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ProE rendering.. I think I like it..


First of, the rendering is excellent really nice detail, I can see what C.Piotrowski is talking about.

The item that strikes me out of proportion is the cable to the hook, it looks likes a piece of thread and the whole unit is crooked to the bricks

Really though, very nice rendering Israr

Now when you mention it I see that bricks and whole asm aren't parallel, I didn't notice before

Yes the cable is to small compeering all others parts in asm, but then dimension of cable comes out of my calculation (as well with all other dimensions of asm), so from that point it is OK (from my opinion whole unit must be constructed in different way, but then I'm restricted to work fallowing script of constructing hand wench from my collage)

James, thanks for shadow suggestion, I will render it again with all modifications
Edited by: Isair
Isair said:
Till then I expect to see more of yours renders James and from others

you wish is my command!

View attachment 1047

I think I've sorted (as much as I can without spending a lot of time on a texture map) the speaker grill..

View attachment 1048

View attachment 1049

View attachment 1050

View attachment 1051

bottom left pict here is an actual Pict..

View attachment 1052

LHS side picts are photographs..

View attachment 1053

now unfortunately this last one wasn;t actually created in ProE
.. I'm not sure the water with that type of replection could be to be honest...
Very Very nice models and rendering guys. I would like to know this modeling and renderingtoo.

James your texturesare too Jpeg format?
WoW! Great, Excellent, wonderful

Keep god work on more rendering!
I see that you are much playing with surfaces and ISDX, you must be expert on that field
Expert, well maybe not.. but I'm probablynot bad at it! it's a bit of fun! I think I enjoy playingwithPTC's ID solutions, they put a lot of effort into it in the last few years and I think that it seems to be paying off..

Hi james,

Compliments. Very, very nice. Could you please send me the prt-Files for the ISDX features or do you have some tutorials.

Hi Jochen, the best free tutorials I've found were in the help section of ProE. to be honest, I dont really want to part with the part files a the moment because I'm applying for jobs are the moment and they are part of my "portfolio"
but as soon as I get a job, I'll post them in a heartbeat!any good to ya?

if you have any specific questions, by all means send them on (in a new post and send me a PM to make me aware of it) and I'll do my best to answer them.

Sorry I can't be of more help,

Absolutely great!

About yours portfolio James,try to construct tool for that sony mp3 player with all drawings (if you already didn't do it) I think that will also bee very impressive for yours portfolio (well some people doesn't like pretty picture they also wont something they can produce and make money from it
). Just suggestion, anddoing thisyou can learn EMX (again if you already don't know).
Edited by: Isair

I'm in the process of tryign to achieve this but that's quite a bit of work and I'm quite busy on other projects.

but you are right, that would be the correct thing to do! I've been meaning to try and learn EMX alright.

anyway, MORE PICTURES PLEASE! there are 30,000 members in this forum so why have ye all not posted pictures?

Yes I know that there is much to learn and to little time to learn all

I'm working something similar to yours portfolio and with work and collage I relay don't have much time for all other thing, like learning all ProE modules.
Yes where are pictures from other?
Nice pics James, still starvin for a high res image of thsoe speakers but I guess those will do, they look great. The speaker grills look much better than before. I would post some more images but I havent had time to make any.

Sorry...Keep em coming though. Also, someone send me one of your models so I can render it to compare and see who can help who in rendering.

[email protected]

For some reason this render took 12hrs, looking at it I have no idea why. I've had plenty of better renders in much less time.


Edited by: CPiotrowski
Ideal for wallpaper

Great really great, I like material what you used for speakers
as for grid of speakers did you try with bump mapping? I think that with bump you can really get real speaker
pjw: Very nice photolux.

Hi all. How can I see curves on the model after the photorendering or photolux?
Miko I don't think that curves could be seen in rendering (because they are curves so its nothing to render on it, and if I'm wrong correct me), second you might turn on real time rendering (if you have good computer, because it will slow down with real time rendering), so then you be able to rotate , pan your part and see curves.

pjw great job it is relay nice!

My suggestion is to try with different angle of view for this handle, and maybe closer look, also try to use perspective (if you didn't use it on this render).
Also my expression for this image is that is maybe to dark (this dark/shadow in corners of pictures).

Hope it helps


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