)

most of introduced on proe-warsztat topics are now translated on english. Exception - article about sketcher. Hope, come soon!

Still, I count on Your feedback with finding the "bugs" hidden somewhere onto the page.

Same with comments - there is an idea and possibility to turn on Comments sytem on the page. Howevere as always - still this need a lot of tuning work which I now can not take.

So, summarizing it - have fun, and give a feedback.

Use a "Flag" on the right to swith to the English version!
Thanks for the nice tutorials.
i have a question. in the image below, you've mentioned, there is a way to make the line endpoint always touch the datum plane below the surface. can you please explain how?
Thank you.
Hi solidworm

thanks for reading and attention

so there exists following shape

bottom surface is made by VSS + Normal to Projection option

then datum plane selected as as base for projection, serves in sketcher as reference. It is enough to fix a line to it, to achieve introduced above results.

I noticed I did some mistakes into text. Well, there was a big rush, but it is certain I am going to fix them all up in the next release
Hi Jacek
Thanks for the reply. mine looks like this. i don't have the datum plane as a reference in my VSS sketch.does proe create that reference automatically, in VSS sketch?

This is certainly true of Pro-e as no doubt we have all witnessed. Kind of annoying though, asWe Engineers ( not necessarily a 3D modeller view-point ) kinda like to plan things accuratly and precisely. Shame our modelling skills cant live up to our idealistic engineering approach

( "" Quite from above linked document "" )
Under-built or Exact-built Surfaces
well, well who Would guess it before - I headed up 1000 post!

I am darn proud of myself

it passed almost 4 years since I registered here. If one would consider into acount almost 3 years before of my tracking the proecentral forum, just keeping an eye on "introduced" posts(I rememeber there was some kind of handling fee to have ability to ask question) then it would something round 7 years!

oh my gush!

