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ProE rendering.. I think I like it..

very nice work Isair..

I pulled out one of my models from last year and said I'd have a go rendering it with ARX and I don't think it came out too bad! View attachment 1035

I havent got the whole lense flair thing right as yet but I think I'm on the right track anyway..

Edited by: james.lynch
Thanks guys.. I was actually trying to achieve a lacquered metallic paint effect, similar to what you might get on a car body work. I designed this product having runBMXoptimization and feasibility studies followed by Global optimization studies in Mechanica. it's made from 7071-T6 AL but is sprayed and lacquered tofinish.

I'll play aroundsome more..
If that is what you were going for then it looks like the base is the right material for the top if its suppose to be painted aluminum. I think what is throwing us off is the chrome effect on the inside walls of the top assembly. Your on the right track. Post some high res images when you get a happy rendering so we can see the details clearer.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Yes this one look real photo realistic, great job

I was always thinking that ProE render is no god, but now my opinion change rapidly in positive direction,
Right now I started to render my previously asm once again so soon it will be posted here.
Floor position set-up is easy! Orient your model to a position where the floor will be directly underneath, then use 'reset room rotation'. Set display to wireframe and move floor directly under model. Use 'room locked to studio' to ensure that the room moves with the model when rotated. Hope this helps!


nice render, well done

I can share my small experience about lens flair - try tocreate alight bulb in front of your model near the floor,lower the intesivity of that light (in my model i had 0.4) and play with settings of visiblelens flare.

and to pjw

the problem you are reffering to have been already solved. go to 756&PN=1&TPN=6botom of the page.

And if you want yourroom to rotate with themodel use "room locked to model"
Edited by: sim@
Sorry that's what I meant! It's the same with lighting as well, you can lock the lights to the model or the studio (or camera or room for that matter).
Hi all. Why I cant see curves on the model after rendering or photolux?

Textures from Graphic Library are .tx3. Can I use Jpeg textures without lose quality after the rendering?
The render looks alot better Isair, I still say the bricksa re too small though. What is the total width of that assembly cuz those bricks are about 6 inches in width ea. I think that is the only thing that is throwing me off. Also, did you use a bump map for the brick wall?

MIKO...all my renders are with jpg images, I have never used a tx3 image to render so the answer is yes, you can use .jpg without losing resolution.
Total width of asm is 1140 mm, maybe are a little to small.
At first image I post here I use bump mapping on wall but it cames terrible, I got plastic effect, so on this last image I remove it and it comes out great. This texture is just great and no need of bump map, you can get it on address I post it on post below image.

Once again thanks for complements and great tips
mganzer said:
Nice work James!

Thanks Mark, much appricated!

Isair, that's an excelent rendering! looks very nice indeed! and to be honest, if that asm is almost 1.2 meters wide, the bricks are perfect in size! I think CPiotrowskiconcern is that it's dificult to get a feel for the overall size of the rig, perhaps add a component of known size to the model, or it could be as simple as maybe putting a sign on the wall, one that people are familiar with, that may work.. just a sugestion! but really great rendering!

Thanks for complements!
Image wouldn't be like that if there wasn't yours tips, as long as from other so the complements goes to you all as well

Right now I will work to render some of my old works with new knowledge and then I'll post it here.
Till then I expect to see more of yours renders James and from others
And yeah I almost forgot, thanks for tipto putt sing on the wall, I just think that will do exactly that.
Isair said:
Thanks for complements!.....
Till then I expect to see more of yours renders James and from others

you are very welcome Isair! I think it has been mutually benificial!

on your picture, may I also suggest softening the shadow a little, I think it may add to the realism of the environment! (I dint think the model itself could look much better



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