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Wildfire 5.0

It does an automatic trim back (which is cool) but is limited to g1 connectivity.It is hard to impress me and that tool impressed me.
design-engine said:
Anyone download WF5 pre production yet and play with it yet?I spent over 16 hrs pushing it hard this past few days at PTC.

, i downloaded it this weekend and played whit it for a couple of hours... Some really cool new features, and yeah...the drawingmoduleis really "wildfiredized" . I like the new options in the roundtool... and the icons/options for realtime rendering (automatically adds a transparent floor), the new "color and apparence", and as Bart said...the approximate surface

Edited by: tobbo
Today I have played around three four hours with WF5.0. It is a pretty good release from PTC; I appreciate the developers for adding some really cool stuff to WF5.0

Based on the initial review I will say PTC could have made this release a mile ahead with a little effort.

I could not still work it out why PTC could not wildfire their simple sweep, blend, helical sweep, and datum curves.

I was so keen to have a look on new drawing mode, which PTC not disappointed me; unfortunately there is no break though enhancements in new drawing mode. Basically they consolidated everything to a ribbon type tabs (Microsoft 2007 style).

I agree they have added few improvements in usability.

In reality if you look one by one tool in new drawing mode they haven
Approx offset... when you offset a surface to get the nominal wall thickness and one surface patch fails for example the software will prompt you for an approximate offset and still let you 'get her done' so you can go on to the next problem...Imagine a conic edge to your cellphone and shell will not work. Well the technique I teach has always been to offset the surfaces that do work and create a four part boundary in the area that would not offset.The approximate offset tool just makes that offset work for you veering from the nominal wall thickness.

Give me 1 good reason to use the simple sweep command other than inner faces.

leow_john said:
Today I have played around three four hours with WF5.0. It is a pretty good release from PTC; I appreciate the developers for adding some really cool stuff to WF5.0

Based on the initial review I will say PTC could have made this release a mile ahead with a little effort.

I could not still work it out why PTC could not wildfire their simple sweep, blend, helical sweep, and datum curves.

I was so keen to have a look on new drawing mode, which PTC not disappointed me; unfortunately there is no break though enhancements in new drawing mode. Basically they consolidated everything to a ribbon type tabs (Microsoft 2007 style).

I agree they have added few improvements in usability.

In reality if you look one by one tool in new drawing mode they haven
Merge ends/ open ends are one more thing that missing in VSS

I use VSS rather than generic sweep; but I wish all Pro/Engineer commands looks modern.

Cascade menus
SImple sweep can use a non tangent traj. In WF2 VSS the traj has to be tangent if I am not mistaken. (Been on WF2 for client reasons. Dust collecting on WF4 :( )
VSS can use a non tangent trajectory, IFYou choose to make the section "constant" . (then it works as "sweep feature" )

Edited by: tobbo
Downloaded WF 5.0 and looked at it for a couple hours.

I am very disappointed. I'm in the mold design field, I was at the rollout for WF 3.0 at PTC, Netesh Gohill

was talking to me for an hour about new items coming in WF 4 and WF 5.

Two things he mentioned that would be in WF 5.0 was tons of new updates in mfg and mold design and the ability for a gui to walk you through how to do ex. a VSS.

Neither of these items were achieved. I beta tested the remove command for a year and gave him ideas for changing the extend command, in my opinion it is very weak.

I just wish they could spend alittle more time with the surrounding modules and not just the core product, PTC has been refining the core product for way to long ... get it done already and move on to other modules.

Our company runs Cimatron, Power Shape/Mill, MasterCam, VX, SolidWorks and Pro/E and compared to Cimatron and Power Shape, Pro/E has trouble keeping up.
Well I am NOT disappointed. Great release..

Sure there were more things that you were hoping always...BUT the new failure mode is sooo much nicer. Almost happy with only that...and as a bonus quite a lot of show offs...

I loved the new import interface and especially being able to include a startpart while importing. I have tested it with Solidworks imports and it works great.

Welding module is also a big difference, never used the old one.

Lots of other nice things as appearance, properties with materials, scenes and the trajectory rib mentioned before....AND not the least the new help menu that's an improvement!!!

I couldn't mirror walls in sheetmetal as stated though.

Detail mode stalls ProE....anyone else having these problems?

Edited by: magnusod
design-engine said:
Approx offset... when you offset a surface to get the nominal wall thickness and one surface patch fails for example the software will prompt you for an approximate offset and still let you 'get her done' so you can go on to the next problem...

I found it. It nearly crashed my computer, but it worked.

Style has some new stuff but I don't see much documentation on it. I like the edit curves with cv's, but wish they could fit to reference geometry like splines in sketcher. What is the "Parameterization" for surface creation, is this new? Right off the bat, N-Sided works great for fenders - awesome upgrade there.
leow_john wrote:

"I could not still work it out why PTC could not wildfire their simple sweep, blend, helical sweep, and datum curves. "

The simple sweep command should be removed from the menu picks because you can do everything with the new VSS tool.
I witnessed yesterday the new addition in the "round" menu... to simply select a round and automatically make it C2

The maniken extensions looks interesting for those creating vehicles or furniture etc. Seems to be pretty simple to use, but they always do in these seminars dont they

Not sure about the new Office 2007 style menu system yet, as I hate it in office lol. Will perhaps download and have a play with Wf5 this week.
[-Skint- said:

Not sure about the new Office 2007 style menu system yet, as I hate it in office lol.

Skint, are you talking about drawings?So thats where they got this new look. Pretty confusing at first. I have a feeling its going to piss off a lot of people initially.

